Alas, no Stitches photos. No time. Not really blogging today, either. Tomorrow I’ll try to have them up.
I just had to say that it blows when you THINK you know your schedule and therefore don’t bother to check your calendar and show up two hours EARLY on the day you’re supposed to work two hours LATE. So I got to work at seven, didn’t need to be there till nine, and now have to work until nine p.m. Not much moving goin’ on today, I suppose.
During my unexpected two hours of Nothing To Do (I guess I could have gone home and packed more, but eh), I drove to the Bayfarm Island shore and sat in the rain in my car, facing the City and the Bay Bridge, knitting, listening to the new Indigo Girls album, and reading the New Yorker. This may have taken multitasking a leetle too far. But I haven’t had much time to do any of those things, so that was just a two hour bonus.
Enjoy your weekend, all.