Thought you might enjoy seeing my fantastic view of the city.
Aren’t people amazingly and awesomely weird? Love it.
(PS – Almost all my cool links are courtesy of Lala. It’s rather predictable that way.)
(R.H. Herron)
Thought you might enjoy seeing my fantastic view of the city.
Aren’t people amazingly and awesomely weird? Love it.
(PS – Almost all my cool links are courtesy of Lala. It’s rather predictable that way.)
Jon’s just the cutest thing, just like I knew he would be.
Look at him! How adorable is he? We had the best time, and we shopped for yarn (lots of yarn, sigh), and other things. It’s not every day you wander the City with a guy, looking for yarn, and ending up taking home dirty pillowcases. And I don’t mean they were pre-used. They’re just made that way. And no, I won’t show you. Come to the Castro, and I’ll show you want I mean. Heh. See, now THAT’S fun shopping.
Then we drank beer and watched the people go by. We assessed walks, outfits, and dog choices. Now look at this little girl:
Jon blamed her outfit on Kaffe Fassett, and that just goes to show you what he’s like. Don’tcha think?
Now, no more. I’m in a hotel in San Francisco on a training week (they’re putting me up! Sixteen miles from home! I love it), but the internet access is spotty, so if I’m slow in emailing, forgive me.
I ran into my lovely, loving, beautiful friend Trish at the mall the other day. Heaven help me when I go to the mall. Hate the mall. It was only the outdoor outlet kind of place, but it’s still the mall. Erg. Tried on approximately one thousand seventy-two pairs of pants that made my butt look flat, my hips square, and my legs short as a dachshund’s (sorry, Harriet). So it was a vast relief to run into someone there, and even better, it was one of the few people on that frustrating day that I would WANT to run into.
I mentioned to Trish the stale smell in my house, and I sniffed a bunch of candles and air fragrance thingies at Bath and Body Works. Then I promptly became overwhelmed by all the choices and settled in for a chat with her, leaving the store empty-handed.
She tracked me down at Old Navy, and handed over a bag. It’s the one I liked the best, Tuberose.
There’s the BEST gardenia hint to it. It’s just perfect. I’m happy.
Oh, I was just in SUCH a bad mood after dealing with getting groceries and a tire rotation and, on a separate stop, an oil change (which was staffed with boys who did NOT pick up on the my signals – I needed to say "SHUT UP! I’m NOT INTERESTED!" but I didn’t, so it’s my own fault), and then the bad mood was worsened by fighting my way up East 14th home, only to remember that after all those errands I had left my laundry back in Alameda and having to turn around and go out again.
Then I got home to THIS. Oh, yeah. I feel better now.
Also: To whomever sent me the free sample of Schick Intuition, dude. Although I have been too busy to shave this week, and I’ve been conscious of it (although I’ve worn pants all week), it was kind of a shock to receive it. Like the universe knew and didn’t approve. But I’ve been wanting to try it, so thanks!
**And added a minute later: OH, MY GOD. God bless Lala. THIS is even better. I’m crying here, I’m laughing so hard. As she said, more people should drive while talking on cell phones.
It’s official. I’ve defected and gone to the other side.
Happy weekend, all!
I just came home (slept at Lala’s) and I’m home for a few minutes before I dash out to work, but it smells funny in here. Not funny cat-like, thank goodness, but funny like I need to clean the garbage disposal, or like the apples are too old on the counter.
I’ve had NO time to clean, NO time to blog or read blogs. This weekend promises to be short, also, since I’ve got plans for almost every minute of it. (The Whoreshoes playing in Oakland on Saturday! Come see!)
But the cats remain obnoxious, and isn’t that the most important thing? I’ve fed them, so my job is done here. They hate their new prescription food, so it sits on the floor until they’re almost dead with hunger. Then they eat and glare at me. They’ve both lost weight, and that wasn’t actually the plan. It makes them more obnoxious as night, though — they know I’m at my weakest and will get up and give them the equivalent of Pop-Tarts in the middle of the night, just to shut them up.
Bath full! Must run!
(I haven’t even had time to see the last twenty minutes of the Amazing Race, and that’s just a sad state of affairs. Okay, bath REALLY full.)