I was online last night, going CRAZY planning. You know, I’ve been good at compartmentalizing stress this year — not worrying or planning the wedding until 4 weeks beforehand, that kind of thing. This Italy/Belgium trip, I didn’t really plan it until last night. But boy, did I plan. I wrote pages of instructions to myself, where this is, where to put that, what to buy, what to pack.
The first day of travel we have to get from home in Oakland on an airport shuttle to San Francisco Airport to New York to Brussels to Brussels Midi to Charleoi Sud to Charleroi Airport to Treviso Airport to Venice. We leave at 4:45am on Saturday morning and arrive in Venice at 10pm on Sunday. The next day. But dude, I have the beer stop in Brussels Grand Place all planned out, so we’ll be fine.
Anyway. After I cooled down and got most things in line and settled, I started browsing online and ran across 43 Folders discussion of Moleskine hacks, and I decided I needed to get another Moleskine, only I didn’t know where was I going to get a new one by the time we leave, when every minute until departure is planned out…..
I got home from work at 7am, and Lala found me in my room, talking a mile a minute, searching for blank Moleskines. I found one, but it’s the larger size, and I wanted a smaller one. I was sure I had one, but I was wrong. Sigh. Resigned disappointment.
Get a call today from my wife, who says, "What kind of Moleskine did you want?"
"Pocket-sized sketch!"
"Do you want a pen?"
"A Pilot G2! Really, truly? You can do that? Get me those?"
"Yes! I’ve got them!"
That is one of the many, many extremely sexy things about Lala. She listens, even when I’m crazy.
And y’all, I’ll see you in about a week. I’ll be back next Friday. Don’t know how I will get you pictures, because said hot wife will still have the camera, because she’s all like, "I’m on tour, I need the camera," whereas she doesn’t understand about YOUR needs, does she? But I’ll get you pictures. Promise.
Be well.
Have a fabulous time! I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fabulous stories to share with us, even if you don’t have the pictures right away.
Have the best time ever. We should Bay Area Knit Out when you get back and settled. Travel well.
Have a wonderful trip and safe travels!
Buon Viaggio, Rach! XXO
Be safe and have a blast! I know you will!
I need a wife like that! Have a lurvely trip, and thanks for turning me on to Moleskine- they’re coming out with “City” notebooks for individual cities.
Have a great time!
Oh my! You’ll be in Europe but still too far away… I’d love to see you guys one day. You’re such a… known life. Blogging does this to us, doesn’t it. Anyhow – You should have the BEST TIME EVER! Promise! *hugs from Sweden*
Have the best time ever !
Don’t freak when you land at Treviso and you appear to be landing in a field with a small shed in it ! They were cutting hay next to,as in right next to,the runway last time we flew in there !
hmmm i want a wife. the husband doesn’t listen too well.
have a wonderful trip! i’m looking forward to seeing pictures. tons of pictures.
I love your crazy last minute planning! And the whole crazy week in Europe thing. And, of course, the thoughtful wife. Not crazy.
You don’t need me to tell you to HAVE FUN, but hey – I said it. I look forward to entertaining stories galore upon your return.
Have a wonderful time, I’m sure you will.
Have fun you guys!!
Have a rockin’ BLAST, the two a’ yous.
Happy travels — have an amazing time! (Lala roolz.)
I hope you have a lot of riveting knitting for that long travelling.
Have a fabulous trip! I’m sure you will.
I LOVE the idea of a Bay Area Knit-out! sign me up!
have a great trip!
Have a great trip. Seriously jealous over here. I keep having this image of you and your Hot Wife in a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs. Makes me really happy, that image. You ladies rock and I am so happy you are together. Stalkerish? Yes. Sincere? Very. Mwaah!
Hi, Rachael —
Long time no chat, but I keep following the good life via you and La. One of the things that’s kept me busy is that I just moved to Madrid (!) and want to tell you that the days are warm, but the nights are cool, so a sweater — if not *the* sweater — might come in handy.
Also, re: the cutie pie English guy from the other day, circular knitting machines (for long stockings, more than socks) were invented in the 16th century (!). Isn’t history amazing? Read Richard Rutt formore info.
And have a great time in Venezia and Brussels. And everyplace in between!
If you like pilot G2’s, you might want to try this on one of them.
have a wonderful, fabulous, relaxing time with your sweet wife! ๐
Have a good trip! Even camera phone photos will be good enough until Lala coughs up the goods.
These are things that make husbands hot, too. Can’t wait for photos and memos. (I may have to find the Interweave hooded cardi…. Tres belle!)
love you both,
Exciting!! Enjoy!!
Have a wonderful, wonderful time! I’m so jealous about the Belgian beer stop. I’m not much of a beer drinker, but I do love Belgian beers.
Pictures! We must have them. Tell the wife that! Or use your phone cam. Jealous you are going but happy for you. Want to vicariously live through you on the trip – I love Italy! Have a glorious time and eat incredible food, see incredible art, meet incredible people for me.
Love to La and to you,
How come la doesn’t have a comment section on her blog?
My oldest daughter loves Moleskines too. We can usually find several styles at our local Borders. Glad La could come to your rescue. Have a great trip!