Pride goeth before a fall. Sure. Pass up yarn from two shops Tuesday? Easy. No problem. I’m not a yarn whore. Nope. Not on Tuesdays, anyway.
But on Wednesdays? Behold. THIS is what whoredom looks like.
Yep. Nine balls of Jo Sharp Tweed Silkroad (mmmm, merino wool, silk and cashmere). That’s some touchable goodness, right there. It’s most likely going to be a zip cardie for me. That was yesterday. I drove to San Rafael (an hour away) to look at buttons. At a shop I heard might carry some yarn.
Some yarn. That’s like saying Costco carries some food. Dharma Trading doesn’t even really carry buttons – I bought what they had, just so I could say I did. Okay. I went there for yarn. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step.
It’s stunning – the enabling I do for myself.
Our Pioneer asked yesterday:
I just came from another blog where BART was mentioned and now you did it too. What is Bart? Is it available over the counter? Is it contagious? Should I be afraid?
BART, darling one, stands for Bay Area Rapid Transit and it’s our sweet little commuter train. It’s definitely Mass-Transit-Lite: doesn’t run all night, doesn’t go too fast, is pretty dang expensive ($2.65 one way into the City). But what I love about it is that there’s a stop less than a mile from my house. And now it runs all the way to San Francisco Airport. This means, effectively, I can walk out my front (and come to think of it, only) door, walk down the street and go to Italy, without having to drive. I don’t know why I think that’s so cool. But it is.
I had another nice day. You know what? Sometimes I feel guilty about my nice days. Isn’t that silly? I feel trivial writing about gamboling in yarn shops and eating with friends: I don’t have kids, I’m done with school (at least for right now), I work full time but have three days off a week, I only support myself and two cats.
But when I get over feeling guilty (MAN, was I supposed to be Catholic), I enjoy days like today. After the shopping accident, I called my friend Monica. We had lunch. Not no restaurant lunch, neither, I’m talking about the best kind of lunch ever – McDonalds, eaten out of the bag on her lawn in the sun, watching 15-month-old Winter cover himself in ketchup and dirt. He likes sticks. At one point, he dumped his fries into the grass. Then he picked a couple up and gummed them. Monica laughed. I think that’s the ultimate proof she’s a good mother, don’tcha think?
Then home, over the Richmond bridge with the top down, playing Death Cab for Cutie and the Long Winters, wearing my sunglasses. (I swear, doll, I was).
Then dinner with a friend. An ex, actually, but I don’t think of her that way. That would lessen her, and that’s impossible. Always a wonderful time with her. You know those people that you just enjoy? That you can sit across the table from and think, “Day-um. This is fun. I want to hear more.” And you lean forward and listen intently and feel right.
A full, round, happy day. No knitting, but that’s on for today, baybee.
Woo! Jo Sharp. Yay you. Don’t feel guilty; just have fun. And I agree about Monica!
I’m thinking $2.65 one way to Italy is a sweet deal. 😉 Thank you for enlightening me.
Pioneer Factoid: three times I read your Titleless Title as ‘Titless’. No need to page Dr. Freud, I’ll just get on BART and take a few weeks to recouperate in Italy. I might even sunbathe titlefull.
Even though I’m jealous of all the nice days you’ve been having, I don’t think you should feel guilty. Enjoy! But damn, Rachael — stop taking pictures of yourself while you’re driving!! You scare me! (Oh, and I love the Costco simile.)
Oooooo…Dharma, BART, SF….you can take the girl out of South San Francisco, but you can’t take the SSF out of the girl….;-)
Enjoyed your blog! Nice haul of yarn. Hey, its not crack. So why sweat it?
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, i wish that was my yarn basket. lol. you just keep having those good days, girl, ’cause i love reading about them.
your story about monica reminds me of a story my mom tells about us. when i was a baby we were sitting on a blanket in the yard. she turned away for as long as it takes to turn away and turn back again and found, to her suprise, a grasshopper leg squirming from the side of my mouth.
no, she did not laugh.
Do not.. I repeat DO NOT feel guilt over a fab day… Hey, that is what life is all about, enjoying the good stuff!! This, coming from a FORMER Catholic (I was excommunicated I imagine, around the time I went on the pill and willingly participated in premarital sex, living in sin and the like :)Life is short, ENJOY it I say!
Hey, your yarn haul looks like my yarn haul!
Hi, my name is Michelle, and I’m a yarn whore.
(hi, Michelle!)
It’s been [counting] 6 days since my last yarn purchase.
(what the hell is wrong with you, girl?!)
Your day sounds fabulous and I love reading about them, too.
No need to feel guilty at all!! (I used to have this problem myself, being young and unattached.) ENJOY YOUR NICE DAYS!! I’m not entirely sure that we get enough of them. Or those people that you enjoy. I’ve never knit with Jo Sharp yarns before. You’ll have to tell me what you think. I’m totally in love with the patterns from the Village (Jo Sharp #6) book.
Yes, yes, yes, keep having and enjoying your wonderful days! Roll around in a big pile of yarn. Eat frites and take lots of pictures of your lovely smile for us. It’s so nice to share those days with you, as I sit at this desk and edit things like The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Talmud and the wind blusters and shrieks outside. No, I’m not kididng. That’s really the title I’m editing right now.