It’s legal now.
(Thanks go to Johanna for being our perfect marriage commissioner, Janice and Mandy for being our witnesses, Zak for the blessing (and the first two shots on this page), Rachael Ashe for being the Official Photographer, and Diane and Joan from Full Bloom Flowers, the perfect place to have a wedding.)
Congratulations – again. May you live long, happy and knit-filled lives together.
wonderful, beautiful. Wishing you a lifetime of full of happiness together.
Congratulations, and may you have many many years of love and happiness! You both look lovely (and you just gotta love a bride in cowboy boots)!
More lovely photos! I like this multiple wedding business, even if the reasoning does suck. Congratulations and best wishes AGAIN!!!
Oh GAWSH, you look gorgeous !!
And Lala? Well, I am not inclined that way, but DAMN !!
Lucky and beautiful, both of ya’s.
You two look so happy…many congratulations!
Rachael, you look lovely and your dress is gorgeous!
(sniff) I can’t help crying at weddings.
Many many congrats on both ceremonies. Your dress is just gorgeous and you both look so happy. May your life together build on this joy – now get off line and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!
Congratulations – you look beautiful and happy. Hooray for Johanna, she is wonderful and I’m glad you were able to use her.
Congratulations to you! Wonderful!
Just the pictures are making me a little weepy…beautiful brides…
Congrats to you both! You look lovely!
Congrats to the both of you! You guys look great!
Love all the smiles.
Your dress really is perfect and your shawl looks incredible with it.
Congratulations, again!
You’re both so very beautiful. I’m so happy for you! Congratulations.
Excuse me…I need to go find a tissue.
awwwwwww, such sweet tender photos…
know that I was there in spirit!
Blessings for ALWAYS…
Dude. THE DRESS. was perfect! and so are the two of you together.
The two of you look so lovely and happy! Congratulations and may you spend many happy days together.
Were these particular pics of the Vancouver part of the wedding ceremony? If so, it makes my heart swell to be Canadian and that, at the moment, such a thing is legal in Canada. Let’s hope that the current conservative prime minister does not have his way in destroying such a special thing.
Heartfelt congratulations to the two of you!
Happy honeymooning, Gale
Congratulations! You both look really lovely. ๐
Congratulations! Here’s wishing you continued happiness in the life you have begun together!
Cngratulations! You both look gorgeous and ecstatic. ๐
Oh my gawd, I’m reduced to teariness. Many, many congratulations to the both of you and may you have a wonderful life together.
Congradulations!! There is nothing more fulfilling and wonderful than publically and legally commiting yourself to your best friend. You two are beautiful!
Congrats!!! Wish you both all the best.
This is so wonderful! Congratulations!
You two look so amazingly happy.
Wahooo! Congrats!
Everybody should be as happy as you are.
we met only once with the harlot in berkeley but i read you often! congrats to you and lala – your wedding post made me cry. cheers to you both! -maggie
how perfect! congratulations to both of you – have a wonder-full life together!
Hooray for Wedding 2.0!
Have a fantastic honeymoon.
Just when I thought this wedding thing couldn’t be any better….
Congrats! Your pictures are beautiful. Best wishes to you both!
Congratulations to you both! May a lifetime of love, compassion, fun and great health wrap you warmly in your togetherness.
Swear to god, I’m gonna start flying a Canadian flag in your honor.
I found my way over here from Rabbitch’s blog! Congratulations on your wedding! Have a fantastic honeymoon and a wonderful life together!!!!
Hey Rachael,
It was my pleasure and honour to be present!
You two are so the sweetest couple ever. Beautiful weddings!!! I wish you the best of everything!
I love you.
Many happinesses to you both!
Omigod, Rachael — what fairy tale weddings! And you are an absolute fairy princess. May the joy and love you have today be with you always and every day to keep you warm and safe. You’re beautiful, and your handsome prince ain’t bad, either!
I’m thrilled and a little weepy for you both! Congratulations!
(And the dress? Seriously. It rocks!)
OMG! OMG! I’m sooooooo super excited that if I were in front of you, I’d annoyingly jump up and down…oh wait, I’ll hold it in until later this week when I’ll do it in PERSON! YEAAAA!
*sniffle sniffle*…I always cry at weddings, and now at wedding photos! You both are gorgeous and make a beautiful couple…congratulations!! ๐
Congratulations my sweets. Happy, happy day.
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! I wish for you a long and beautiful life in which you can continue to gaze into each other’s eyes with as much love as is in your wedding pictures…I am so happy for both of you that I could just burst!!!
congratulations ๐
Oh! The Very Bestest Blessings to you Both!!!!!
What a lovely dress. You looked beautiful. Now we need to see that shawl in a bit more detail, please.
WOW. I’m getting all snuffly over here…that full-length picture is just…
WOW. So happy for you both. What a gorgeous couple, in every sense of the word.
Ohhhh, congratulations! You both look so happy.
Congratulations! And so glad to see a full photo of the dress! It’s beautiful and utterly perfect. I agree with Teresa we need a more detail on the shawl at some point. Have a wonderful honeymoon!
(And finally, damn, I’m proud of Canada!)
May you have long, happy and healthy lives together.
So pretty! Many congratulations to you both!
What a wonderful occaision! You both look so happy and glowing! Congratulations. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey together!
You are obviously belssed with great happiness and love.
God bless Canada!! I’m even more proud to fly the Maple Leaf in my house (even if it is above the toilet).
Thank you so, so much for continuing to share your happiness–what a generous person you are. Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon! God bless Canada indee, Rachel T…
I am a long time lurker ever since I knit your hot water bottle cozy (in Malabrigo, ooh perfect) — and feel a bit shy about this — but your gorgeous wedding and the lovely photos and that dress and the lipstick (love the lovely Mac) and you both and everything — I just wanted to wish you both much happiness and much yarn and many more such beautiful days. Your stories have made more than one of my days.
Much love and joy to you both!
Woohooooooo!! Congratulations! May you always have good health, happiness, prosperity and love in your life together.
Brightest blessings. {hug}
So happy for you both. You both look divine and so very happy. Congratulations and much happiness and love in the future.
Awwww, congrats! I’m so happy for you!
Congratulations to the both of you. You both look lovely and so happy. This is an amazing time for the two of you, I wish you love, joy, strength, and endless hours of pure happiness.
I wish you both a Wonderful, Love-filled, Blessed life. Each of you got a Hottie! (30’s curls and cowboy boots rule!) Congratulations!!
I wish you both a Wonderful, Love-filled, Blessed life. Each of you got a Hottie! (30’s curls and cowboy boots rule!) Congratulations!!
I always love pictures of people knitting their lives together! Congratulations!
Ahhh… beautiful photos, and looks like you had about the world’s nicest people with you to celebrate your wedding.
Sniff, excuse me, I just need a moment here….
I hate to sound like a broken record, but Congratulations!!!
Congrats! You both look beautiful!
Beautiful. What a wonderful thing. Congrats! May you always be this happy!
Congratulations! Your smiles are radiant. (everyone else too, but y’all are a couple hundred watts brighter)
Yay!! You gals look magnificent. =D
Beautiful, just beautiful!
LOVE the dress. ๐
You are both radiant and beautiful! Many well wishes and hugs!
Are you lovely ladies coming to MSWF this year?
You had me at “Lala looked like Johnny Cash”.
Congratulations my Sweet. You’ve got such happiness ahead of you, these days will pale. I promise. ::smooch::
haven’t been by for a few days…ooooh sweethearts, i’m so happy for you…xo, p
You two are the most beautiful couple ever. May your days together be full of joy, love, and all that is good in life.
I’ve been lurking around reading your blog for a year and a half (found your blog looking for a good scarf pattern, but you reminded me of my sister-in-law so much that I kept reading) and loving every minute of it. I’m so totally tickled to see you and La married and happily settled in your new abode! Congrats!
Congrats beautiful people! A long and happy life together.
Love, Kay
Congrats! You both look perfect and so happy! I wish you many more happy years together.
Congratulations! I hope you have a long and happy married life together.
I am SOOO happy for the two of you! Congratulations! You know that Italian sandwich place in Temescal? I never went there, but I remember you pointed it out and said you were going to get sandwiches there for one of your early dates with Lala. You probably don’t remember that, but I will forever!
That full length photo is so very beautiful! Stunning dress, but I love your two happy faces the best. Congratulations, again.
Coming out of lurkerdom to offer my huge congratulations! You both look so so happy and your dress is just gorgeous. We ended our honeymoon in Vancouver and LOVED it – such a beautiful city for such a beautiful couple!
Auguri, that means Congratulations in Italian.