That was awesome. Really. Even better than I thought it would be.
1. No stress at all. We didn’t even really tell anyone about it until Monday and only invited my sisters and La’s brother and sister-in-law to the ceremony. It just happened that Lala’s parents told us on Tuesday that they’d be in the area, so they got to be there too, which was unplanned but amazing.
2. Did I mention no stress? I dug my dress out of the coat closet an hour before we were supposed to leave. Yep. Still looked okay. Lala got held up at work and got home twenty minutes before we had to leave, and she made it with time to spare.
3. I was NOT the only lesbian knitter there getting married! Nancy Roberts, of Machine Knitting to Dye For fame (she’s a genius), was marrying her long-time partner, Adrianna. So great. We lurve them.
4. The hair! Lala’s had her orange stripe for a while now and I realized our photos might look kind of funny. I called her two days before the wedding and said, "I’ve been thinking. You know, I’m just not that comfortable with the idea of you have orange hair in our wedding photos." Then I paused, a LONG time, in which I heard her brain scrambling for some way to save her hair. Then I said, "Unless I have orange hair, too! Will you dye mine tonight?"
5. Pictures (more over here):
At the clerk’s desk, waiting to get our license. So. Cool.
Waiting for our justice of the peace to come git us and take us upstairs where the magic happens.
I have gathered you all here today….
Lala, me, Adrianna, and Nancy. You can tell who’s part of which couple by the color arrangements. (Nancy dyed that green yarn that Adrianna knitted up so beautifully. I wish I’d captured the sweater better…..)
Gotta have a Rachael self-portrait style shot.
At dinner, at Soizic (right before sister Bethany (right) got slammed with a screaming migraine. Poor kiddo). Fantastic dinner. Thank you, Tony!
Sister Christy and me. We might have had a few drinks by then. But maybe not. You never know.
6. After a family dinner, we had a drink-up with friends at Baggy’s By The Lake, where we had our first date. Everyone appeared to have a good time. I certainly did. I believe there was bourbon and dancing involved, but again, that might just be a rumor. More party pictures over at my Flickr set.
7. We learned that Baggy’s is a $30 cab-ride (not bad) home, given that the cabbie is employed by Grand Theft Auto. Damn. I swear, if he could have popped a wheelie with his cab, he would have. Apparently Lala was terrified, but it felt like one big video game to me.
8. Love is good.
Love IS good. Beautiful smiles. Enjoy 3.0!
Congrats x3!
I wish I was closer to California. Monday is me and my gf’s 6 yr anniversary. Would be a great time to get hitched!
Hooray for love!
you are looking so great! and of course even better you two together…:o) congratulation! *hug*
Again, you two are just the cutest! Congrats on 3.0!
Mazel tov!
You two make a delightful couple. I am so very glad that you may be lovers, in love and LEGAL.
Huzzah for progression.
Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! You both are absolutely beautiful (and so is the wedding ring quilt in the background)! Congratulations and all the very best.
Is that another tattoo on your left shoulder?
I hardly ever comment, but often read your blog. Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!! Oh, and, love the orange hair.
You are such a gorgeous couple! Congrats!
So grand, so grand. And the coordinating hair is SMASHING.
So happy that you get to marry your love THREE times!
Let’s all push to keep it legal! (Our election is coming too – aack!)
Much love to all!
You had me laughing so hard with how naughty you were to Lala about her hair! I love the streaks!
Congratulations to you both! The pictures are lovely, as are both of you!
love is great! congratulations. i’m so happy i live in california where i was able to marry my boyfriend but could have married a girlfriend if i wanted!
You both look wonderful and in love! Congratulations Rachael and thanks for the pics! I hope you will not loose any of your rights. xoxo
Totally awesome. Love the matching hair! =)
Yay, congratulations again!
I love the last kissy pic. ๐ You miss the color of Lala’s hair but you get to see how cool her curls are.
Congratulations 3.0!
I loved my “front row seat” at your wedding. Many years of happiness to you and Lala!
Congratulations 3.0.
Love your dress! You two look so happy together! Congrats again! =D
I can’t help but cry like a baby at how beautiful you guys are!! I’m SO DAMN proud to be moving to California in a few weeks, cause how can ANYONE deny that your love isn’t allowed?!?!
My new goal in life? To take you two out to dinner.
Your ink healed up nicely, too. I’m sporting a nice scab on my chest right now ๐
You two rock!!! (I think I may have mentioned that before?) You’re both beautiful and amazing women, I’m so glad you were able to finally make it legal in our country.
I hope to be as happy as the two of you some day. xox
You both look wonderful and in love! Congratulations!
YAY! Congrats on getting hitched! I hope that your CA marriage certificate is legal and binding forever!
Much love from Michigan!
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Congratulations! I am grinning from ear to ear, here! And can’t stop hitting the exclamation key!
Love your hair (both of you)! And love the kissing shot at the end. You should print it out and have it framed.
I believe wholeheartedly in the institution of marriage. May you two have as much love in yours that we do in ours!!!!
Congratulations! ๐ Haha, I love your matching hair.
Yay! Love is, indeed, good. Now if only Maine would legalize our union, though I think I’d just as soon they recognized our Canadian wedding.
Congratulations to everyone involved. Love is definitely good!
May your love last you all of your days
And save and support you in wonderful ways.
Congrats again! *jazzhands*
Like Jim Morrison said, Love you three times, baby!!! I send you cuties three times the hugs & kisses. Ain’t love grand???!
p.s. hugs & Hi to Bethany, too!
Happy love day! Happy marriage x3! Happy legal in California!
What a fabulous celebration of life and love. You and Lala are positively glowing! Makes me feel good about life. And now I am absolutely going to volunteer at the phone bank!
Looks like it was fun! Sorry I missed the partay. xoxoxo
You two are so ridiculously cute. Best, best, best wishes. Love IS good.
Congrats! Sorry I couldn’t be there for 3.0
Third time is TRULY a charm . . .
Congratulations! I love the sweet story of the hair! Plus, the orange looks adorable on both of you. All best wishes!
Wonderful! Y’all both look gorgeous in orange. I hope that someday soon you’ll be able to get married in every state.
Congratulations and best wishes once again! Y’all are becoming old hands at the wedding thing, and it certainly suits you.
so freaking fabulous! and the hair. love it. wish kevin and I had done something awesome like that!
I just had to delurk to give you my heartfelt congratulations. How absolutely wonderful! ๐
Love these piccies and still loving this blog. Its become a great treat for me to follow your adventures.
Wish it was legal in federal law though… my partner is from the US and I’m from the UK. She is literally exiled in England because we cannot legally live together in the US, in any state. Of course, this is because immigration is an issue of federal and not civil law.
Lots of people dont realise this, our friends have been quite shocked that we have no choice to live in the US, and Christine has to choose between being with me or going ‘home’.
However, these pictures are very cheering to me, that there is some movement, in some states….also, hoping that there will be a number 4,5,6 for you…..and sure there will be ๐
Lee x
Congrats! I gives me the warm fuzzies that you can legally marry!!!
If you two were any cuter I would explode. Congratulations (again! and ever!)
A lifetime of happiness and showers of blessings on you both!
It’s good FO SHO!
I had Grand Theft Auto come to fix my TV once. It was pretty funny.
Congratulations on Wedding 3.0!
love -is- good. boys, girls, whatever. enjoy.
Congratulations! Love the coordinating orange hair stripes — too cute!
Love IS good ! definitely !
Amour, amour, le seul bon chemin …
Congrats again !
Congratulations on #3!!!
What a beautiful post to read first thing on a Monday morning! Congratulations!!!
3.0 Good Stuff!
Congrats!!!!!!! Looks like a hell of a party!
Yes, love is good. However, let’s hope you don’t have to do it again because of politics.
congrats, awesome persons!! times three!
You are probably sick of hearing this by now but you too are so very cute.
I can’t wait until later this month when my friends in LA finally get to get hitched.
Congratulations! (Again :)!)
Wow! How rock n’ roll do you two look? And happy and relaxed and everything. Yay!
Congrats (again)! Y’all look so very happy.
yay x 3! and thanks for giving me that life-affirming feeling you get when you see a really happy, loving couple.
Third time’s a(nother) charm! You’re like super-duper married now. ๐
Congratulations, and I wish you decades and decades of happiness and love.
Rock and roll!!! Love the hair, still love the suit and the dress. and I especially love the marriage equality!!
You and Lala look so radiant in your pictures. Congratulations!
Many, many wishes for ahppiness and a long love filled life together!!!
Sniff… Even just pictures of weddings make me cry..
I meant “Happiness” not “ahppiness” of course. Sheesh. I can’t spell with teary eyes.
Congratulations! How can anyone object to love…?
All girly and weepy on this end! Horay for LOVE and…. thank you for sharing!
Congratulations! Lvoe the matching hair!
Congratulations! So happy for the pair of you! And your hair looks AWESOME in the photos.
Congrats and love love love the sassy hair on you both! ๐
Congratulations!! AGAIN!
Again, Rachel, you’ve managed to make me feel good through & through by sharing your life with all of us. You two are amazing together!
Hooray! Congratulations! And a great big NO ON 8!
Congratulations to you guys! You look very happy and blessed with wonderful family and friends.
I hope that you enjoy many years together as a married couple!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange y’all just the CUTEST couple?
Blessings to you both, forever.
Up with Love! Thank you for sharing your beautiful day with all of us in blogland. Congratulations to you both. May you have a long and happy marriage.
So I was on vacation when you tied the knot, and I’m only just getting caught up, but I wanted to say congratulations again. Everyone should look as hot as you two with your orange hair! What a gorgeous pair of ladies you two are.
Congratulations, and best wishes for you both!
Congrats (again)! You both look so beautiful!
Congratulations to you two! I’m so happy that California finally saw the light as well. I just got married this weekend (to a man) and we included a reading from the Mass. court decision because we believe very strongly that marriage should be available to everyone.
I teared up. Again. Congrats ๐
For the 80-gajillionth time, let me just say that you two make the most adorable couple ever. xo
I love you two! So many awesome weddings for a fantastic couple.
So glad it could be at home this time.
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Big congratulations! Love is all you need. Well, plus a few civil rights thrown in here and there. :->