I feel like a knitting hack. I like to knit. I knit nice things. But this, people, is AMAZING.
700 knitted panels in this music video, which LOOKS like a music video, from the Quebec band Tricot Machine (Tricot means knitting in French). The panels were knitted by designer Lysanne Latulippe of the fashion label Majolie. And I love the song. It’s a lovely, gorgeous piece.
My jaw is on the floor. Amazing, especially, for some reason, the scene where the woman puts a hat on the man’s head. So fluid!
Thanks for posting that!
La musique, la video, la tricot! Avec tout c’est parfait! I have it written down, and will look for that album! The words parallel the knitted panels perfectly! Merci!
Anne in Calgary
So gorgeous, it brought me to tears.
That is so neat! I just sent it to all my knitterly friends.
Good things come out of Quebec, I always say.
Thank you so much for posting that-it was poignant and lovely. Couldn’t the world be more like this every day?
That is amazing! Thanks for posting – I don’t know how else I would have seen it.
I love the entire album. This song is called “Peaux de Lièvres”.
Wow! Breathtaking and awe-inspiring!
Oh, and today when I was in my local chain drugstore, I saw Cadbury Creme Eggs – and thought of you. And bought 4.
Wow! That was absolutely amazing.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. That’s… amazing that someone could knit all of those panels. Amazing. Thanks!
Oh, man, that’s so clever, animated knitting! Who’da thunk of it?????
Totally cool. Thanks for sharing that!
This was worth the 30 minutes it took to download on my dialup connection! Wow. Just… Wow. And so perfectly Quebecois too. Thanks!
Awesome! I love it when people do things like this.
Thanks so much for sharing it.
Rachel, I look forward to your posts and am never disappointed. Today is amazing! Everyday you keep me connected to the Bay Area and an amazing number of lovely, creative, connected human and animal beings that I share the planet with. Thank you for your witty comentary and willingness to share your life and loves with your readers.
Beyond amazing. Thanks so much for posting. Hmmm.. do you think they’re hand knitted? The ambitious scope reminds me of another mind boggling project, the Knitting machine at MassMoCA, http://www.as220.org/~rachel/Images/massmoca/