I put up my first Christmas tree! All by myself!
I put it in the sunporch, where Digit eats, because he’s the only animal who ever goes out there. But you can see it beautifully from both the street and the living room. It’s perfect. I love, love, love it. The only decorations are the lights and those snowflakes that my sister Christy helped me make. Happy. Always wanted one, now I have one. Happy, happy, happy.
Now I’m going to have a glass of wine and watch A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. None of y’all are admitting to watching it, but I will confess: I’ve seen every awful, trashy episode. A bisexual reality TV show? Come on! How can you NOT watch? Opinions: Dani should win, and Tila is boring but cute. There. I said it. Confess something to me now, please?
(Also, Sile of knit-one-one would like to remind the Bay Area folk that The Magical Mystery Knitting Party is happening this Friday, November 30th. This is how it works. Knitters arrive with their supplies, are served the libation of their choice–usually wine—then Kate corrals everyone and starts issuing forth directions—Cast on 10 stitches—-for example. Because you see the fun in all this is that no-one knows what they will be knitting! Wild guesses abound–of course—-and the winner gets a prize. It is an hilarious evening filled with laughter, fun, knitting and knitters—and you walk away at the end of the evening with a cute little knitted something in your hot little hands. A perfect event. (There is a pic of the last Magical Mystery Knitting project on the blog.))
love the Arianne, love the bangs…16y/o DD also thinks Dani is hot but way more interesting than boring Tila! thanks for the link…apple cozy…hunh…your tree is mahvelous dahlink! happy holidays to you and yours.
I cannot believe this is your first tree! I’m the Christmas decorating queen in this household; I have a very specific method for the tree- lights first, then this pretty wide wire-edged red velvet ribbon, then swag gold beads, and then finally ornaments. I do the tree while Mum does the mantle and puts her tchotchke everywhere.
My confession? I watch America’s Next Top Model AND Dancing With the Stars! Apparently I’m a middle aged housewife. What’s next- soaps?
I don’t watch television on television because [a]our reception is crap and [b]I never know what’s on when (the TV guide is always wrong for our area, no clue why), but I watch the streaming video the network websites offer, while the toddler is in bed and I have knitting to do. As a result (here comes the confession) I am hopelessly addicted to Big Shots and Dirty, Sexy Money.
Oh, what a gorgeous tree! Confessions… In the past 2 days I’ve eaten 7 cookies. (Not little ones either.)
Your tree is really nice and I like it that it can be seen from the outside as well as from inside! No tree for us this year for some special reasons.
My confession? Just started watching House MD (German TV is in season 3, episode 12 or 13 or 14) and am addicted to that weird guy… Have never watched any of those hospital series before.
What a Beautiful Tree – enjoy it!!
it’s a beautiful tree and it’s so cool that you can see it from outside. i’ve always wanted to have a tree i could see from the outside, but i’ve never lived in a house that would allow me to do that. oh well. i love that it’s so simple too.
confession — i watch the young and the restless every day (while on my elliptical trainer). i tape it.
Now that’s a nice tree. That’s how trees should be done (says your New York Jewish friend, who clearly knows from Xmas trees).
TV confessions? No trashy reality shows for me (I only watch the quality reality shows, snerk) but I cannot stop watching Sex & the City On Demand. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Congrats on your tree! I will confess something non-tv-related: I often kind of feel like I want a Christmas tree. Even though I don’t celebrate Christmas. They’re so pretty! (Especially with clean simple white lights like yours).
TV confessions for the stations we get in Montréal are…well…let’s just say I am very fast with the remote and it looks like I only ever watch Food Network

Actually, I do watch Food Network, so much that I know when the repeats are repeats. Especially Michael Smith. Dude is nearly seven feet tall, cute, and knows his food talk…how can I not look?
I also confess that when Giada di Laurentiis is cooking, I’m not watching the food.
My co-worker just caught me up on what’s happening on that show. I only watched two episodes, just to look at Dani because OMG SHE’S HOT. And a firefighter. Which makes her twice teh hott.
My confession?
I’m addicted to Celebrity Fit Club, Work Out, and.. (I can’t believe I’m saying this) I saw every episode of Charm School.
Sadly, I can’t stay awake long enough past the boychild’s bedtime to have any decadent TV habits. Lovely tree though.
i love your tree!! i watch the Tila Tequila show too and Run’s House…i think that Dani is cute too esp her grandma who wanted a lap dance from Tila. But i agree that Tila is kinda lame but cute and tiny. Happy Holidays!
Oh my, that magical mystery knit night does sound like fun! I may have to organize something like that around my area.
And Tila Tequila? Looks like a Bratz Doll, big head and everything. I can’t get over that enough to enjoy the show.
peppermint joe-joes at trader joes! you’re the one, right? who got me into this trouble last year? well, I bought four boxes, so they wouldn’t run out before I got thoroughly sick of them.
consider yourself warned.
your tree is gorgeous, by the way.
Your tree is everything Christmas should be: pure, beautiful, simple.
This Friday is Dec. 1 not Nov. 30.
I was WRONG!!! It’s indeed the 30th on Friday. What I meant to say was, I LOVE your tree and the understated yet elegant snowflakes. Enjoy!
We’ve been watching and voting for Dani too. That was Tila gets two families (fire house and Dani’s)
GASP! i am outing myself, even though i can’t believe i’m doing it. i’m a total shot at love addict – got sucked in during a marathon and now i’ve seen every episode. dani is hands down my favorite. i’m also waiting for the moment where tila finally cracks from the producers constantly prodding her to ask people if they find her “shocking.” we tried to play the tila tequila drinking game (drink any time she says “shock” or any variation thereof) but my liver can’t handle it.
p.s. after that breathless outburst, i think i need to search out some weighty literature and redeem myself a little. yikes.
ok — your pulling me out of my shell on this one…I super duper heart tila tequila’s show. And, my friends, whether they want to or not, have to listen to me talk about this show. Yes, it is trashy — but it is soooooo good. My g/f and I are also pulling for Dani. I had admit my crush. And, I am shocked that Amanda has lasted this long…I guess with Brandy leaving and everything.
Oh, and your tree is very pretty too.
re: Tila Tequila
I just caught my first episode last night. And I will have to admit that I really want Dani to win, except what I want Dani to win is an all expenses paid permanent trip to the Bay Area. I don’t want her to “win” Tila Tequila. That seems like a losing proposition.
I’m on a bisexual reality show? Well, that explains why I am so tired — I’m leading a double life. From the comments, I’m pretty hot stuff in my other life, too :-).
Now that you have gotten the hang of putting up the Christmas tree, I can fly you out here to put mine up. I can’t seem to talk the kids into putting presents under the piano again this year.
oh my goddddd, I love you!
A Shot at Love is my secret naughty pleasure..and I want Dani to win also, but I wish she were winning someone way more awesome.
Also, I LOVE your blog…I just started reading. : )