1) Bungee-jump
2) Caulk
3) Leash a cat
3) Wash in the machine
Okay! I know.
I know! I heard you, I heard that gasp of horror.
How was I supposed to know? I thought felting happened when HEAT was applied. Even some warmth, perhaps. But in COLD water? And just a little agitation?
The secret project felted. Oh, just a little. ON ONE SIDE.
I panic-blocked it – you know the method – where you throw your whole body into the object, twisting and pulling, muttering things about gods and saints and things you wouldn’t want your grandmother to overhear. I think I managed to right it. Almost. How many times have I said I’m of the “never be noticed from a trotting horse” camp? Too many? Is this fate? Taunting me? Testing me? Seeing if I really am a tithing member of the Church of the Trotting Horse?
Well! I am! Vehemently! I’m gonna give this project away at Christmas and ride away quickly. On my trotting horse. And I’ll never be noticed.
I’m feeling better – and THANK YOU for the well-wishes. I really felt like I was on death’s doorstep there for a couple of days. It needed a good sweeping, too, I can tell you that. Back at work today, where I’m going to try to take it easy, but it’s going to be tough to train for ten hours without much of a working voice. But it’s nice to be moving around again. (Oh! Go say hi to Bethany!)
You can try to unfelt it but putting it in lukewarm water with some regular soap and then gently tugging at the felted parts while it’s still wet. You probably can’t completely unfelt it but the fibers should be easier to reshape if the item’s wet. Good luck!
You are such a great writer 🙂 Love reading of your adventures. When the book comes out I want an autographed copy ok?? You ARE writing a book I hope 🙂
Oh….. my god. That sucks so much. 🙁 I feel your pain!!!
Very glad to hear you’re feeling better. And thanks for the sweet comment on Carissa’s blog!! You are too kind, madame. 🙂
And. I love the bit about death’d doorstep needing a sweep! 😉
Oops. That’s happened to me with store-bought wool sweaters. Once I even accidentally felted a sweater I was HAND WASHING. And then there are the “dry clean only” sweaters that I can throw into the wash without a care and they come out fine. Fabric is weird.
I am so glad you’re feeling better. Don’t over do it, though–keep on taking it easy, ok?
So how DO you felt — is it hot or cold water? Did you want to felt? Am I just not awake yet — yes I think I’m not getting this… ack!
Those Boys at ThreadBear swear it is the best yarn to use for felting….Seems it felts even if you do not want it to. Yikes!
Bungee-jump….One time, when I was younger, NEVER AGAIN!
EEEEK! Yikes! Hope it looks less felty with some teasing. Wet works better for shaping.
I accidently washed a Paton’s Classic wool sweater (my very very favourite one–I coulda swore I washed it in the machine before) and it came out very very very small. It looked amazing and my teeny friend is now the owner of a great fulled sweater. Sigh.
SOOOO glad to hear you’re feeling better! It’s too bad about the felting, but it sounds like you’ve got it under control.
Let your brush with felting be a cautionary tale to us all! (I’m glad you’re feeling better.)