I adore reading books about women’s friendships, but I don’t like reading treacly-everything-is-actually-perfect books. I want to read books about women who are like the women I know, for whom life is hard and glorious and completely impossible and totally worth it.
My friends are beyond important to me. They laugh with me. They challenge me. They give me hugs when I need them, and kicks up the backside when I need those, too. They know my faults and love me anyway, and they love me hard.
I wrote this book because I wanted to read it. And I’m hoping you want to read it, too.
This is why you want to read The Ones Who Matter Most:
- Abby is affluent and underemployed—she has time to “play” with her life—but Fern is a single mother supporting a family of four on her meager bus-driver’s salary who’s irritated with the very idea of free time. This is the story of their friendship.
- It’s has knitting in it. Also a very wee pattern. (Surprise! I couldn’t keep out the yarn!)
- It’s about the story of our lives—about our friends, the women who help make us who we are meant to be.
Library Journal made it an Editor’s Spring Pick (along with the musical Hamilton—I just about died). “Abby and Fern are strong women, fiercely so, and they never fail to surprise and challenge each other and reader’s expectations.”
Would you like a sample? There’s an excerpt of the first chapter HERE.
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Breaking news! In about a month, after you’ve read the book, I’ll be hosting a real-time book group on Facebook for those of you who’d like to chat about it May 7th, at 10am PST. It’ll be a live video, and you can ask real-time questions (anything goes!). Sign up here to be notified.
What if I can’t purchase it just yet but still want to support you?
Believe me, I know about the budget and what goes in and what gets tossed out for another day. I often get questions about how my readers can help spread the word, even if they can’t buy the book just yet. There are so many ways, and I’m glad you asked!
Ask your local library to order it. They will, and you’ll get to read it first!
- Ask your local bookstore to order it (for when you can buy it). Gawd, I love me an independent bookstore. Go visit the book. Thumb its pages. Sniff. (It smells great.)
- Grab this graphic and Tweet it up! Or Facebook it for your friends to see! Or slap it on Pinterest with a link to the Buy page!
Congratulations!!! I hear that no matter how many books one writes (and perhaps more importantly, gets published) it’s always a huge thrill to hold it in your hands. Enjoy it
You had me at “Hey, I wrote a book!” It is magicking its way to my kindle now and I assume I will not be doing much else with my day tomorrow.