Tummy is better. Thanks for asking. It really wasn’t that bad for that long. Just violent. Whew.
I got up this afternoon (finally managed to get some good day sleep!) and found the new Vogue Knitting magazine on my coffee table. The knitting elves have been very, very good to me. This will make my night at work tonight so much better. I usually save knitting magazines a) for work, when I need to escape in my mind the room that I physically can’t leave for 10-14 hours and b) the bathtub, if on my weekend. There ain’t NOTHIN’ like lying in that tub until the water runs cold, reading about knitting. Unless you’re me, and it’s within the last two weeks, and you’re reading about spinning. But you know what I mean.
[I just got an email from Lala, responding to my thanks for the magazine and she says: "I’m glad you like the magazine. I try to be a good provider. At least of the necessities."]Yesterday I dyed my hair with a punky teenage Loreal color called Funky Cherry — came in a mousse can in a metallic package, and it was cheap, and I gotta say, if you’re gonna dye your hair, there is no better method than mousse. I don’t know why they all don’t come this way. It was thick and gloppy and I just pushed it into my hair and there were no drips, none at all. I did accidentally fling the can behind the toilet, spattering the back wall with blood-like drops, but I washed most of them off, and since the only time anyone will notice will be when the toilet is moved out of the way, I’m sure the person noticing the stains will have bigger problems.
And I curled my hair. I’m loving this longer haired thing — takes more time, but it’s fun. Here:
Okay. I’m going running now. And then back home to bathe, quickly, and then to spin again. I’m a woman possessed. I talk about it so much perhaps I don’t really have that much time to do it. Yesterday, I grabbed exactly 20 minutes to spin. Today I might get an hour or TWO before work, and that’s very exciting. Must run. Mwah!
Hair looks great, and with that pose it definitely looks more sultry siren than teen-punky! Maybe you should get a drop spindle so that you can spin at work too. You know, after you’ve read all the knitting mags.
Dare I say it… Agent Scully, is that you?
Love your hair! Katy chopped hers off today and you’re doing cool color stuff — makes me want to make an appointment for a cut RIGHT NOW! Will totally try the mousse.
Aha! It IS Agent Scully! I’d definitely call it sultry, not teenagey. Lovely.
Lookin’ Good! Love the color, and the style is… um… stylin? (sorry. couldn’t resist)
va va voooom!!!!! hair looks great!!!!
Hey there, Red! I love the hair, sweetie
(redheaded) MWAH!
You are such a glamour-puss. I’m totally jealous of the red.
Nice shot of the hair, and the color looks good! Re: Maryland Sheep and Wolf Festival – was having cereal when I read that. Milk all over the keyboard. Can’t stop laughing.
I’m thinking ’40s pin-up girl. Extremely cute.
I’m with Monica…
Lovin’ that color, Miss Blue Eyes!
I can’t remember if I’ve ever posted a comment before (I’ve been a lurker for quite some time now). Love your blog, love your style, your knitting — and now the hair. It does look stunning. Lala’s a lucky lady…
So how permanent is that red? I’ve been wanting to try a color change, but very, very temporary, and that mousse sounds great. Looks fabulous, too!
very X Files — brainy and beautiful, the best of both worlds!
I’m not much of a magazine buyer, but I glommed all over the new VK — some WAY COOL stuff in there! Sleeveless blue cable-y number? I’m so there.
Your hair looks *great*! I was a little worried when I read “punky teenage…Funky Cherry,” but it’s so gorgeous. And why is it that all pictures of you make me think “cleavage,” even when no cleavage is actually shown?
What a great photo — you look lovely with red hair!
ooh la la. Lookin’ good!
You need a good drop spindle so you can spin at work and in any little available minute. You might be able to squeeze in more than 20 minutes a day ๐
I am so impressed! I confess, I am a hair color coward. I have never colored my own hair. I pay lots of money to get my hair colored at a salon. Who knew doing it yourself could look so good.
LOVE the color. Bet it shimmers in the sun. The curls are v. glam, too!
Very cute new look. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better.
“Sheep and Wolf” made my boy-o laugh when he was having a bad day. I kept laughing intermittently all day, myself.
Have a nice weekend.
Love the new look…very vintage very 40’s
starlet. ๐
Lala is so awesome!
Love the hair!
You’re so purty.
Beautiful pic…very sexxxy! And no, I’m not going to scream…”April fools!” ๐
Rachael = gorgeous, trรฉs chic, one hot mama!
Aren’t you just the cutest thing ever?!
Love the hair and glad you feel better. Hope all the eggs are gone so you won’t get sick again;-)
RRROWRL! You look -awesome- with your hair in that style, with that color. VERY retro-pin-up-girl!
Glad to hear your tummy’s better, by the way — upset tummies are -never- fun.
I told my family about your tummy “incident.” Richard, falling out of his chair laughing, said “Your friend is a walking Science Fair Project!!!”
Look at you hottie potatti! Your hair looks great!
I’m glad the tummy is back in order and your cherry hair is fab!
What a fun hair color! It brings out your eyes. I looove the new Vogue mag. I don’t subscribe to any knitting mags at all. My local library has a copy of Vogue Knitting and I ususally peruse it there. But I actually had to buy a copy this time! Saving my money for yarn!
absolutely love the hair! and isn’t spinning just the greatest? its a wonderful feelilng when you realize that you made yarn all by yourself!
Supah glam! You look all femme fatale – v. appropriate for the Sheep & Wolf Festival!
Ah yes, knitting mags in the tub. I seriously love bathy. I spend *lots* of time soaking in the warm embrace of my dear friend bathy, reading knitting mags and anything and everything else. The water gets cold, I drain some out and refill, and repeat over and over until I’m all pruny.
Love the hair! Hope the writing is coming along as good as the spinning…
Helloooooo, pretty lady!
Damn Rachael, you look gorgeous!! Your entry on 911 abusers was amazing, I can’t believe people….
The hair color is smokin’ and I like the curls too.
che bella che sei in questa foto ๐