For my local friends and readers: Does anyone have a BIG suitcase that Lala can borrow for her AIDS ride? It should be able to fit all her stuff and a sleeping bag and sleeping roll….
Reader Interactions
I have a BIIIG duffel bag I used when I camped around Hawaii… It fit my sleeping bag, air mattress, and our tent bag.
If you can’t find a big suitcase, try an Army surplus store for a big duffel bag. They are usually pretty cheap and very sturdy and easy to carry. I’d lend you mine, but I’m 1,200 miles away.
How big does it need to be? I have a big blue nylon duffel bag that I’ve fit a (not small) sleeping bag, a (small) tent, and some (but not a huge amount of) other stuff in. The best part is that because it’s nylon, it fits in a padded envelope for mailing.
I have an enormous rolling backpack that might do the trick. It expands to hold an amazing amount of stuff. There’s also the other giant rolling suitcase…
Both of these will hold more stuff than I can lift. Oh, and I’m in the Niles district of Fremont, if distance is an issue.
Was that YOUR Digit I saw with a handknit catnip mousie on Wendy’s blog? Someone linked to it from the Cat Knits group on Ravelry. How come you never show us Adah? I thought your kittehs were just Digit and the 2 black “kittens.”
Don’t freak uout, I’m not being a blog stalker or nuthin, just lovin kitty porn in my knitting places.
Sending good thoughts of speedy recovery for you an Mamacita.
Hi! I think you have about 7 offers by now, but Lala is welcome to the ginormous heavyduty black duffle that I used on my own illustrious AIDS Ride (it has good luck: I rode every mile, no hurties!).
I have a backpacking pack! It’s big and blue and has the thing at the bottom for attaching a sleeping bag and/or roll. It’s big enough for longer treks, although I don’t know if Lala is looking for an actual suitcase or not..I’m in San Rafael/San Francisco!
I have a backpacking pack! It’s big and blue and has the thing at the bottom for attaching a sleeping bag and/or roll. It’s big enough for longer treks, although I don’t know if Lala is looking for an actual suitcase or not..I’m in San Rafael/San Francisco!
I have a BIIIG duffel bag I used when I camped around Hawaii… It fit my sleeping bag, air mattress, and our tent bag.
When is she leaving? I have a large expandable suitcase and will be flying out of Oakland EARLY Saturday morning. Could maybe arrange a rendezvous.
If you can’t find a big suitcase, try an Army surplus store for a big duffel bag. They are usually pretty cheap and very sturdy and easy to carry. I’d lend you mine, but I’m 1,200 miles away.
I have a very big, very battered disreputable suitcase (it’s big enough to hold my Lendrum plus clothes) that she’s welcome to borrow.
How big does it need to be? I have a big blue nylon duffel bag that I’ve fit a (not small) sleeping bag, a (small) tent, and some (but not a huge amount of) other stuff in. The best part is that because it’s nylon, it fits in a padded envelope for mailing.
I have an enormous rolling backpack that might do the trick. It expands to hold an amazing amount of stuff. There’s also the other giant rolling suitcase…
Both of these will hold more stuff than I can lift. Oh, and I’m in the Niles district of Fremont, if distance is an issue.
I’ve got a big one, but I won’t be home with it until 5/27. Let me know if that works.
Was that YOUR Digit I saw with a handknit catnip mousie on Wendy’s blog? Someone linked to it from the Cat Knits group on Ravelry. How come you never show us Adah? I thought your kittehs were just Digit and the 2 black “kittens.”
Don’t freak uout, I’m not being a blog stalker or nuthin, just lovin kitty porn in my knitting places.
Sending good thoughts of speedy recovery for you an Mamacita.
I’ve got a big one. I can measure it tonight. I’m in Alameda.
I’m sure we also have a big suitcase. But it looks like you’ve got it taken care of. If you still have a need, you know who to call…
Hi! I think you have about 7 offers by now, but Lala is welcome to the ginormous heavyduty black duffle that I used on my own illustrious AIDS Ride (it has good luck: I rode every mile, no hurties!).
I have a backpacking pack! It’s big and blue and has the thing at the bottom for attaching a sleeping bag and/or roll. It’s big enough for longer treks, although I don’t know if Lala is looking for an actual suitcase or not..I’m in San Rafael/San Francisco!
I have a backpacking pack! It’s big and blue and has the thing at the bottom for attaching a sleeping bag and/or roll. It’s big enough for longer treks, although I don’t know if Lala is looking for an actual suitcase or not..I’m in San Rafael/San Francisco!
I’ve got one and I’m in SF. But will she be rolling it behind her when she rides? JUST KIDDING!