Oh, Stitches West, how I love thee. I had a fantastic time, and I didn’t spend all that much. Relatively. I think last year, which was my first, was just such a shocker – I had no idea so much gorgeous yarn existed in the world. I was scared I’d never see it again, so I bought it all. This year, I was able to cruise the aisles, either recognizing the names of the companies or grabbing their cards, confident that touching the fiber was enough – I could always order it later. God bless the internet.
We met for breakfast at Jack’s Bistro in Jack London. Exiting my car, I recognized Mariko walking in front of me by her polkadot bag and her lime-green shoes. And here we are:
That’s me (I love the way that shot makes my ass take over the entire picture), Elizabeth, Marie, Hedi, Yvette, and Mariko.
And we’re off! Look at just one section of just one aisle:
And though I knew I would shop alone, braving the yarn elements by my lonesome, the way I prefer, every time I looked at the woman next to me, it was one of these two, either Marie or Elizabeth. We were on the same browsing schedule.
A sales person said that if I took off my shoes, I could do this too:
What was I thinking? Why didn’t I do it? I kick myself now. (Aside – I’m nursing many bruises from the move, but the worst bruise is on my shin and it’s actually so big that it makes walking painful. I didn’t get it moving. I got it last night at work when I was crossing my legs in the chair and KICKED MYSELF. I am awed by my own klutziness.)
Hey! I was recognized! And in a very cool way: Joan of White Lies Designs not only knew who I was but knew that the shot I posted of her completed Shapely Tank is quite shapely, indeed (I was leaning forward in a rather, ahem, busty way). So I bought this fabulous tee from her (you know you want one) and promised I’d give her another shot (not so alarming, this):
Go buy one and tell her I sentcha.
Then it was to the Lanaknits booth for the lunchtime meetup. I was hugged by this fabulous lady:
Sharlene! Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to go to lunch, but we got a good group to Le Cheval:
Me, Silvia, Hedi, Mariko, Joanna, Elizabeth, and Marie. Yet another ass picture. Whatever.
And one of Silvia and me.
The food was great, but the comradeship was even better, just sittin’ there, talking yarn and life and just general stuff. I had a nice moment of realization that were it not for the internet, I wouldn’t have been sitting there, I wouldn’t know these wonderful people who are my friends. It’s odd, but true.
And now for my confession. I bought no yarn. I only bought roving. I KNOW. I’m going to the dark side of fibercraft, the spinning side. I refuse to take it seriously. (That’s what I’m telling you, but after work last night I sat on the couch and swore very seriously indeed at different piles of wool that REFUSED to spin into anything recognizable as yarn. Large twisty cotton balls, yes. Yarn, not so much.) I donated a ten-spot to the local spinning guild and received for my charity a drop spindle made from a dowel and CD. Now, of course, I’m wondering if my efforts are so lame because I don’t have a good drop spindle. I will NOT go back to Stitches today. Even though I have the day off. I’m moving. I’m not spinning.
I’m moving. I’m not spinning……
Oh, screw it. It’s 12:30. If I do two hours of good hard packing and sorting, I’ll go get a drop spindle. I already know I’m sunk. Might as well embrace it…..
No yarn?? Wow, what self control! Looks like an awesome time. I may have to go to Stitches East. Thanks for sharing and good luck with packing and sorting.
Aww, I really wished I could have made lunch with you! It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. No yarn? Honey, what control! But you are right, thank goodness for the internet and yarn buying fantasies! I’m disappointed you won’t be knitting up your hemp sweater along with me and my hemp skirt though….
Look’s like you had fun.Nice ass picture’s hehe!;0)
Tell me..did you knit that sweater you were wearing in the picture’s?It look’s nice.
I laughed at loud at how you got your killer bruise – but only because it is sooooo something I would have done. Just last week I had a huge bump on my head from I-don’t-know-what. And I say YEA! for going back to Stitches and not being a “good” girl. Too bad there isn’t a Stitches Mid-west.
Now I really wish I could have gone to Stitches West. I wonder if I can get knit bloggers to come to Black Sheep Gathering this year. I want to meet more knit bloggers.
Great pictures. Did you get your packing done and go back for a better spindle? I’ve never tried those CD ones, they could be good, but I like the made on something more than a whim type.
Rach, it is always such a pleasure to see your smiles. Really.
And Stonering? I would *love* to come to Black Sheep. My brother-in-law is getting married in July, and if it’s early in the month, there’s a shot we might be able to schedule accordingly.
Damn, no chance of a Stitches Far East, is there? It sounds so fun. I love that you recognized Mariko by her polka-dot bag and lime green shoes. 🙂
And you’re *spinning* now? Sheesh! Just one more thing I can’t keep up with!!
LOL!!!! Sounds like another spinner is to be born!!! I started on a drop spindle and took that darn thing everywhere.. then LUSTED for a wheel.. Spinning is VERY addictive, be careful! Tons of great ones to be found on the web..
Ahh, don’t you just love browsing the booths and feeling up the fiber? Good for you for showing some restraint! (I always find that extremelllllly difficult but TRY!)
Can’t wait to see and hear about your new place, YEAH!
Did you go to Stitches on Sunday? I think I saw you at a booth looking at a hand spindle – I would have said something to you but I didn’t want to seem like a stalker.
I hope you like spinning – just watch out, it can be just as all-consuming as knitting can be!
I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it. Hope the rest of your move goes smoothly.
I hope you like spinning. I find it more relaxing than knitting! Drop spindles can be challenging to learn on, I think. So don’t get discouraged. Before you know it, you will be shopping for a wheel!
Thanks for the Stitches West account and for the pics.
As a Grammar Avenger, I admit that I looked up “comradeship” believing that it was not correct, but indeed it is! Wow! You learn something new everyday!
Ass? What Ass? Where? I never get past that cute smile! And we are not even playing on the same team! Tee Hee!
I’m so glad you and all the girls had a good time at Stitches. I’m so envious! Maybe next year I’ll make it there…so near and yet so far!
Must.have.t-shirt. Not.available.online. ARGH!
So happy to see you having such a good time and so jealous, too. I guess I’m going to have to find a way to get myself to Atlantic City this year.
Your photos and commentary are GREAT! You are so good about photos! I must channel the power of Rachael more …
Stitches East! Stitches East! Atlantic City, baybee! East coast rules!
The preceding statement brought to you by extreme jealousy.
Great new place Rachel!
I LOVE the red walls! Don’t let anyone tell you they make the place look small (as my mom did when I painted my walls red).
Thanks for the T shirt plug; looks great in your pic. We completely sold out at SW, but hubby is going to make some more and I’ll have them on my site shortly. Thanks again!
Joan M-M