I have a HUGE shout-out today. I mean BIG.
Lisa in NJ (except now she’s in Austin near her sister) sent me the best and sweetest message that totally made my day. My weekend. My job as a big sister a little easier. She’s gonna store Bethany for a day or two when she cruises through Austin on her Grand Adventure, whenever that might be. She’s going to let her stay in the driveway (she even offered a bed, although Bethy might not be able to accept this – she loves her truck, I tell you that much) and I just know that she’ll email me to let me know that Beth’s all right, that she hasn’t lost weight, that she’s still all smiles and my darling little sis.
I try not to let Beth know that I worry. (But I do. Just a leetle.)
And the weird part of it is this – that it’s not weird that Lisa would offer this. Other people won’t understand, but YOU, dear reader, do. This is not a creepy webring we’re part of. Knitters ROCK! Lisa’s my friend. Not my online acquaintance, not a stranger who has ADORABLE doggies, but a pal of mine that I’d love my sister to meet.
Lisa’s the best. Go tell her so for me, k?
And another shout-out to Greta, who sent good landlord vibes yesterday while I was waiting for him. Dude, he never showed up. Not before I had to work anyway. I may go another two years without ever meeting him. That’s just fine. Long as he doesn’t raise the rent and my toilet keeps flushing, I’m a happy girl. (Aside – just talked to neighbor in apt next door – no rent raise! Whoo hoo! Go, Greta!)
And now for the oddball section of today’s post: When I got to work last night (another twelve hour, and tonight I’m working another fourteen….), all the lines were lit up. I knew something had happened. Yup. Earthquake. Just a 3.9, but it was a jolt, apparently. I wouldn’t know, I had been on the freeway and hadn’t felt it. But it was centered somewhere right under my house, and I had predicted yet another one!
I know it sounds stupid, I’m the first to admit it, but I’m totally sick before earthquakes, anywhere from 20 minutes to twelve hours beforehand. I had told a couple of people at work that morning, and I had written it down on a work log device that I had been feeling what I call “earthquake dizzy.” It’s silly, but I like to keep track. I’m normally pretty reliable. And the level of sickness usually matches the intensity of the shake. The bigger the shake, the more nauseous I am beforehand. This was a little uncomfortable nausea, and it was a little shake.
I’ve done a tiny bit of research on this, and I can’t find any info out there on other people who feel this way. There’s plenty out there on kooks who dream about earthquakes and have visions and hear voices before the shake. But I don’t do drugs, and I don’t believe my cats are reincarnated apostles. I just get a little funny, like animals do. Anybody ever heard of this? (Apparently all day at work yesterday before the shake, they were getting animals-running-loose-in-the-streets calls…. poor things….)
Oh, no, now Lisa’s gonna retract her offer. I swear I’m not (really) crazy.
Worked on LoTech last night – all the pieces are done, and I finished the button bands. Just have to sew it together now. Yippee! Then I can start on the Wave/Shell KnitAlong. Oh, and I ordered some Noro Kureyon from Rob and Matt after seeing Ginny’s fabulous BoogaJ bag. What a fun knit week!
Here’s a snap of part of a button band and one of Adah early this morning, looking out into the yard. Happy Weekend!
Hey Rach, we’d be delighted to meet/host your sis if she’s doing any east coast time. I’ll start thinking about what’s good kitsch here in Va’s capital, now that the Celebrity Room with its Elvis shirt has closed . . .
The wave/shell is neither hard nor easy, I’d say. But you gotta pay attention. I’ve decided to let little slips slide, because with my thin yarn I just can’t figure out where I’ve missed or added a stitch. There’s a first time for every lace . . .
how amazing. My children both get headaches and feel vertigo like symptoms before earthquakes (and hurricanes too now that we live on the other side of the weather spectrum…..) The weird part is, someone said, hey I think there was an earthquake in your old neighborhood…where did I think to check? Your blog. Honest. First place I looked. This is a very very cool ring with Fabulous Folks who KNOW stuff. Glad my landlord energy worked….and if your sister is in MY neck of the woods..email me! She can sure stay here and get some big sister attention 🙂
I am thinking about joining the Shawl knit-along. I am new to all of this, so I’m not exactly sure what I am supposed to do. Is there a time limit on when this should be completed? I have not knitted lace before, so I tried it tonight with a 2 pattern repeating swatch. I had to rip it out twice, but the third time I got it right. I think I am ready to start the real thing.
If you could advise me of the details I would appreciate it.
A lot of people with epilepsy have an increase in seizures before storms. Has to do with the barometric pressure. BTW, there are many different type of seizures – some are not even noticeable. My son experiences only headaches and nausea with his seizures.
See…that’s why I stay here on the East Coast. Only itty bitty earthquakes once in a blue moon. Oh, and hurricanes. Is Bethany planning to hit NYC? If she arrives after we move (knock wood) into the new house, there’s going to be a guest room.
I am just in awe of Bethany, doing what so many of us wish we could do. I admire people who really live the “no regrets” life. I’m glad Cari’s got a guest room, because I sure don’t have a driveway! Earthquakes scare me. I used to have nightmares about falling into the earth. And I’ve never lived on the West Coast. Weird.
read anything (well EVERYTHING actually) by Oliver Sacks. I loved an anthropologist on Mars because of the autism link, but Uncle Tungsten was just BRILLIANT…..the barometric pressure thing is the real deal. I do NOT need a barometer. If my kids reach for the umbrella on a clear cloudless day….it’ll BE raining SOON 🙂