So, at work we sign our shifts in six-month watches. I have to make a decision TODAY about whether I pick:
A four-day midnight shift with Sat Sun Mon off (9pm-7am) (I have this now)
A four-day day shift with TWT off. (9am-7pm)
In four years of working at the PD, I’ve never before had the choice to get off of midnights. If I took the day-shift slot, I’d get all the holidays off, as this year they all fall mid-week. I haven’t been home for Christmas in four years. But I wouldn’t have weekends off anymore, and god knows I love a good fun-filled weekend.
What to do?
I’m stewing. Must decide tonight. I’m leaning toward the day-shift choice – biorhythmically, my body’s been fucked up for years. And I’m constantly reading how night-shift work leads to brain cell damage, causes higher risk for breast cancer…. This isn’t very fair, is it? Midnights are cool. I like the wee hours, having only made their acquaintance during this job. I had never stayed up all night until I started working, not even during college or grad school, and I remember how odd it was to see the clock click to four a.m. and think of all the people who were sleeping, missing such an strange, quiet time.
Some pictures for your fun:
My ChicKamis are getting out-of-control. What liberties I’m taking! I just have to finish the back (which I’m going to raise again) and the wide straps (which I think I’m going to cable).
**Okay. I’ll admit this much, too. You’ll understand. In the wee small quiet hours between three and, say, six am, there’s not usually much going on. At ALL. It’s great knitting time. Moving to a day shift, I’d lose most of this ability. I’d be a weekend knitter. Sob. You see why my decision is so heart-wrenchingly difficult? Can’t really admit to choosing a six-month shift for its knitting potential, though. Can you?**
And this is my little friend Winter (I’m his fairy godmother). He’s spending three months in Australia. Monica said she had hold him back – he wanted to jump right onto his wallaby friend.
Happy Weekend!
Rach, I think you should take days. Wait, more importantly — that CK ROCKS! Wow, I dig them cables. OK, as I was saying (typing), I think it would be good to give your bod a break, the holiday thing is a great incentive, and as a writer, you should try a new perspective — even if it does *sob* cut into your knitting time. Just my two cents. Happy weekend!
By the time you read this you will have already decided, so I’m eager to learn what the decision was. For what it’s worth, I agree with Maggi–about the hours and that CK totally ROCKS! It’s bee-yoo-ti-full.
Hi there,
Found your site and enjoying it. Don’t have one of my own yet-I am knew to
all this blog stuff but love reading about what everyone is doing, buying and knitting. Your shift work question hit home since I am a nurse practitioner who does 26 hour call. As a former bedside nurse I must confess to liking the nights–no politics, conflicts, quieter, but it does age you rapidly and I think eventually does take it’s toll. I would vote for days-you could knit at lunch time like I do, maybe? Too bad it is not only for three months. Love your cable work and I am tempted to start some of my own. Take care,
Valerie in NH
My mom, a respiratory therapist, is with valerie on why she liked the nights–but after 20 years, she’s moved to days & likes it, because now when she has a day off it’s a *whole* day, not a day that she’s asleep for half of.