See? It takes all y’all whapping me upside the head to figger it out. Alison’s was the best: “Don’t worry about calling in sick, you knob. You’re SICK!” Oh, yeah. Then I guess it’s okay to call in sick.
Novel idea, eh? (hmmmm…. novel idea……)
It’s just that…. At some jobs, when you call in sick, your work piles up. You’re gonna be screwed when you go back, and other people may be inconvenienced if you’re not there, but their lives aren’t really overly affected. At my job, if my ass ain’t in the seat, someone else’s ass has to be there instead. You don’t close 911 due to staffing. So by calling in sick, I’m forcing my friends to have to stay twelve or fourteen hours, overtime that they weren’t planning on, probably cutting into plans that they already had, and they can’t say no. It’s forced overtime. It’s usually just easier for me to go to work sick.
Sick, no?
Eh. So it’s almost a relief that I woke up this morning still feeling awful. “Whew! I really WAS sick, wasn’t I? Hey! Good thing I didn’t go to work.”
(I think this is why I’m drawn to all things Catholic (girlfriends, candles, countries) – searching for a place to lay my guilt. At least if you’re Catholic, you have a REASON to feel guilty. Or at least a long tradition of feeling so. Being raised Episcopalian, I got nothin’ but some good hymns and a love of liturgical robes.)
(Judaism also appeals, gotta tell you.)
(It’s got to be wrong to be attracted to a religion for its romantic aspects, doesn’t it?)
(More guilt.)
(Now I’m just abusing parentheses.)
So I loved hearing the common-sense you all gave me. I’m taking it very very easy today, just knitting and reading, and then I start the new day shift tomorrow, Sunday morning! I’ll be healthy and happy and raring to go.
PS – That lick/spit thing worked SOOOO well in splicing the ends that I was actually able to go back and fix my glaring error in judgment. Thanks to Rob for suggesting it and Lisa for giving me great directions on how exactly to do it. If she hadn’t, I would have probably just licked the ends and done some kind of macrame-wishing dance that would have ended horribly.
PPS – I was noodling around, taking pictures of the thing that I always take pictures of: The Adah. Look, ain’t she purty?
And then I was feeling a little off, and wanted to scroll through the pictures on my camera, so I put my feet up on the divan and rested on my back on the carpet. This is what I could see from this vantage.
To my right:
To my left:
And looking down:
It only takes a second for her to settle in (and don’t expect my socks to match my pants on an in-house Saturday – I know yours don’t, either). Enjoy your weekend, all!
Love those rubber ducky PJs!
Even when you’re sick you’re hilarious! I love the whole Catholic bit… too funny (I loved the parentheses too).
You crack me up!
I’m the same with calling in sick, and I don’t have the added pressure of someone having to fill in for me. I feel like I’m playing hooky. Probably doesn’t help that I work at a high school. .
In the last pic it looks like your cat is giving you what we call ’round here “love blinks.” (slow blinking during an enraptured gaze)
I don’t even know where that “knob” comment came from! I don’t think I’ve called someone a knob for about fifteen years! 🙂
(Love the duck pants.)
(Love Adah.)
(You’re hilarious.)
I can relate to your feelings of guilt…I was raised Roman Catholic…that’s like Double Guilt = ) I sure hope you feel better. You are hillarious!!
Love what you wrote about Catholic guilt. Raised Catholic. Went to a Catholic university, even. Which means that I walked around feeling guilty 99% of the time.
(Keep using parentheses. I do it all the time. It’s so fun to see them pile up in my entries!)
I have a theory that people with fun pajamas tend to gravitate towards other people with fun pajamas. It’s not common history or background or shared philosophies of life: it’s the PJs. Maybe we should have a virtual slumber/knitting party.
I really hope you start feeling better soon.
I second the motion of virtual slumber party!
I HAVE A FINISHED WAVE! I do, really :0
I’m so thrilled with myself I can hardly stand it.
My deadline is still two days away and I am
FINISHED! Feel free to do whatever blog etiquette
deems appropriate…
Aww, kwittie smiles!
Creepy smiling back.
(usual cat response here is to run away – quickly).