The rage doesn’t get me often. In the face of all the world’s sadnesses and atrocities and wars and genocides and stupid politicians making permanent black marks on the soul of the planet, I listen and wish and hope for the best. I’m political in my own quiet way: here, on this blog, with friends, in public when it’s necessary.
But the state execution of the two gay teenagers in Iran has me seriously shaken. It happened a week ago today, and I bet you didn’t even know about it, did you? It had me so upset that I tried to put it out of my mind, which I can’t, and shouldn’t.
Two teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari, 16, and Ayaz Marhoni, 18, were held in prison for fourteen months (fourteen MONTHS), and were lashed 228 times. They were accused of having sex with each other and of raping another 13 year old boy. They did admit to having consensual sex with each other, but human rights groups believes they were coerced into these admissions, and there is speculation that the rape charge was fraudulent, an attempt to avoid international censure.
Iran’s Sharia law calls for the death penalty for gay sex, and girls can be killed at age nine, boys at age fifteen. Unimaginable.
They were hanged, publicly, a week ago today. Babies, both of them. Their mothers watching. The whole country watching. Ten percent of Iran’s population knowing that the same could happen to them if they ever admitted to their illegal predilection.
Ali Asgari, in a quote to the Iran Focus, said, "These individuals were corrupt. Their sentence was carried out with the approval of the judiciary and it served them right."
I saw still photos of them, being led out to the execution, crying. There aren’t words for the horror of it.
And here, in much lesser but still shaking news, two days ago California approved a ballot initiative aiming to add an amendment banning same-sex marriage. Attorney General Bill Lockyer reworded the title of it from "The Voters’ Right to Protect Marriage Act" to "Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights." That’s right, Bill. Call it what it is.
The measure would void and restrict registered domestic partner rights from things like hospital visits. Adoption. Insurance benefits. Little unimportant things like these.
According to Seth Kilbourn, VP of HRC’s Marriage Project, it would "strip away more rights from more families that any other proposal we have seen in any other state." It would permanently ban all legal protections. And two similar ballot measures are expected to get initial approval this week, also.
Lala and I had a conversation about this a while back. We knew that no matter what, no matter how we felt about it, we’d end up being political.
See, we’re getting married.
Some of you already knew — it’s not like it’s been a big secret, but we took our time telling family and friends, so I’ve taken my time blogging it. (It was decidedly delicious, those first few weeks, when no one knew, not even family. Such a lovely secret to carry around. And then I had the ring, the sweet gold antique ring from the 1880s, and just glancing at it gave me such a thrill. Still does.)
It’s early, see, but we’ve known for a long time, since maybe month two or three, even though neither of us admitted as much to each other until month six. (No, we won’t go into the proposal. It was mutual. She may have said the word first, but I was hot on her heels. Then we were terrified. In the good way.)
I never saw this coming. I never planned to be married. Wasn’t important to me. Then suddenly, it was.
She’s the one for me. She’s smart, funny, and one of the kindest people I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet. She’s hot. She makes me want to be a better person. I don’t have to babysit her in a crowd. She knits. She’s a kick-ass musician. And just sitting on the couch doing nothing with her is the best place in the whole world to be.
No one can tell me that’s wrong. No one can tell me God thinks it’s wrong, because He doesn’t. A small-minded, bigoted person’s small-minded lesser deity might think it’s immoral, but who cares? I don’t care about your tiny, wrathful god.
But let’s fight for love, shall we? Isn’t it good, finding it where we can? Who would stop happiness? Only someone terrified of what was in their own heart. But that’s not us, is it?
Instead, we cross our fingers and look at stars and wish for forgiveness and acceptance in Iran, and we wish for the United States to realize that this is really about civil rights. We won’t allow America to demote us to second-class citizens. We won’t be pushed to the back of the bus. You’ll help, right? You’ll donate money to the right places, to the wheels that turn the cogs in the right places, and you’ll speak out loud, even if you’re scared?
Lala and I, who want to be together, to live our lives together, as a family, thank you.
Oh, and I’m knitting the wedding dress.
Let me be the first…. please… CONGRATULATIONS!!! And felicitations (that’s s’posed to be for the bride). Mwah! Mwah!
YAAAY!!! Congrats on the engagement! I am seriously saddened by some of the actions states are taking with the whole marriage ban. I’m hoping people will wise up and see just that Love is love and its beautiful – so are you two. ๐
Congratulations! It’s fun being a blog reader who has “known” you before you met Lala and has watched your life change in such good ways. Isn’t it funny how you can’t help being political. For me, it was the precious child in my K class with two mommies that I loved and admired and then learning out how FEW parental rights the non-birth mother has even though she has legally adopted her daughter. Our Va. laws seem to be punitive in many cases and it is lucky that they are surrounded by VERY supportive grandparents which is their only guarantee that no matter what happens they will both be this child’s parents for life. How absurd! Jane
I think I’m going to cry (sadness for the Iranian story and joyfulness for you and Lala). Remember what you said about not looking for a girlfriend, way back when? Ha! The universe had other plans, didn’t it!
I just cried as I read your post…I have been engaged since last November to my fantastic and amazing partner, Denise, and I cannot imagine counting myself out of a fight regarding our life together! Count me in! I am thrilled that you have also found someone who makes you that happy…That’s the kind of love that makes this fight so worth it…Congratulations!
And you’re right, about it all, very very right…
Hope the knitting goes smoothly! :o)
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. But I am also jealous. I desperately wanted an Irish crocheted wedding dress. I settled for renting an antique lace dress. Oh Rachael…this is such wonderful happy news. I agree with you…if one is lucky enough to find love–be happy for them. So fucking divisive this world is. But you and Lala…together. Can I help? Like with the dress? A sleeve?
Ah, you just took me on such a roller coaster ride. The world scares me so much. I feel safe and I feel like my children are safe, and then…wow. And I clicked on Mandy’s link and it’s a kid porn site and I’m just….ack! What the hell is going on.
But what I wanted to say, and the real point in the midst of all this insanity is CONGRATULATIONS! Love will win out, I have to trust that.
Congratulations on your very happy news of your engagement! Woo hoo!
Congratulations! All my best to both of you!
Such a mixture of bitter and sweet.
Congratulations to you both, true love is the BEST.
Thanks for sharing the Iran story. It’s given me so much to think about, ouch, so much.
I love your blog and am certainly looking forward to pics of the wedding dress!!!
Okay, I’ve been reading for a while, and have never commented to you before, so I feel a little wierd saying congratulations — but I’m so happy to read it! So, Congrats! ๐
Oh, oh, OH! ConGRATUlations! NORma!
That was a roller-coaster-ride post. I’m absolutely SICKENED by the beginning. I’m so glad you wrapped it up with such incredibly wonderful news. mwah!
Congratulations to you and LaLa. Thank you for telling us about the two little boys or sadly I would not have known a thing. It totally breaks my heart. This world can be such a terrible place. It is so wonderful when people can find love and happiness in it. Congrats again and best wishes to you both!
Just been waiting for the official word. Knew it was going to happen. Just knew it. Congrats!
You two ROCK. What a statement to make, to fight for love. Fรฉlicitations et bisoux ร vous deux. I’m in tears, and giddily happy for you ๐
you made me cry at work. first in a sad way, then in a happy way.
i read about the iran boys a few days ago — just can’t bring myself to look at any pics…i’m political in the way you are…i get a bit comsumed sometimes…watch out for mitt romney, he’s prepping for pres, just vetoed emergency contraception bill here in ma, what’s the saying? if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention…thank goddess in spite of all this nastiness and tragedy there are glimmers of hope like you and lala…smiling for you now, girlies! ooh and i’ve seen some of those wildknit wedding dresses — katharine cobey’s comes to mind…
(which always seems too small of a word for something as momentous as locating your soulmate, but still) CONGRATULATIONS!
(Eek. I got all misty eyed at work over the Eenternet.)
Never doubt what your heart tells you, and never trust government.
I don’t even know where to start –
no, I didn’t know about the execution in Iran, and I am horrified that 1) it happened and 2) that I DIDN’T know about it.
Next – CONGRATULATIONS! We should all be lucky enough to find the kind of love that you and Lala share, and you should unequivocably have the same rights as anyone. I am very glad to live in Massachusetts now, and I am constantly explaining to very surprised people that California has consistently passed (IMHO) such prejudiced legislation that I felt ashamed to live there (Hi – illegal immigrant children? We don’t think you should be able to go to our public schools or get health care. ARGH!).
But, bottom line – best of wishes to you and your girl for a lifetime of love and friendship and joy. mwah!
Mazel Tov! Warms my heart to hear such good news! (Especially after the Iran news.)
I hope you have lifetimes of happiness together.
Congratulations to both of you! You look so happy!
Rachael! I’ve only emailed you a couple times, but it’s so wonderful to hear of someone finding such happiness in life. I hope more people will come to feel as I do about gay marriage and rights… I’m just thankful people are able to care deeply for another person, and who cares about the gender. ๐
It’s so horribly heartbreaking about those boys in Iran. The only good that can come of it is to make people realize just how ABSURD all this hate is. AND that it’s not going away any time soon…
Yay for Banjo-Girl and The Knitter!!!! Much love and happiness to you both.
W. ๐
Congrats to you and Lala, Rachael! May you have much happiness and joy as you plan your lives together. There’s nothing more wonderful in the world than finding the person you’re meant to share the world with.
Here, the new marriage laws didn’t really affect anyone. Well, except, the steps of the State House are a little busier (popular place to get hitched here)… and I have been invited to some more “bridal” showers than I expected this summer! If the most “puritanical” state in the country can “get over it” (my nana’s words), then your state can too! Bostonians, at least proper Bostonians, have always had a few “rules to live by”: 1. don’t talk about money, if you have it you know it, if you don’t you know that too; 2. what you do and don’t do behind closed doors is your business; 3. this is the ORIGINAL location of the “convenience marriage”, where there are “understandings” in place.
Give our (mini and PC) congrats to LaLa too… have fun planning the wedding! Oh, and you aren’t “political”…you’re in LOVE! ๐
CONGRATS AGAIN! (oh… two knitters getting married… can you register for Rowan and Manos instead of china? ha ha ha)
Oh, Congratulations!
Congratulations! Come to Massachusetts & make it legal! I married my husband within 8 months of meeting him and we’ve been happily married for five years now. Sometimes, you just know ๐
How wonderful – at our wedding, my husband and I had a reading that started “Marriage is like a long falling in love…”. I hope the two of you fall in love with each other over and over again for the rest of your lives. Congratulations!
Aw, congratulations, sweetie! I remember the night Matt and I got engaged – knew it was coming for a while (heck, we’d been dating for 8 years), but oh, what a thrill! Hope you and La have many happy years together, big fat babies, grey hairs, all of that.
Well, you certainly know how to swing a pendulum, dontcha now? Whew!
Most heartfelt, happy-dance congratulations to the two of you! Have you set a date? Those sparks were pretty visible all these months, you know. ; ) Really, really cute engagement picture, too.
Congratulations, sweetheart.
I’ve been committed and reasonably active on the gay marriage issue for a while now. (I’ve got a great picture somewhere that I took of Steve wrapped in an American flag at a protest next to our friend Andrew who is holding a sign that says, “Rebuke Satan–Support Gay Marriage.”) I’ve given a lot of thought to the colossal evil stupidity that is discriminating against people who want to get married based on their gender. But I have to admit, I have never felt it so viscerally as when I looked at that lovely picture of you and Lala and imagined how I’d feel if someone said that you couldn’t visit her if she was in the hospital or that you guys couldn’t adopt or do other things a lot of couples take for granted. It was like a sock in the gut. Anyone who could look at you two and think there’s anything wrong with you building a life together isn’t just bigoted, or small-minded, or whatever, they are freaking evil.
Congratulations again. ๐
And thanks for telling us about the two boys in Iran — I hadn’t heard about it. Now I shall commence seething…
Hooray! Mazel Tov to both of you, for finding each other and never letting go. Its a beautiful thing.
When I started reading this post, I was getting all fired up to post a comment about the dangerous combination of religion and politics. I’m glad to be able to post a big CONGRATULATIONS instead!
EEEP! I just jumped for joy over here . . . congratulations to both of you! You had me almost in tears at the beginning of the post, and then I almost burst into tears of joy when you dropped the bomb . . . way to toy with our emotions! ๐
I can’t wait to see how the wedding plans, etc, go. And would you just show us the ring already?????
*sigh. crying at my desk. for sad and happy reasons. Some countries have some of the worst punishments for being gay. I won’t go into them here.. I don’t want to mar the end of you happy post. Being who you are and being strong in your beliefs are two of the most important things you can start out doing. They in turn make you be political simply b’c you feel the need to make other people be stronger in who they are and what they believe. Its a full circle out there, and it only starts with one strong and lovely person (or in your case, two strong and wonderful people.)
When I met you I just knew you two had that special spark. Something that just glowed. And I thought it was hokey and silly to tell you, but I knew you two would be happy together forever. I was so excited to get home and tell Sue all about it. (and I count myself lucky Sue got to meet you the next day and see it for herself.) Congratulations ladies. My you have many years of love and happiness. (and dog kisses, and cat snuggles, and banjo pickin’, and spinning, and knitting…..)
Blimey ! The whole gamut of emotions. The world is full of evil,injustice,hate and pain. It all seems impossible to change. We just have to try and work on our part of it.
Many,many congratulations. Wishing many years of happiness. It’s been a pleasure to see your happiness over the last few months. Lala is so obviously the one for you ! Fab !
“Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.” –Simone Signoret
Oh, wow – congratulations. I’d suspected, in my heart of hearts, that this was it — the way you talk about your Lala is the way I feel abut my Boy-O: it’s just too good to be true. Why and how on earth would that be wrong?
Hey, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! com’on up to Canada and make it legal…and have a party…
you guys deserve nothing but the best…congrats once again!
Oh, everyone said what I would have said already. You know I love you, right? Hugs and kisses and little old ladies who.
THE BEST NEWS! So happy for you and your Lala. My mother and I spotted you two from afar at MSW and we both thought you two were beaming. your love so evident. a rare thing in this sometimes messed up world. a beautiful story.
enjoy each other.
awwww, congratulations to you two!!
This is quite wonderful and I wish you best of luck, shall you go through all the mistakes and mishaps that any given couple will go through and come out stronger!
A relationship is hard work, no matter who you are or who you are with, getting married makes it just a touch harder. I am not sure why, maybe its the finality of it all.
My husband and I were practicing complete imorality for 10 years before we married and still going strong after another 8 years now. But I must say, the first coupla years of being married felt weird in some way, hard to explain. I think I am slowly getting used to it LOL….
Wow – what a fantastic post. CONGRATULATIONS on your happy news, and on finding someone that makes you thrilled to pieces–and care about marriage in a way you didn’t think possible. Wonderful.
Congratulations Rachel! That is wonderful news!!
Congratulations! You deserve to be in a happy marriage with the person you love as much as anyone! Can’t wait to see what you decide to do for the dress!
Isn’t love great? (Even if our gov’t sucks big time?)
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the story from Iran, I had not heard about it. It’s amazing what the media chooses to leave out. Wishing love and happiness to you and Lala!
mazel tov!
move to Canada. we like good banjo here, and we recognize your rights to be married…and CELEBRATE them. even Alberta is catching up.
move to Canada. we’re cool up here. plus we have fleece artist. ๐
you just brought tears to my eyes dude. congratulations.
i’ve been fighting the good fight but honestly i can’t say i feel very hopeful about things these days.
Congratulations to you both!!!!!!!! As I type through tears of sadness for what this world is. There are so many wrong things daily it is sometimes easier to just keep quiet. But you are standing up for your beliefs. I am living with my fiance’ of 8 years and frankly have no intentions of marring him we only say fiance’ becasue boyfreind is stupid at age 40. I was married for 11 years and he died. We cannot get health insurance together becasue we are not married. I think that is bullshit – What happend to common law??? And that is the just the tip of the political crap that surrounds second time relationships. Are we free or just as free as they want us to be?
Sometimes I wonder how far America will move in the direction of these places who execute gays. It seems like so many backwards steps are being taken.
I too would love to see you both move to Canada. It’s just a better place to live. But if you’re determined to do what you can to change the system, you can’t do so from Canada. I’m confused, though, about how states can ban gay marriage when there are couples already married. Will some people enjoy marriage while others can’t? Or do they think they can nullify gay marriages after the fact? Surely not.
Oh, and congratulations. I was still weeping too much to absorb right away that it was happy news. . .
Congratulations! So happy for you both. My hubbie and I just went to a friends wedding this weekend, and as always I was touched by the strong pure emotions that come out on that day. Regardless of gender etc. The public statement that you make to commit to each other and the power of hearing family and friends support you in that is amazing. Happy thoughts! Did we Canadians mention that besides gay friendly marriage laws, it’s beautiful up here? =)
Oh! My! God! I cannot even say how happy I am for you. And note: you’ve made me cry… again.
You two rock. I wish you only the best and I am sorry that we live in such a screwed up world that people try to denigrate a relationship as beautiful as yours.
And the picture? Delish.
Mixed emotions here – such sadness for those two boys in Iran, and such happiness for you and LaLa…
Many congratulations from me and my girl to you and your girl.
It has long been obvious that you too belong together. Congratulations!
How can something that sounds so much like my relationship with my beloved be wrong? Be considered wrong? Be persecuted? Love is love, who gives a shit otherwise.
I don’t care about gender, race or religion. I care that you’re happy. And I can’t wait to see that dress ๐
Congratulations! I am so so happy for you both.
I had not heard about the executions in Iran – but I am not terribly surprised considering the media we have. Just when I think perhaps there is a little hope in the world (read Canada). Off to read the Village Voice and BBC for what is REALLY going on in the world.
Racheal, I’ve been reading for well over a year, and words can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am for both you and La! Despite all of the messed up, narrow-minded things that happen in this world of ours, you beautiful women are going to take the leap. You are helping to change things with your love, by showing that love and passion are really the only things that matter – and legal rights, for that love.
I wish you two all the joy and happiness that you deserve. Felicitations!
You sure know how to jerk a heart around! First the right on observations of a few of the biggest things wrong with the world today, which are enough to make a gal cry, scream and beat her chest in a warcry to end such bigotry. Followed by news that will make you cry tears of joys. So typical of life, these ups and downs. Well count me in on your fight. Love has no boundaries and no should be imposed by state or church. Congratulations!
Crying. I don’t know you guys, but I wish you much love and joy. The life you describe with Lala reminds me so much of the life I’ve found with Vanessa, my partner of two years– indescribable happiness beyond my wildest dreams. I wish everyone could be so lucky.
You guys wouldn’t be planning a trip out to the Michigan Womyn’s Music Fest next month, would you? Would love to meet you in person.
Congrats! May you have a long lives filled with love and tenderness.
tears here as are a gifted writer, special soul and deserve all the best in wishes to you both .. love, happiness and peace always..
I can’t begin to comment about the injustice of it know how I feel about that Rachael..
today let’s celebrate love. period! MWAH
Congratulations!! Yay!
Happy news like this makes the sad news a little easier to bear. And it’s awesome to see two kick-ass, radical people creating a family – it’s like proof of other people not giving up on the world. I mean, y’all were totally a family before the engagement, but it’s great that y’all are getting married and it’s like even more of a forceful statement against all the sadness in the world.
First, very disturbed about the story from Iran. Usually Candaian nets carry these things more than the US, but there was not a peep.
Secondly, I couldn’t be more happy, awestruck and delighted for you and Lala. Come to Toronto to do it up right, we had the first legal same sex marriage right here a couple of years ago when the two Michaels tied the knot. They took their fight all the way to the Supreme Court, no small shakes in Canada.
Wow, I’m always so happy when other people are in love and happy. And don’t worry about how soon it is, we knew at the first kiss – 17 years ago.
Okay. I’m a mess over here.
Longtime lurker here, just delurking to say Congrats! Wonderful, wonderful news.
It’s so heartening to know that even with all of the chaos and sadness, there’s still a space for love and hope. Blessings on both of you! That’s beautiful.
Oh. Oh! So lovely. My very best wishes to you both for many years of life and happiness and tears and joy together, in a world that gets it and doesn’t try any longer to legislate and make unlawful things unlegislatable and, really, none of the business of the general public to be trying to control in the first place.
So happy for you.
Yippee! Congratulations! It’s so wonderful to see that love, at least, endures.
But man, you just made me cry! Now I have to hide in my office for awhile.
Congratulations again. So happy for you both – it gives me hope that there really is someone perfect out there for each of us. So glad you two found each other.
Let me add my voice to the chorus – CONGRATULATIONS!! It is beyond my understanding why some people seem to do all they can to diminish love. Shame on them, joy to you.
Congratulations! May you have years and years of happiness, and as much as I hate that you have to fight for rights that should be yours to begin with, I hope that it only strenghthens the bond between you. Best wishes to you both.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so pleased for you both….thank you so much for sharing Rachel. I have so enjoyed watching you blossom with happiness…..
I can’t express how touched I am by your post Rachel…you are such a wonderful, wonderful writer. It is a priviledge to read you. L
Congratulations! I’m very happy for you both. I’ve loved reading about how cute you both are and this is the whipped cream and nuts on the sundae! Hooray!
congratulations!!! i’m so very happy for you. that’s just awesome!
as for those two young boys you wrote about. when i was a kid, my family and i lived in iran for a time. the shah’s iran. the shah’s iran wasn’t always a happy and just place — he was a little too happy to imprison and probably torture political opponents and such — but i’m pretty sure that he would never have allowed 2 young boys to be executed regardless of his views on homosexuality. the new free iraq will not be any better i’m afraid.
Your post was really sadness to joy. Sadness for the loss of two lives and joy for the joining of two lives. I’m quite excited for you and La! I do however think you are insane for knitting a whole dress! That will take FOREVER but with your style and grace, it will be perfect and lovely and just right! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Love is Love. And anyone who can find real love, more power to em. Congrats and Good Luck to both of you!
I’ve got tears in my eyes right now. Tears of sadness and shock and outrage for the boys in Iran, and tears of happiness for you and your Lala. Congrats to you both. It truly feels like “we’ve” been watching your love story progress through your blog. Can’t say I’m surprised you’re getting married as the love you feel for your girl is obvious through the screen. Blessings to you both.
You rock my world today. Mazel tov and congratulations! I ditto what everyone else said, too. I’ll fight.
Words cannot even express how happy I am for you two !!
Squees of joy !!
Congratulations! Such wonderful news on this beautiful summer day!
But the news of the boys in Iran is absolutely heart-breaking. It is just …. There are no words.
California never fails to shock me. It has this reputation for being wild and alternate, and yet it has some of the most conservative laws.
I’d say come up to Canada, too, but you have to fight the good fight down there. Good luck!
you just made me cry!
i’m afraid if i start to comment on the political state of the universe i won’t be able to stop, so i’m not even going to start.
what’s most important is your wedding announcement. congratulations! that’s fantastic news. you’ve done it — you’ve found your life partner, and there’s no better feeling in the world. . .
Congrats to both of you! ๐ Not a total surprise, but an absolute wonderful one. ๐
Congrats! Anyone can tell you were meant to be together, no matter what any stupid goverment thinks.
i got a little teary just then. i’m happy for you guys.
a thousand congrats!!!! you guys are both amazing.
Your post made me cry twice – once for the children in Iran, and then for your lovely news. I’ve been lurking on your site for a couple years now. CONGRATULATIONS to the two of you. May your lives be full of joy.
You SO rock. Mazal Tov to the both of you lovely ladies.
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best. Keep on fighting to rid injustice, I will too.
Can’t wait to see the wedding dress.
Rachael and La:
Congratulations. I can’t really put into words how beautiful what you written truly is. I wish you both all the happiness and joy that EVERY couple deserves when they decide to commit their lives to each other. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us.
WooHoo! Congratulations to both of you! It couldn’t happen to nicer people.
I wish you many many many years of a wonderful MARRIED life. I cant say how (since I’ve never met either of you) but, from reading and seeing pictures, I can’t see how the rest of the world can’t understand you two are perfect for eachother!
All the best, I’m cheering you on from across the coast!
Congratulations, I’m so thrilled for both of you! I wish you only the best in your lives together.
I hadn’t heard about the Iraninan story, thank you for putting out there. I wish there were more ways to effect change at the individual level.
Wa-hoo! ๐ Love rules. And all those jerks who are out there mongering hate can suck it. Congratulations!
Just had to add my congratulations to the rest. I wish you both the very best!
That’s how it happened with Nick and I, just knowing it was “it” from the beginning. I’d never wanted marriage until him.
It’s frightening how our rights are being rolled back and that’s part of their plan. Attack on so many fronts and maybe we’ll be overwhelmed, maybe we’ll just give up in disbelief that anyone could be so wrong, so mean, it can’t happen here. I promise we won’t give up or shut up.
Will you spin your wedding dress as well?
The first part of your post is truly horrifying. To think this kind of persecution still happens today just blows my mind. The U.S. needs to step up and get with the program, or we’ll all move to Canada.
And congratulations, dear. That is wonderful news. Isn’t it wonderful to know the person you are with is The One?
Rachel, this post brought tears to my eyes! Not the first part, which is rage inducing, but your engagement announcement, which had me crying tears of joy for you.
I wish you and Lala many happy years of marital bliss!
Woohoo!!! Two lucky grrl you are. May you have a long, happy and fulfilled life together.
OMG congratulations you two wonderful ladies! I’m weeping tears of joy for your happiness and tears for the two lives lost far too young, for no good reason.
Your dress will be incredible I’m sure, though I don’t know if I could be patient enough to wait that long!
When people love each other and want to commit their lives to one and other…how could that be wrong?
“Love sweet love…it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…” (oh and yarn too!) ๐
Best Wishes and would love to see the ring! Can’t wait for the wedding pics either! ๐
Beautiful post, beautiful person!
“…we’ll look at them together then we’ll take them apart adding up the total of a love that’s true multiply life by the power of two…”
I’ve been reading you for awhile, only commented once or twice, supported your run last year…I’m incredibly happy for you and La. I just had to say that. ๐
I’m just horrified over what goes on in other parts of this world but I’m so happy for you two, and now can say CONGRATULATIONS publicly and wish you both all the joy and happiness you can eek out of this lifetime. Mwah.
It is such a wonderful thing to congratulate another couple on their engagement, the promise of two souls. The world can surprise us once in a while with something good and pure. Sometimes it is the only thing to focus on in a world gone mad.
Are you coming on up here to Canada to do the vows?
Let love be.
bravo! Are you coming to Canada for it?…say yes!
YAY!! I’m so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, both of you.
(And you get to be mommy to Miss Idaho!!)
(and yes i am fighting the good fight, in whatever little way i can…. only wish it were more!)
that was the best post ever.
Are you knitting a veil/shawl as well? What colour will the dress be? I love epic crafting projects!
Don’t forget that Canada lets in a quarter of a million immigrants a year. If you’re looking for a nice gay-friendly place to raise a brood of tiny Lalas and Rachels, Vancouver is beautiful! (I may or may not live there, and this may or may not be completely biasing this argument.)
Sweetie(s), there are no words to convey how beautiful and awe-inspiring this post is.
Mazel tov and all the love to you both.
Hooray! Hooray!
You go girls!!!
Seriously HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!! Oh, what a joy to find The One and to know that The One thinks you are The One too! You have many blessings ahead, and much joy and tenderness and love (marriage is so lovely and wonderful, shouldn’t straight people who sanctify marriage want everyone to have the joy of it? I dont’ understand the desire to keep it all for themselves. I’ve been married for two years now, and my hubster and I love each other more today than we ever thought possible on the day we got engaged – somehow, yes, it grows). Congrats and many blessings on you and Lala and those who love you.
Congratulations- what fabulous news!!!!
Congratulations! (that’s all)
You know, the world is going to hell, and yet there are such bright spots of ineffable wonder that make me glad to be alive. All at the same time.
Congratulations and best wishes. And hugs. So glad to know you.
Yay! Now that everyone knows, I can be thrilled for you in public! Congrats again! I love you, and I love you with Lala. I can’t imagine a more perfect woman for you, doll.
Love you!
(engaged in public now!) MWAH!
Congratulations, Rachael. May you have a long and happy life together with all the legal rights and responsibilities that go with marriage. I’m so happy for you. Mwah! And a hug!
Congrat’s to you and Lala! That is wonderful news.
I agree… the more love the better, why should it be restricted or descriminated against. Ugh.
That story about the boys makes me cry. As do all the others…
Wow, it must be so great to have this many people support you and Lala, myself included! Congratulations! And just as much as the world is full of the insane and the horrible, it’s also full of the wonderful and beautiful!
Congratulations again, I’m so happy for you both!
Awww you guys are so cute together!
Congrats! Hopw all the planning goes well for the two of you.
You know of course we have all kinds of “Gay Wedding” tourist packages in Ontario, Canada.
If you decided to get married in Ontario you must let me know!
You guys are just too cute together.
If you send me your snail mail addy I’d love to send you a card for the big day.
I am so very happy for you and Lala. Congratulations!
Teresa in Chicago
So sad – so cool – so happy – all in one post. Congratulations to you both!
And, you tell me who to donate money to and I’ll do it.
OMG, you made me cry. That’s beautiful. Congratulations to you and Lala!!!
Well, look at that. I don’t even know you all, and you’ve got me tearing up.
All the best. For real.
I’m crying at work again, tears of sadness and tears of joy.
It may be a tough battle, but it won’t be one you’ll fight alone – I can promise you that.
wiping the tears sitting at work they all think i’m nuts but damn girl, best post ever, best news ever, saddest story ever, and no, you’re not alone, there are many many people standing with both of you, with all of the people of the world who choose to love. we will all keep fighting against hatred, and we have to win sometime. love conquers, after all! congratulations to you both!
Congratulations! Come move up here to Toronto – we think same-sex marriage is da’bomb! Let me know if you want to come up, I can help you with the planning. ๐
All the best to you and Lala
Congradulations!!!!! I wish you both a lifetime of joy and happiness.
I’ve never commented on your website before, but I’ve been reading for a few years (oh my goodness, that long!) and I nearly started crying at work while reading your post (like others apparently before me). I wish you and Lala the best – much love. Let’s hope people will stop hating one day and learn to accept. CONGRATULATIONS! ๐
Yay for the two of you! Here’s hoping that everything you two wish for will be granted. BTW, only knowing each other a short time before getting married can work! My folks only knew each other a month before they got married and are celebrating 40 years together this weekend!
“She’s the one for me. She’s smart, funny, and one of the kindest people I’ve ever been lucky enough to meet. She’s hot. She makes me want to be a better person. I don’t have to babysit her in a…
A Knitted Wedding Dress Indeed
To honor their commitment to each other I’m re-posting something I wrote back in November to let them know that I’m not afraid and I’ll gladly help them fight for their rights to live together as a family.
Hang on to that happiness and hopefully we’ll keep setting a good example up North – 1 lucky Canadian.
Damn, I thought I had cried all the tears there were to be cried. Congratulations to the two of you. May your knits be knit and your purls be purled forever and ever. A-women!
Congratulations on the great news – to many happy years together!
Rachael and Lala! Getting married! YAY! Congratulations to you guys, much love and here’s to many happy years!
BTW, knitting your wedding dress? OMG I can’t wait to see it. And picture this. Wedding pictures…handknit wedding dress…making the “Hot Rachael” face from that one picture a few posts back.
Hi there, I’m a *brand* new reader, like from last week, and also a *gasp* born again Christian who loves Jesus. I just want to say, **CONGRATULATIONS!** on your engagement! I feel like I should mention my religion so you know that the tide is shifting, slowly, amongst us Jesus-freaks. Keep up the fight, ladies, and I will be praying for you two and the cause. I hope you have a long and happy marriage. -And do keep us updated on the progress of the dress. ๐
A big blog congratulations (since I already gave you both one in person).
Honey if I can help you make your country get it’s head straight, just tell me how.
Of course, you could just get married in Toronto.
Congratulations. Creepy, what’s happening in California. Unfortunately, I don’t vote there. I do, however, vote in Canada, and you know what we’ve made here. If CA won’t love you, come on up. And in the meantime, please tell us more about the dress and all the other good stuff.
I’m somewhat late – I only just got in from Colorado – but many, many congratulations to both of you.
May your marriage be a Big Deal – a celebration, a party, a rejoicing in love. (Terry and I both did the white dress thing, and had 180 people there, who all signed our wedding certificate. It was even more affirming than we could have dreamed of.) If you want more info, or good resources we used, feel free to email.
In a world so hate-filled, love is well worth celebrating.
Damn, being the 146th person to leave a comment definitely feels cheap, but here it is.
I can remember back when Lala was just the “banjo girl.”
I couldn’t be happier for you. And I’d vote for you anyday. You definitely give L’s a good name. =)
I was already a proud Bostonian but was absolutely at bursting when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. And Maryland, where I live now, is gearing up for court fight. We only have to get rid of our respective terrible governors.
But enough about that… CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was just married to my longtime love in April (a man, if that makes any difference). Being married is great.
You both are just so darned cute!
I wish you both many happy years together.
Congratulations! You are perfect for each other and I wish you a lifetime of bliss.
i warmly welcome more love into this world that so desperately needs it!
Congrats! I’ve never read an engagement story that went into so little detail while so immensely tugging at the heart strings. What a great story! I wish you both all the best. It’s nice to know that while there are horrible things happening in this world there are also amazing happy and joyful things happening . . . hopefully these bright and shining moments will someday outnumber the dark and brooding ones. Congrats a million times over, and may you have a long and happy life together!
(I all too well remember the feeling of sneaking secret glances at a ring. What a wonderful feeling that little stomach jump of happiness!)
YAY! Kudos and congrads!
Congratulations to you! I am glad to see that you are happy and want to share your joy with everyone. I am new to reading your blog and I really get a kick out of your posts, keep on smiling!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I’m all teary over you two! I am just thrilled for you – and for what it’s worth – I think God is too. ๐
Congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations! May you both find happiness, peace and comfort with each now and always.
*smile* Love is a wonderful thing and I’m happy for you too that you’ve found it! Enjoy each other!
Wow – I really did not know all of that stuff – the current events – sad, shocking… and WOW – congratulations to both of you. Wishing you much happiness always!! ๐
What a conflicted heart I have now – one part so very sad for the boys in Iran and one sooooo extremely happy for you and your girl. I wish you both much joy and happiness. Congratulations!!!!
What a beautiful, perfect post. Never commented on your blog before, but I have to say – congratulations!
Wow, I’m comment No. 163…Congrats from the heart to you and Lala! I really mean it. You’ll love being married – it kinda feels like a secret club. May life bring you all the happiness you deserve!
Oh my! As if I wasn’t having enough trouble keeping myself together with all these postpartum hormones dashing about….then this!!! I am so very happy for both you & Lala and so pleased you are taking the plunge. It’s a shame there is so much opposition to any union outside the norm…I say go for it where you can find it! And if you need back up I’m sure there are plenty of folks from across the country willing to jump in with both feet…heh heh heh.
Congrats!! Pam
I’m so incredibly HAPPY for you both! Congratulations on your happy engagement and even happier marriage! Your post bought many tears (for many reason) to my eyes and moved me to make my first comment here. =)
Love to you both, N.
I’m very new to the whole world of knitbloggers, so this is the first time I’ve come across yours. And I’m so happy I found you today so I could add my CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderful news! That’s fantastic! Love and committment are wonderful things that should be celebrated, shared and honoured. Thank you for allowing me to feel part of your happiness today. It’s a very special and awesome thing. And thank you for reminding us that there’s still so much work to be done to make sure everyone feels they have the right, and the safety, to share their love and committment with the world.
And if you DO choose to come to Toronto – beautiful city, beautiful spots for weddings – it would be my absolute pleasure to work with the other Torontonians and Ontarians who’ve posted to throw you a yarn shower!
Big congrats to you both. Drive over the bridge – maybe ol’ Gavin will do the honors?! May you have a wonderful life ahead.
I too have been a reader since before Lala and so much happiness entered your life. I truly do not understand why this is such an impossible issue for people. You are right – let’s fight for love. There are obsessions/love issues out there that are SO wrong…but “legally” correct. I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but (again) you’re right – this IS a civil rights issue. We (women) have come so far – and still have so far left to go. In some areas of the world, people have too little “right to chose” and too much dictated to them.
I am saddened by the misery that lawmakers around the world have foisted upon us.
And I feel a bit lighter in my heart because of the choices that you and Lala have made.
Best of luck to you both.
Congratulations, ladies!
Believe in the power of love. Believe that humanity truly is good. Believe that one day the laws will catch up to what is in out hearts and minds.
But for now, love is an amazing thing. Revel in it.
I was misty after I read your post this morning – both for the boys, who I had read about last week, and for you and Lala. The story about the boys is terrible, and my heart goes out to the people who loved them.
On a happier note, congrats to you two! Best wishes to the both of you!
Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that…Congratulations to the both of you…:-)
I wish you much much love and happiness. Congratulations, both o’ ya!
Congratulations and joy!
Weeeooo, I’m #172! Soooo many congratulations, felicitations, salutations, exaltations… that ring is your secret superhero armor against all the hate and evil in the world, dontcha know. (I ‘spect you do!)
Squeee! I’m late to the party, but let me add my congratulations! And as someone who just became Domestically Partnered in the eyes of the State of California, I know the feeling of being made political. The proposed amendments make my blood run cold. But no matter what they say, no matter what they do, they cannot change what K and I have. May you and Lala have a lifetime of happiness together!
I have to delurk to say CONGRATULATIONS! I’ve been reading you for a while now, and you and Lala are just…one of those really cute couples that seem like they belong together. And apparently you do! And it’s great! So know that some random person is very happy and excited for you. ๐
I did see the image of the boys before they were hung, sad beyond words.
AND…congratulations on your marriage! Don’t let anyone tell you that you have not been together long enough to make that decision. Hogwash! My DH and I were together for 3 months before engagement, 9 months before marriage. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary next month (that’s why we’ll be in the Bay)! You are a fabulous and beautiful couple!
I’m very happy for you both – may you have a long & happy life together.
I’ve read of so many horrible things that happen in Islamic countries – sometimes they even bring it with them when they emigrate. A certain story of “honor killing” from a year or two ago happened in the US, even. I can still hear the audio they played on tv of the incident. *shudder*
First I was horrified. And then I cried, both with sadness and joy.
I shall start saving for a salad spinner.
Congratulations to you both.
I started this post off feeling the usual rage-boiling-quietly-beneath-my-skin feeling that I get when I’m reading about the many things in this world that make me OH SO MAD I could just spit and scream and cry and break things. But I don’t. (Instead I just blog about them.)
And then. And then!! Then I continued reading…and now I’m crying. I am so, so, so utterly happy for you both, and I’ve been hoping that this’d happen, and now it is and *squee!*
I’m still outraged. But I’m overjoyed, too. It’s an interesting cocktail, and since I’m about to go to bed for the night now, I’m sure it’ll lead to some very unusual dreams over the next few hours.
Congratulations, to you two wonderful, wonderful women! As my engagement gift to you, I promise to stay outraged and keep fighting against the people who’d declare a love like yours somehow less true, less pure, less real, less worthy of rights and recognition. Consider yourself thoroughly hugged from over here in New Hampshire. ๐
Love is love no matter what!! Congratulations and blessings to you both. I too remember when you decided you weren’t “looking for a girlfriend” and at the time I told you “there were no accidents. Everything happens for a reason!”
I’m so glad you found yours, Rachel!!
Huge congratulations to you and Lala. Delurking the revel in the joy I read in your words.
big hugs and lots of congratulations. much happiness to you both!
A big congratulations to you and Lala! That is very exciting ๐
Beautiful post, you were so eloquent. I wish you and Lala all the best. When you have love in your life, it is like a head start to joy. Congratulations to you both. Planning is so much fun and the big day will be so full of emotion and the makings of amazing memories.
Thank you for sharing your love in your posts!
We’ve had equal marriage for a while now, and despite the very, very deep concerns that marriage would be corrupted and God would be pissed, it turns out that nothing bad happened. (We were all poised for the apocolypse you understand….recognising human rights, well. You never know if this is the thing that will shift the planet off its axis and send us all hurtling through space, screaming as the oxygen is stripped from our atmosphere)
The exact same number of straight people are entering into (and out of) marriage, families still walk by the lake and little kids are not pelted by fire and brimstone on their way to the park.
Which makes my next point. Now, I’m not a religious person, but I’ve read the books, and it seems to me that God has a pretty good track record for meting out punishments and setting humans straight (no pun intended). Pillars of salt, great floods, smitings….locusts. If God has an issue, he does not hesitate to act swiftly and viciously to punish those who are impure.
He has done nothing. Not one loving same sex couple has been hit by lightning. The united church downtown that’s been marrying folks up right, left and centre has not had so much as a broken water pipe, never mind a flood. No hail, no salt, no nothing. From this, I can only surmise that God has no problem with this. I’m sure he sends his congratulations for managing to find each other…as do I.
As for Iran, it’s the same issue. These aren’t gay rights. They are human rights.
Peace out.
Long time lurker, first time poster and what a time to post! This made me so happy to read! Congratulations to you both!!!!!
I can’t address the horror right now, because I want to revel in the joy I feel for you and Lala
Wow! How exciting! If you ever get to this message – send me a pic of your hand wearing the ring girlfriend…I wanna SEE.
You are going to be the most beautiful bride. Dang, I’m already crying and the wedding hasn’t started yet. I know, I’m pathetic. Sniff.
I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together. I’m sorry you have to be political too. You should be able to just feel the joy and excitement any couple on the verge of marriage is feeling with no dark cloud of oppression.
Lala, dear one I don’t know you well but I know you are special because Rachael loves you and anyone smart enough to see what a gem Rachael is, is top on my list. Congratulations!
OMG! Our Rachael is getting MARRIED! She’s knitting her wedding dress!
Longtime lurker delurking to say congratulations, but I’m not surprised in the least. Having read your posts, your feelings for each other shine out in a most obvious and beautifuil fashion. I wish you both much happiness.
Also, I wouldn’t believe the whole I-knew-this-person-was-IT-after-a-couple-months thing if it hadn’t happened to me 8 yrs ago. Was always a skeptic prior to that.
Looking forward to the day when bigoted people everywhere quit being so afraid to admit that a loving commited relationship between two people of any gender in no way threatens their own loving commited relationship. I believe it can and will happen. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.
OH, RACHAEL! SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH. Cannot wait to one day meet the wonderful Lala.
Bossy Little Dog on the Gov’t Funded Amusement Park called NASA: “And the commercials – it’s the commercials for the space center that freaking KILL me – the place is actually promoted as a theme park. We are bombarded with…
Bossy Little Dog on the Gov’t Funded Amusement Park called NASA: “And the commercials – it’s the commercials for the space center that freaking KILL me – the place is actually promoted as a theme park. We are bombarded with…
Congratulations! That is most excellent news. May you and Lala have a long and happy life together.
Delurking to say Congratulations! You guys are the cutest couple. I wish you many years happiness together.
ugh Rachel i wrote a long and wonderful note and then crashed my internet connection.. weird.. anyway lots of love and luck to you and your sweet love! i’m so happy for you and also wish bad things on the stupid politians that have no clue! hugs love karola
What a tragic story, followed by simply amazing news. I wish you all the best life has to offer, and I truly hope that someday this is not an issue. At all. That said, I’ll take the fight to the streets for you this fall when Maine votes on whether or not to repeal the Gay Rights Law. I refuse to turn a blind eye to discrimination. Congratulations!
the perfect blog title…”from sadness to joy”
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you…
Congratulations! I’m just so happy for you both…gotta say, just from reading your blog, it was no surprise.
My heartfelt congratulations to you and Lala. I’m so grateful that we live in an area where people can be open about who they love. It’s a beautiful thing in a world that doesn’t always make sense.
Oh, and please don’t forget to show us your plans for the dress – are you designing it yourself?
I actually started to tear from reading this post. First out of uncontrollable anger about the two 16 year old boys in Iran and then in joy at the announcement of your engagement.
I know it’s so weird, but I started out reading knitting blogs as a way to bring a little light into my work day–a nice break and a way to find inspiration in other people’s work.
But your smart writing and jolly attitude and are quite addictive and full of charm and love.
Thank you for sharing such lovely bits of your life with the Web.
– Leslie
I’m a long time stalker, first time poster on your blog and just had to say congrats to you and Lala!
Call me naive, but it shocks me how closed minded this country is. I’m all for legalizing homosexual marriage. Maybe you guys can get it right since the heteorsexuals have screwed it up. (Myself included.)
Can’t wait to see pics of your dress.
I’ve been following your blog for some time now, although I’ve never commented. I’m SO STOKED for my first comment to be about this entry.
On more than one occasion, I have gotten goosebumps reading about your love for Lala, I wish you both all the happiness in the world!!
Wonderful news! Best of luck to you both! Please please PLEASE show dress details! ๐
The only good I see coming of these hateful marriage-banning, rights-stripping initiatives is that they might force people to decide what’s right and not sit on the sidelines if it doesn’t affect them personally (which it probably does, but they don’t know it does).
ANYHOO, you both have my heartfelt congrats. I think Lala might have to change the name of her blog to make it ‘woman’ singular. You know, just to be a respectable married lady.
xoxo Kay, Respectable Married Lady. (Hamsters Love Me, Naughty Children Fear Me)
Congrats to both you and LaLa. I think that it is fabulous. My aunt is married also (here in Canada) and has two kids (its all very cool) … You never know what life is going to bring your way, but its so phenomenal to see someone embracing it.
Also, if God didn’t want it, then he wouldn’t have ‘allowed’ or ‘made’ people have yearnings towards the same sex. Its great to see you proud and happy.
Can’t wait to see the ring and the dress!!
You both are beautiful!!!
Congrats to both you and LaLa. I think that it is fabulous. My aunt is married also (here in Canada) and has two kids (its all very cool) … You never know what life is going to bring your way, but its so phenomenal to see someone embracing it.
Also, if God didn’t want it, then he wouldn’t have ‘allowed’ or ‘made’ people have yearnings towards the same sex. Its great to see you proud and happy.
Can’t wait to see the ring and the dress!!
You both are beautiful!!!
Congratulations to both of you.
I remember in college when I said something along the lines of “God is God whether you call him/her Jesus, God, Allah, Vishnu, or Fred. It’s all the same principle of loving and accepting one another with a good and gracious heart.” I was accused of making others doubt their faith. My response is that if my thoughts can make you doubt your faith than it is your faith is lacking, not mine.
God’s and everyone else’s blessings upon you both. Best wishes for a long, healthy, happy and loving life.
To quote Mr. Rogers, “A person can grow to his or her fullest capacity only in mutually caring relationships with others,”
OMG.. I leave the blog world for a few weeks and SOOOO much happens.
Congratulations to both of you!!!! I’m thrilled for you both!
And hey, you absolutely know where to get your wedding flowers! Just say the word and I’ll be there with armloads of them!! Truly!
The world can be very harsh some times, it makes me sick inside to think of all the wrongs that are happening that we have very little say about. (I normally just read, not reply.)
Congratulations again, dear Rachael. I am appalled to hear the terrible news you have posted about, and I am sorry you have to deal with such horrific nonsense in your state and country.
Hello, I found you through Kaffienated Knits blog and jsut had to comment. This post brought tears to my eyes, indeed I had not heard this story, and my stomach actually hurts just thinking of it, how could such a cruel thing take place?! And intollerance just seems to be spreading, I don’t understand it. Congatulations to you, what an exciting time and thank you for sharing this!
Shut UP!!?!
That last comment was, like, a VERY loving OMG and Congratulations… In case anyone thinks I’m being an insensitive, uh, thing.
And Rach, hun, I hope this isn’t just an excuse to move again?
Infuriating, inspiring, devastating, eloquent post. Congratulations and much love to you and LaLa.
Fitting that comment # 212 should be from a New Yorker, yes? (It’s our area code!) Anyhow, CONGRATS. My eyes are all moist and misty after reading that. Wowwowowowowwow, that’s so wonderful, for both of you, and the cats and dogs and whoever else ends up being lucky enough to be part of your family. Yay!!!!!
The thoughtful Sandy J. suggested this post to her readers… With good reason.
Congratulations, you two. That is absolutely beautiful. :]
Holy crap, where the heck have I been? I know I’m very late in this, but congrats to you and Lala! That’s wonderful!!!!!
And, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but good ole Rosie O’D was in my fair city on her cruise, being greeted by our mayor and expressing her joy at the friendliness of our citizens. Ahem. Just sayin’, you know, if you need a honeymoon locale!
I’m late to this party, I see. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am for both of you! Felicitations to BOTH brides! I’m jealous that you’re marrying a banjo player.
congrats to you and lala! wishing you both lots of love and happiness!
Very very nice to read something so wonderful – tho belated. All the best wishes and heartfelt congratulations from another lurker.
My friend Johnny is a gay man from Iran. He told me once, “There are no gay men in Iran. They are not allowed to exist. If we hadn’t left, I’d be dead by now.” I cannot comprehend such a culture.
It’s the people who go so far to justify that their lifestyle, their decisions are right that scare me. That self riteousness is one of the most destructive forces in the universe. It induces division and hatred. It tears the very fabric of love. There’s no way that is right.
So count me in on this fight. I stand behind you and every couple that stands up and proclaims their intention to love each other forever, within the bonds of marriage. And I do so with great love and joy.
You know how I adore you and Lala. I’m so happy for you.
that’s just… wow. it’s amazing. i can’t think of enough ways to describe how happy i am for you both. but trust that, as i type, i’m a bit misty-eyed. viva you two!
Go away for a vacation and look what you miss!
Fabulous news, I’m so happy for both of you. Your joy radiates through your writing and your images. When it’s the right person, it’s time! Can’t wait to see the wedding pics.
De-lurking to add my congratulations to you and yours … that’s wonderful news, all best wishes for a wonderful life together.
My best wishes to you both. I’m so happy for you!
What a wedding (and life together) you two will have! There’s nothing like a party in the name of LOVE! So glad to hear the great news (even if preceded by some horrific news). I didn’t know I could go from tears to smiles so quickly. Thank you for spreading the word, both awful and wonderful.
I was out of town, so…
Belated Congrabulations!!!!!
I read your blog but have never commented. Just a quick word to say I wish you every happiness and joy in each other, and long and fruitful lives. Loving someone is never wrong. Virtual hugs from me to you both.
awww!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! that soo awesome!!! yaay!
Horrid about the Iranian boys. simply horrid.
yay, it’s public!
the lover and i have decided we will not seek a “legal” union in this country until it is available and legal to everyone. but what will we do for iran, the countries in our beloved africa? we will start and not stop.
we will stand, teach children to stand and stand, always in love, with you.
congratulations, precious.
Congratulations to you both! How very exciting! ๐
And you’re right, I hadn’t heard about the awful situation in Iran. How very terrible and sad.
I am severely behind in blogland, but I wanted to add my congratulations, and also to thank you for having the courage to get political. Rock on.
And don’t ask me why my computer just filled in my last name without me noticing, but there it is. ๐