Here’s what I’ve been working on lately. But Bethany, if you click, you’ll immediately lose the entire hard-drive on your computer, with all the stuff you’ve listed on it, all the roadside attractions you must see on your trip. Even if you ain’t using right now. I’ve cursed it. Don’t click. (Those of you who can click, everyone else, that is, I’m doing this in a funky order, you think? Attaching things that aren’t usually attached till later. Just felt like it.)
Beth! Don’t!
No more time now: Off to work for my last day before my weekend. My weekend, however will be taken up by one midnight overtime shift and killing ants. They’ve invaded and they’re working on carrying out my new couch. I can hardly stand to go to work right now…. I’ll have nothing left…..
Oh! The L Word rocks. Season premiere last night, and WOW! Could be because there’s such a dearth of lesbian anything on television, but I was impressed. Rather true to life, with its Dating Flowcharts and scamming on the same people, night after night, and Baby Making (except it’s Hollywood and every lesbian bordered on Too Beautiful. Eh. I suppose I can take it).
Do you have four extra sets of arms to work on so many projects? ;-> Your latest project looks great! BTW, I started the bottle cozy but don’t have much progress to report (but it looks kickass so far)- a bucket o chic tore me away from it. Take care and I am sending lots of good thoughts your mom’s way!
Gah, I’m so depressed I can’t see The L Word. 🙁
I wish I could watch The L Word too … what will I watch when Sex and the City is over?
I want one! And I wanna knit like you. I keep looking at things you’ve made and thinking I’d like do one simmilarly for myself. Sigh.
You will have to let us know if your high tech sercurity measures to keep Bethany from clicking on your link were effective! 🙂
The pic that Bethany is not supposed to look it totally rocks! You’ll have to give details upon completion. 🙂
DISCRIMINATION!! Not only do we probably not get the L word but they won’t even let me look at the site as I am not from the US! The nerve! 😉 But really, why would they care if a Canadian saw the site?! Very intriquing…