Thanks for all the comments on the last post! I LOVE THEM, and y’all. So much.
Happy New Year! This post is about running, although it has only to do with health, NOT resolutions. I only make one resolution every year: I will not stab ANYONE this year. I’ve done well every year with it, so I feel no need to change it up.
But the running. I’ve been running again. I had been, even before I got my new Nike+iPod toy, but now that I have it, I’m unstoppable, people.
So here it is: Wanna run with me? Wanna prove that knitters can get off the couch and into the streets? Show ‘em how sexy, strong, and fit we can be?
Wanna pledge to run 100 miles before April Fools Day? Three months, a hundred miles, that’s nothing, really. That’s a little less than 3 runs a week, 3 miles apiece. You can do that. Or if you can’t, you can get near it. Or do your best?
If you have the Nike+iPod, I’ve set up a running group on the Nike page – just go to the site where the device automatically takes you at login, and search for Runagogo in the forums and join me.
Or just join me in spirit: send me your name and I’ll make a list of those of us doing it. Keep me up to date with your progress. At the end, tell me how you did.
And if you finish, I have no great prize for you, but you can steal my idea if you like, the prize I’m giving myself – I’m going to allow myself to buy enough yarn for a sweater with no guilt, with no online price-comparisons, just shopping for yarn I love to make the perfect sweater. Because the next sweater is always the perfect sweater, right? Until then, I’m stashbusting, but if I make a hundred miles, I’m shopping.
Now! Champagne for everyone! Happiest!
That is a fabulous idea, however I am terrible at any kind of -along. Whenever I join a knitalong the project is immediately abandoned. I might be a stealth partcipant, though!
Hmm, I can’t run 1 mile, much less 3. How about walking for us non-runners?
Although I sure would like to be able to run a mile before I die, even with my bad knees.
I’ll do it with yah. Does it matter that I probably run that much already?
I just got my Nike+ for Christmas, so as soon as I get everything set up and calibrated, I’ll join the Runagogo, too! I’m already doing 3m/3days a week. But I’m all for joining a group to help keep me motivated as I attempt to train for my first Half!
I’ll have to think about what prize I want to set for myself.
I’ll cheer you on. In fact, I’ll go make my own pom-poms (from stash!) right now.
I’d love to get back in shape with all of you, but the plantar fasciitis makes running a bit out of the question. 🙁
All the best of luck to those of you who are able, though!
I like this idea. I was just gazing longingly at running forums earlier. My daughter is three months old next week and it will be a good excuse for us to try out that new jogging stroller. Oh, but I reserve the right to make it a walking goal if the whole running thing doesn’t work out. My hormones prevent me from feeling competitive lately. Cool! I feel like the “had-a-baby-Gained-some-weight” girl from the Nutri-System commercial. Because I totally did.
Count me in.
Weighing in from the east coast:
Have fun!
I’ll do it as a walking goal –I hate running – always have (unless it was in school playing soccer or something but that way about a 100 years ago) How do we do this – give you a total for the week or something or do we just keep track ourselves — now to dig out that pedometer…
Happy New Year to you all!!
I’m going to try . .. I just got the Nike + too, but I am a new runner, but I will definitely make a real effort. I am still trying to figure out when I can run with these shortened days . ..
Darling, you know I adore you, but no. No on the running. But if this walking version gets off the ground, maybe.
brilliant… i love it! sign me up! my running has been, er… well. not up to par as of late (cough cough). as in, it’s been at least 2 months since i did a 2 1/2 miler. and as a passionate and dedicated resolution-maker, you know running is all over that. combined with the various stash-busting resolutions, this sounds perfect!
happy new year dear!
ok, i’d like to play. but i won’t run. but i will walk or use my elliptical (it gives mileage). and maybe as i approach the 100 miles, i’ll be doing a little running.
i don’t have one of the nike things but i would like to be added to your runagogo page.
I’d like to join in. I could do with a push to get running again. No high-tech stuff though, I’ll keep track of my mileage through and keep you updated.
I’d love to join you, although not on the Nike page. Thank you for doing this!
Wow. I’m so in. I’m in! 100 miles by April 1st. I don’t have the Nike thingy but I’ll keep track…
Can’t run, but I’ll walk with you. Happy New Year!
Perfect! I decided six weeks ago to do the “Couch to 5k in 8 weeks” plan, and I’m on target so far. THEN last week I realized there’s a local 10k here in Richmond (VA) on 3/31, and I announced to my family that I’m going to run in it! So that’s a perfect April Fools Day goal for me, and I am SO IN! I haven’t tracked mileage (CoolRunning says it’s ok to just track time for the eight weeks) but hopefully within two weeks I’ll be running pretty close to 3 miles, 3 times a week.
THANKS for the push, and sign me up!
I’m in. But I’m walking the hundred miles. I only run if chased.
I don’t run, Rachael (asthma) but I will pledge to walk. I do three miles each weekday. Shoot, if I stick with it diligently (and make a few walks around the lake with Christy), I could easily do 200 miles by April Fools day. 200 miles in thirteen weeks. Yup, I think I’ll make that my goal.
I’ve been *trying* to do 10,000 steps a day with my shiny, happy new pedometer. (That’s been about 5 miles a day for me)
Count me in with the non-runners! At least 100 miles by your anniversary!
This is a wonderful idea. My knees and running do not agree, so I’ll be joining you on a bike. Thank you so much for this!
OK, bum knees, already had one scoped, but I can walk a 12 minute mile, so if walking allowed, I’m in.
Not nagging, just asking, do you plan to put your 2006 Venice trip up with the other two on the sidebar?
Happy, happy, New Year.
Basic buttons made at
I love the dog-finds-sister story and am so happy it turned out that way. I was here for that windy weather (San Jose area) and saw a eucalyptus tree just crash down in a parking lot where luckily no one or no car was located. So I was worried as your story progressed that Bethany’s dog was going to be a goner, crushed under a picnic table. But even though it wasn’t wonderful, it was a better story with a better ending. Does Bethany know that your dad is a keeper????
As for running, more power to ya and I am thinking of fast walking. :^) Happy 2007.
Count me in. I spent some time yesterday setting up a spreadsheet so I can track my running progress. After a hip injury earlier this year, my resolution is to get back into shape.
I’m with you. We get a “Kabul Road and Track Club” *certificate* for every 25 miles we complete. As soon as enough of the snow melts or gets shoveled I’ll be back out on the track completing the last 75 miles…
I’m in. Have just managed to fit working out into my daily routineand this will help motivate me… plus I am drooling over so many different patterns in the books I received for Christmas… guilt free yarn is a great reward!
p.s. am also starting blog rejuvenation, keep your eyes on it
I don’t have the nike ipod toy but I have 2 ipods and a pair of running shoes! I’m signed up to do my 10km class again in Jan. (This will be my 3rd year)
It is bad that I always stop running by Oct. But at least it gets me off the couch again in Jan.
Can I buy a plane ticket to L.A. instead of yarn for a sweater I will never finish??? Or maybe some expensive shoes I don’t need?
This is something I’m seriously considering right now. I’ve got to get back into shape because I gained a lot of weight over this year (and I wasn’t thin to begin with!) and stopped working out. But, I’m not a runner except just a few minutes here and there on the treadmill. I’m a long time reader of yours, but I forget … what kind of schedule/work out did you use when you first started running?
I’m SO glad that Boonie found Bethany. My eyes were watering as I read yesterday’s post.
Last thing – awhile back I asked you some questions about your iBook and you were so helpful with your reply. Well, I FINALLY got me a MacBook! Yay! 🙂
Count me in. I’m not allowed to run that much on pavement but I’ll make it up by doing 50/50 – half outside and half inside on the elliptical.
I’ll play along! At one point (about 3 years ago) I was running marathons competitively, but was taken out of the running world due to a few bouts with serious respiratory illness. 2007 is the year I want to get back into it, so this is a perfect way to start for me (though I hope to do a little more than 100 before April..we’ll see!)
(also, hello! Lurker here. I’ve been reading for quite awhile but have been too shy to comment).
I’m not a big believer in resolutions either (I love your annual one – now that’s the kind of resolution I could keep, well, most of the time anyway :-))
Good luck with reaching your goal. I’m not a runner, so I won’t be joining you, but I’ll cheer you on from the sidelines!
I’ll do it. I just finished my Nike + cozy yesterday and tried it out – works perrrrrfectly! I’ll be walking though, I ended up with 2 injuries the last time I tried training for a 5K. But I’m totally up for this.
Well I’m already down for a half-marathon on 3/25, so I don’t think I should have any trouble getting in 100 miles before April!
Totally. I’m in. I’ve been thinking about doing a half-marathon at the end of April, plus I’m trying to stick to a wedding-prep workout schedule, so this should be doable. No Nike+ thingy since I don’t have a Nano, but I’ve been learning all kinds of cool spreadsheet trioks lately…
Also, for non-nano peeps, there’s a useful running log at coolrunning ( that will track everything (mileage, times, etc., even when to replace your running shoes). Not as easy as having the little gizmo do it automatically, but better than having to do it all yourself. And free.
I’m in! Loved the idea from the get-go.
I’m in, dude, but I don’t have one of those stalker/nano contraptions, so I will have to join you in spirit!
Yes, Yes! This is just what I need to get my 2007 training started. Sign Me Up.
Yes, Yes! This is just what I need to get my 2007 training started. Sign Me Up.
Hell no, I won’t go. Might walk-along tho. Just read the Boonie story, sniff, sob……hate bad animal stories so was very brave and relieved to get to the end. WHEWWWWWW. Now I can safely email to all my other co-dog-dependent friends.
Hell no, I won’t go. Might walk-along tho. Just read the Boonie story, sniff, sob……hate bad animal stories so was very brave and relieved to get to the end. WHEWWWWWW. Now I can safely email to all my other co-dog-dependent friends.
I’m in too — just stared the “Couch Potato to 5K” plan today!
I would love to do this! GREAT motivation for me. I wish I had one of those nike thingies, but I don’t, so it’s old fashioned sign-up-in-the-comments for me. 😉
Okay, I’m in. I even took a longer route to Starbucks today, just to get me there that much faster.
That, and I swear I’m going to do this on my bike. WAY before April 1 too.
I’m in! I like Map My Run for figuring out the routes, and Cool Running for logging them. I’m running the Country Music Half Marathon in April, so this will be perfect.
I have a nano, but no Nike+ thing yet. I haven’t run in years. Used to do half marathons, 5k’s, etc. I will join you, but I’ll start by walking. Maybe by April I’ll be running again. I’ll get a Nike+ in a few weeks, but in the meantime, I’ll keep track on the ol’ standby, pen and paper.