Santa listened to me this year and sent (via Lala, who calls him the Christmas Hippie) me the Nike+iPod kit. This thing is awesome. There’s a little do-jobber that you fit into the end of your iPod Nano, and a remote sensor chip that you’re supposed to fit into the base of specially designed Nike shoes. Welp, I love my New Balance 855s, and I don’t need to buy the special, expensive shoe. There are a bunch of do-it-yourself hacks out there (I found a good list here), but I didn’t see any instructions on how to knit yourself a sensor cozy, so here you go.
It’s dead easy, and took about 20 minutes. You should be a bit versed in sock construction, since I don’t go into details.
Grab some leftover sock yarn (you’ll only need a bit) and 2 circular sock-sized needles, whatever you like. I used size 1US, but I knit looser than anyone else, so you might need a 3US, or whatever gives you a nice dense fabric. I chose a bit of KnitPicks merino.
Following the instructions for a toe-up sock found here (I used, as I usually do, the figure-eight method) to cast on twelve stitches, six on each needle. Do one row on each side, and then increase to eight on each needle by knitting into the front and back of the first and last stitch on each needle. You now have sixteen stitches total. Work six or seven more rows.
Now try it on for size. Slip the sensor in. You want it pretty snug, but don’t worry about getting it super tight. If you like it, now is a good time to turn it inside out briefly and weave in that tail end.
Keep knitting around until you can just about close the top of the pouch over the top of the cozy with a small tug.
Break your yarn, leaving a long tail. Put the sensor inside, and then graft (kitchener) the whole thing shut. (Kitchener video HERE.)
Mine is a little wonky, but come on, it’s going on your foot! It’s okay if it’s wonky. Isn’t it weird to sew your new toy into a closed cozy? I think so.
Use your needle to continue weaving in that long end, drawing it eventually down to the middle of the back (the side of the sensor that’s rounded).
Pick a place near the toe of your shoe that looks likely, and using the same long tail, sew it on. Don’t worry about being neat — make sure it’s on there tight. You can always cut it off later and make another one if you change running shoes.
Keep sewing it. It won’t fall off (and if it does, a voice tells you the sensor and the receiver are no longer in communication after two minutes), but you want to make sure it won’t, right?
Look! Cute! Knitting!
Yay! Thanks, Santa!
(How much do I LOVE that when you link your Nano back up to your computer that it automatically dumps your info to the Nike site that tracks your progress? Tells me my speed and calories burned and average pace…. Awesome. Some would argue that it’s too much information that can be gathered, but come on, if you want to track me with a running shoe, you’d be better off just buying a video camera and going full stalker-mode, since the shoes aren’t on that much, anyhow.)
Cost: $29, minus the cost of the iPod Nano and the special shoe.
Holy cow!
I have to admit, I thought it was something like a whole special shoe and gear set, I thought that sensor was embedded in a Nike shoe (in retrospect, this is stupid, of course they wouldn’t do that…of course) but if it’s “just” a special chip & receiver. That is a hella cool cozy.
Hooray for Lala and Christmas Hippy!
But only for a Nano? Humph! (Not buying another iPod just for the running…) You could have the Nike chip on one shoe and the ChampionChip on the other!
Umm, is there ANYTHING you’re not good at? Damn! That is one nifty doo dad, right there. Lord. I am just glad I can tie my own shoes, sometimes. Seriously. You are a crafty, crafty, creative girl. I am uber impressed. It’s all custom matched to your shoe and everything. Get back with your bad self. Muah.
That’s awesome — my sister has one of those do-dads – I’ll have to knit her a cozy! (Actually, come to think of it, she may have the sneaks with the embedded chip). I drive by New Balance HQ every day — great shoes; great company!
that is one seriously creative way to attach your sensor, girl. ๐ and lots of awesome running motivation!
That is a cool idea and a very cute cozy. I’m sure you have seen this article about the Nike iPod add-on, but here it is for those who might not have:
I’ve had the nike+ for 6 months now and I LOVE LOVE IT! Won’t run without it! Trained for my first 1/2 marathon with it.
I didn’t buy the shoes either, I put some velcro on my laces using double sided tape and then velco on the sensor and just velco it on and off when needed. I never though of knitting something – fabulous idea!
We should create a ‘community’ on the Nike site and challenge people!
What Anne said. I’d love one of those (I’d prolly even run more), but it won’t work with my iPod and i’m not buying a nano just for this (though of course I did consider it for about 30 seconds).
Love the cozy!
What a great idea:) Okay if I share this on my blog with links back to your site?
Knit Your Own Nike+iPod Sensor Pouch
The crafty blogger over at Yarn-A-Go-Go has posted instructions on knitting your own shoe pouch for the Nike+iPod Sport Kit sensor. It should be a pretty easy project for someone with basic knitting skills, and the finished product looks much better th…
Such a neat idea! I want a cute little knitty thing for my running shoes… oh wait, then I’d have to take up running.
Now that’s instant gratification. And oh so cute. And now you can knit up an ID and key holder for your other shoe! (Maybe not kitchenered shut though) Yay Lala for the good communication with Santa!
You are so awesome! I have been eying the $100+ Nike Plus shoes for the last two weeks, and thinking “Am I only buying these for the pouch? Surely it would be possible to simply attach the sensor to a cheaper pair of shoes?” But I never thought that knitting would be the answer!
I super love the idea, but I’m a little annoyed that they only make it for nanos. Why do the nanoites get all the cool stuff?
And hooray for the chip cozy, even if I am a little disappointed that it isn’t ruffly with a Barbie head poking out the top.
This actually makes running more appealing to me….(I hate running!)
Great work! I taught myself to knit a few months ago with the idea that I would try to make a shoe pouch for myself… never got around to it.
I’ve added your knit pouch to my list of Nike+iPod Shoe Hacks and Accessories, which you linked to in your post. I’ve also posted a separate entry about it on my front page, but for some reason the trackback isn’t showing up here. Just wanted to let you know.
you’re a rockstar. i love that cozy… resourceful knitters should never be underestimated!
so glad you had a good relaxing holiday… hope the weekend is wonderful. happy new year dear!
Thanks for this cute tutorial on a “sock for my sensor”:) My way of attaching it was not near as pretty!
Thanks for the tutorial – much better choice for the nano if you shoe of choice is NOT a Nike brand.
Also thanks for run-a-go-go, what a great idea!
fabulous. Ive been jamming my sensor into my shoe. it hurts. it also throws everything off. its annoying. what an answered prayer. you have no idea. oh wait, you do. ๐ THANKS!!!!!
you should sell these on ebay.
You guys should checkout the shoes that came out from Nike with Ipod applications. Nike and Apple coming together is a perfect combination and if this can motivate a healthier lifestyle than more power to them.
What a great pouch. I had a hard time finding one. For those of you like me that just cant handle a project like this try I found one. Prior to finding
I have been using a bigger pouch-the sales associate at the running store told me to fill the pouch with tissue so that the chip has no room to move.