Good lord! A wonderful person just donated the money that will let Bethany and I both go to the Night of Writing Dangerously!
WOOOOOOOOT! This is how I felt when I found out:
Really. I did that.
Then I realized that both things I had blogged (my reading and the Night of Writing Dangerously) are on the SAME NIGHT.
So I'm going to have a ball. First to the N.O.W.D. with Bethany, where we'll set up our computers and snack and write and listen and play. Then I'll jet over to the reading. I will read and listen and shmooze with knitters. Then I'll jet back to the City for the last hour or two of writing dangerously (doesn't that just sound so romantic?).
So to you, you know who you are (and I don't! It's killing me!), THANK YOU. You made both Bethany's and my Nano November already the best one ever. I can't believe I get a whole night of magic – reading from my first Nano, now a real book (although not published or nothin', we're working on that….) and working on my current one.
You really knocked us out. And we'll toast to you that night. Thank you.
Wowser! That’s exciting and all, but who won the knitted socks from your run? Did you post the info and I missed it? I’m not even in the running for it, I just like prizes!
WOOT!!!! Congrats! That’s great news!
I would have loved to see you read!
Have a great time tonight.
Wow – that’s fab! Thanks, Anonymous! And that picture of you is just way too cute.