So it’s November 1st, and you know what that means, my friends. It’s time for NaNoWriMo! I’m going to try something (and I very well might fail! I’m okay with that. I fail a lot, and it’s just part of life. I also succeed quite a bit, since I’m not too scared of failure).
I’m going to try to blog every day about how my NaNo is going for 2018. This might not work right off the bat, since Lala and I are off to music camp for four days, and I don’t suppose I’ll have much time to write my NaNo words, let alone a blog, but you see? I still have grand intentions!
Just like I did in 2006, the first year I tried NaNo. I won that year and that book turned into my first published book, How to Knit a Love Song, which came out from HarperCollins in 2010. I’ve written more than 20 books since then, but I’ve never managed to capture the sparkling magical unicorn PLAYFULNESS of that first year, because every year since then, I’ve tried to Write Something For Money during NaNoWriMo.
Not this year. This year, I’m a rebel. I’m writing a memoir of my time in Venice over the past twenty-five years. I’m doing it because I want to. I’ll eventually package it into a book and either self-pub it or give it to my agent if she thinks it’s good enough, but I’m decidedly not worrying about that now.
November is for play. For recapturing that magic I felt the first year. I have dreams of combining the magic of Venice with the magic of NaNo, which means that I think the book will be made of sparkles and moondust and the sound of a gondola’s paddle just around the corner of the next crumbling building. Of course, it will end up being something else entirely–books never do what I want them to do.
They always do something better.
Are you doing it, too? I’m yarnagogo over there – buddy me if you’d like, and let’s do this!
Yes, I’m doing NaNo too. I am a rebel as well because I’ll be writing the rest of the current novel-in-progress. I was 26,000 words in already as of yesterday.
And I’m blogging daily. And knitting a sweater for National Knit a Sweater Month.
As one does.
I’m FreeJazzMama on the NaNo-site.
Good luck with the memoir, I’m looking forward to reading it. And your progress here.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I loved your November essay about meditation, and promptly upped my daily meditation time to – ten minutes.
YAY 10 minutes! That’s a lot! and huzzah nano rebel!
Yep! I’m there. Joined up for the first time. Wrote 1,928 words today. Hope I can keep up the pace!!!
Good luck to us!☆☆☆♡♡♡
This is my first year NaNoing and success stories like yours give me so much hope! I did NaBloPoMo a couple of years ago and that felt a lot harder than just writing words because of all the extra work involved with optimizing a blog post. You’re pretty awesome trying to do both! 🙂
I’m Jensalittleloopy on the NaNo site.
yes!! get it!