I can smell things! Just a little, but it IS coming back, o joy. My house does not smell unclean, I am happy to report. Feliway is working SO well.
I am tired. Worked today for the first time in two weeks following this flu from hell. Up at four in the morning, rather than waking naturally. Home by seven pm. Tried to write, couldn’t. Too stupid tonight. Instead, I had pasta that I made a few days ago (but first smelled today, and it was GOOD), and now I’m going to bed. At 8:24pm. Life in the fast lane.
A sneak preview of the sweater I’m working on now:
It’s a pattern I’m copying from a Norwegian sweater my mother had made for her in Norway in the 60s. So far so good. It’s really unnerving, though, to look down on my couch and see a disembodied sleeve lying there, a replica of the sleeves that have always been attached to the sweater that my mother has worn for the thirty-five years I’ve known her. It’s like the sweater broke.
To bed. I wish you a good night.
Get better soon!
Good night. Feel better!
“It’s like the sweater broke” is LAUGH-OUT-LOUD funny!
At least you never lost your sense of HUMOR!!
So glad to hear your sense of smell is coming back – I feel lost without mine. Feel better soon!
Dealing with the “no-smell-ability” myself. I have avoided going into panic mode (we have a propane-powered house…lots of places to leak) by asking my children to tell me if anything smells like skunk or farts. Obviously I’d made this plan while on the codeine cough syrup, and it has been ‘back-firing’ for the past week, what with all the supposed “leaks” the boys have been accusing each other of.
Still trying to cough up a lung? I hope you’re feeling better very soon, or that better drugs find their way to you.
Just went and re-lived the Digit-arrives-home-without-an-extinguisher story. It still touches me.
What is this Feliway of which you speak? My cat has a serious attitude problem right now and it is resulting in a very stinky basement. I just can’t scrub the smell away!
Glad your nose is okay! Here’s hoping for wonderful smells in your future!