NANOWRIMO COMETH. At some point, I should probably plot out at least the first scene, since I'm going to launch into it on Saturday, but…
Hey, wait!
What does Chris Baty, founder of NaNoWriMo always say?
Indiebound | Amazon | iBooks| Kobo | B&N *
Know what? Chris is right. No plot is actually no problem, espeically in the magical month of November. I find out what I'm writing as I write it. I can have as detailed a plan as I like, and I'll veer from it just because the grass I imagined over there, on the other side of the fence, feels cooler to my imaginary toes.
His book is awesome, friends (REVISED and EXPANDED), and because he's just as awesome, he's giving away TWO signed copies and a fire-breathing princess postcard, to boot.
Just leave me a comment below to enter (tell me what you're going to write about! Or what you're NOT going to write about — ooh, that's even more interesting, the negative space around your words…) and I'll draw two winners on Nov. 5th.
In the meantime, I'll just sit here and wonder why I take on creative challenges like sketching something every day just as November lands in my lap. Please enjoy the book llama Chris sent me, as he does.
*Affiliate links
Oh, this is a great idea! I am NOT going to write about elephants, tea, jellyfish, or electricity. Other than that, who knows?
Two days to go, and I still have no idea what I’m going to write about. But it’s my weekend now, so maybe I’ll put my Planning Hat on and come up with some ideas. Or knit. Who knows…
Oh! I need this book. I know my characters, time period, and location. I just don’t know who done it. Or where. The why goes along with the who. I just need to action!
Oh, I would love to have a copy of the book! ๐
I wasn’t going to do NaNoWriMo this year but then an idea started bugging me so I’ll start writing on Saturday, too. I’ve made a chapter outline for the first time but I’m not sure how close I’ll stick to it. My main character gets amnesia after a car accident and awakes to a crumbling marriage, a slick boss and a detective that won’t leave her alone. Feels like this story has been done a thousand times but I’m hoping mine will be different. I will NOT be writing about robots, no matter how much my husband wants me to.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Ummm โฆ given that I’m counting all writing of any type, probably mostly free-writing exercises and journal entries, I can’t guarantee there’s anything I won’t write about. What I know I will write about? ME. Me, me, me. I’d feel self-centered, but, hey, that’s what journal entries are. And most of my free-writing, for that matter.
Well, I actually have a title for my novel which might be a bad omen. I typically have either a title and nothing to go with or, a story and no title. “Proof of Life.” Not an alien story, although it sounds like it. Baking/cooking will figure into it and identity and family. Excited about this November and the process of discovery!
I’m writing about (please. please. please.) a Victorian woman who is discovered by a librarian… I’d love to win this book!
Oh fun! I’m planning on working on a novel that I started years ago, about a girl who is given a key that opens doors to the world of fairy tales. I think… we shall see. ๐
Right now I’m leaning toward this idea I had of a vigilante whose method of exacting justice is to break into peoples’ houses to unscrew all their lightbulbs and remove the batteries from their remotes. Because I’m passive aggressive like that.
Sounds like just the thing — with our without fuzzy animals! (Probably would help even more if I’d finish your lessons!)
Fingers crossed!!
I am writing a mystery about a murder at a LARP. Not writing about nurses, aliens or other planets.
Well, every year I know (in the most general terms) what I am going to write about, the whole thing veers off about three days in and I get to November 30th and “huh? where did THAT come from?” So current plans do not involve wildlife, nature, magic, dragons or food.
I am not going to write Lord of the Rings fanfiction this year. Nope. Not gonna do it. Even though it is calling me like a siren. What I think I am going to write is about a country girl who goes away to college and stumbles onto some supernatural vortexy place and gets the bejezus scared outta her. Also with sex, dancing, and gaming. You know, write what you know…
My working title is actually 16 & Not Pregnant. So there you go. (I already have this book, I just wanted to not talk about what I was writing.)And Rachel S. B. – I lurve amnesia stories, so squee!
I’m doing the neverending mystery set in southern Utah. ooooh, mormorns. ooooh, real estate developers. oooooh, quirky locals. heh. I may have to move if/when it gets published.
I need that book. I am going to write about child abuse.
As a hardcore pantser, I am ALL about negative space. It’s just darkness and potential right now, except for the faint outline of a swamp and of three crudely sketched out characters.
I’m hoping to write a cat fantasy. My main character will be the familiar of a young sorceress, because what cat wouldn’t fantasize about that? Chasing magical mice and sleeping in magical sunbeams …
I could definitely use the book. This is my first time ever attempting NaNoWriMo.
i’m going to write about a dream i had a couple of weeks ago — it just won’t go away so i might as well write it down.
I am not going to write another menopausal chick novel. Maybe my heroine will be old or a MAN. It’ll definitely be in a warm place because it’s supposed to snow today and I can’t bear it.
Commenting!!! I really need this book. Not on my shelf, but in my hands and under my eyes. I’m always a Panstser, with too many ideas and no ability for cohesion. Here it is, NaNo’s Eve, and I still have no idea what to write!
I like the idea of not having a plot and just writing. I think it makes for a more organic writing style and there can be so much creativity. Thanks for sharing the books!
A young woman with powers bigger than the keep she grew up in and worse than legends past will be my subject ๐
Excited to enter this giveaway thanks!
I’m going to write whatever hits the paper will be what it is. Small town, helping others. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
I took a writing class from a famous author (YOU!) who said to just WRITE. That’s what I am doing. Day three of NaNoWriMo so far the plot has gone in an entirely different direction than I’d sort of been planning for about 10 years. Wish I’d started sooner… xox
I think there’s a mother and a bear in my writing.
Oh, I wish I had a blank slate for November. I’m thankful I have about a third of a big novel in progress, and that I really like it. But the blank page is seductive. I have another idea lurking, maybe for next year. I like the idea of diving into it without a plot really formed.
I am unhappily not doing Nanowrimo this year–but that’s because I’m deep into revisions of another novel. So I guess I’m okay with that!
I have no ideas, just an itch to write. I would take any help I could get!
Negative writing space! I like that thought.
I’m *not* writing an unpleasant missive to an uncooperative person on an unhappy topic. I don’t have to do it right now. I’m going to do it when I am ready for the inevitable backlash. Gotta be ready to duck and weave, jump and dodge, and keep smiling! ๐
That’s a great idea!
Anne Lamott bird by bird
I really don’t have time to do NaNoWriMo, but your video and blog are pulling me in without me realizing! (sneaky, Rachael, very sneaky) I’m going to write about medical school and immigrants.