Hey! It feels good to get the sweatshirt and the Booga J bag (and most of Suki Seuss) done. I wore the sweatshirt while I ran my errands today – no one would ever notice, no one would ever say, “Wow! What a gorgeous sweatshirt! Where’d you get it?” But in my head I’m telling them oh so casually, “Oh, it’s just a little something I knitted up.”
It isn’t even like I really AM the Finished Object Queen – I just had to get all my little projects done so that I would still be considered a knitter. I tend to ramble about everything else, and I forget to talk about the knitting I’ve done.
Can I just tell you what kind of a dork I am when I finish something? Last night I draped the sweatshirt over the back of my desk chair, where I could see it from the living room. I just liked seeing it as a piece of clothing, instead eight (EIGHT!) separate little pieces and some buttons. I just realized that even now it’s artfully draped over the arm of my couch. No one ever drops in. We don’t really live in that kind of society anymore, do we? But if someone did, I’d say, “Oh, let me move this silly little sweatshirt out of your way. Just finished it, you know.”
Sometimes, after I finish a tank or something small, I leave it folded on my desk for a couple of days. I just like that it folds. Period.
You know?
Moving along.
I was shopping for my sister’s birthday present yesterday and instead I bought myself the most stupid little tchotchke. It’s a pen made to look like a cigarette. The end pulls off to expose the ballpoint. How dumb is that? And how much do I love it? I adore that I can get out my old disused ashtrays (and I have some GOOD ones) and put the cig/pen in it. Ready for notes at a moment’s notice. (Hey, how are my quitting girls getting along? You know who you are.)
Grumpy that this is the start of my work week – I’ve been up since eight this morning (after being up and down since three a.m, when Adah decided to start crying for food), and will work until five tomorrow morning. No chance of a nap – way too many things I’ve put off. Little things like laundry. But happy that my LoTech is draped all yellow and buttery near my knee.
I totally appreciate the I-can’t-get-over-myself attitude after finishing anything that requires “finishing.”
I also am diggin’ your bags, man. I’m done with the suki (so wanna call it sucky) but can’t bring myself to even look at it. It’s unwieldy. I’m thinking it might make a great, gargantuan oven mitt. It would allow one to practically crawl into the oven, in pursuit of that ever errant apple pie.
gah, thought i could get away with the tag comments and then saw myself invoked in the body of your post so real quick: i am still not smoking. and in the face of the mountain of papers i have to grade this weekend, that really really sucks.
I love your sweatshirt – and felted stuff! I, however, just ripped out the same darn scarf three times. So I gave up, and I am ripping out a hat now. Congrats on still only having a fake cig in the house.
hey now, you are the queen and you know it. Put on the tiara and do the wave and EXPECT the respect you deserve. It is buttery it is beautiful and YOU made it….geeeez girlfriend. You rock, your majesty!
If you start working hard on the shell and wave, I will have to try to keep up!
I didn’t keep any ashtrays in the house when I quit. Figured that was just another form of temptation. I tossed all in the trash, good or not.