Welcome to my new home! Have a cup of tea? Or you want some wine, like me? Okay. Sit down. Lemme show ya.
This is how I moved. One carload at a time, one hand holding the shit in the car, the other on the wheel. At one point it started pouring and my cell phone rang at the same time. (I didn’t answer, duh.) But I thought to myself, what the eff am I doing?
But it was worth it:
My kitchen, with its red walls. Those are some cold tiles, but I tell you, paint comes right OFF those suckers.
Standing in the kitchen looking into the living area. There’s seating behind the low bookcases and that table is only a temporary solution. LauraJune is giving me her old table, yippeeee! That orange thing is the beanbag Greta and I found at the Wonder Longs:
The below is also a temporary solution. Another good friend is donating his couch to the Rachael Cause, and then I’m going to slipcover them both in another shade of Venetian red (note the Ikea table):
Now turn around, and look back toward the kitchen. These bookcases will get filled up attractively at some point. And the larger couch will run along it, too, leaving the bottom shelves as hidden storage! That was clever Christy’s idea. And the log-cabin is an old quilt top I made and never sewed INTO an actual quilt. Apparently it was waiting for me to move into this place to be used as a runner.
But I know this is what you’ve been waiting for. May I present the yarn center? (The yarn fills BOTH bookcases.)
And a close up:
That’s not only Noro Kureyon from the Boys, but my first attempt at spinning below it, in the purple. Don’t look too closely. I LOVE having so much yarn visible in my house.
And part of the bedroom here. A place in the open for the sweaters, and an old chair (aka cat seat) that I love.
Back in the living room, I have to show you what’s outside the side window. This thing is under the outside light, and at night it simply glows. I adore it. This is George:
Bought myself an orchid for the kitchen. How do you keep these alive?
All the art on my walls, with the exception of the Venice map in the bedroom, is my own (mostly prints of Italian photos). But this is one of my most prized possessions. Mom commissioned a friend of ours to paint this for me from a photo I took a few years ago. Even now I like to go back to Venice and look at the red boat (it’s always parked in this same spot at night….):
All right, that’s enough. But I HAD to show you what I’ve been up to. Now I can focus on Cromarty again….
Thanks, darlings, for visiting me!
*oh, and I just got hit by someone in Denmark searching for “glass you silly ass glass.” ???
Oh, Rach, it looks so cozy and inviting and wonderful! Mazel tov and all that jazz, and you’re officially hired to organize my crap. I think we can work out some sort of yarn dealie, right? Thanks for these pictures. Can’t wait to come visit!
Thanks for the virtual tour of your new home. It looks so warm and cozy.
Beautiful – so light-filled and colourful. I love the yarn centre. And it’s all so clean and tidy! We’ve been renting the same place for 7 years, and much as I dread the thought of moving, it would probably be very good for us – some incentive to finally organise! I’ll try to take my inspiration from you – though I think we’ll need more than 11 boxes.
I was going to say happy housewarming, and here you already have it so cozy and beautiful. Wonderful job. I can just see you curled up knitting, with a pretty smile, there. You give me inspiration to get off my butt and paint. Thanks for showing us, dearie. P.S. George is so handsome!
Thanks for the pics!
The new place is simply beautiful, it glows with your light. What a nice touch you have.
Oh yeah, I super jelly over your lovely yarn display! *turns a bit green*
On second glance, are those corner shelves by the sliding glass door built-ins or are they another Ikea find?
*Swoon* Makes me want to come over and sit at the table next to George and drink hot beverages and knit. Wow. You are home.
Next time we’re in SanFran I KNOW where I’m going for coziness and knitting time *vbg* beautiful job putting it all together!!! love love love the yarn center! and the spinning is just fabulous! yup, we’ll definitely learn together ๐ Hope you enjoy some well deserved knitting time!
Oh it looks like home! How lovely! And already unpacked and ordered…you’ve put me to shame with all my boxes and chaos!
I think you’ll be amused, though not surprised, by how alike our sense of color is once I finally get some color on these damn walls.
I’m now more determined than ever to have tea in your new home. Maybe I’ll return the favor of your spring visit with a trip out west this summer? Some time when school’s out, anyway.
Welcome home, pretty girl! Mwah!
Love it love it love it! But where is the guest room? As long as a sofa will hold me, I’ll be fine. You’ve settled in beautifully and I’m not a bit surprised.
It looks great! I recently (like yesterday) thought that I should ask my landlords if they’d let me paint. Nothing too bright (sigh – no red) but everything is so beige. A nice muted yellow maybe. And perhaps the palest olive or sage. I should get some paint chips to show her. Anyway… this is about YOU. I love the brightness of your new place spacious and sunny.
Rachael – your new home is amazing. How could it not be – your sense of style really shows through here.
I wish you much happiness as you settle in.
I LOVE IT!!!! So warm and shows the creative and vibrant side of you. Really like how you divided the room with the book case, great idea!
Fabulous! May it be filled with love, good health and creativity.
love your darling new place~its always wonderful to see people who aren’t afraid of a little color on their walls. I think it shows they’re also a bit adventurous in life as well….orchids are much easier than people think. Find a great place and give em a little neglect~they hate to be fussed over too much. I’ll find a good web page for you and email it on over. Enjoy your new home!
Now that looks like a lovely home.I’m sure you’ll be very happy there.
Wow, the place looks great! I’m so impressed with what you’ve done. When do the kitties come home? Then it will really be home. ๐ Love the yarn center darling–I’m so jealous of having room to spread all your stuff!!
Ma-va-lous, dawlink! I love it. And George is one big boy…. Orchids like filtered light, warmth, no over watering. I hope your new home brings you much (quiet) happiness.
It’s just gorgeous and it already looks 150% like home. And I am totally envious of your knitting area – all that yarn staring you in the face – so inspiring!
The place looks fantastic. I LOVE the red you chose for the walls. It is a totally grown-up apartment with so much beautiful natural light! You are so going to love it (and the cats will, too!).
Congratulations – you did it!! It looks just beau-oo-ti-ful. I LOVE the red kitchen wall. Your place looks wonderful – just gorgeous.
what a wonderful new home! congratulations to you for landing in a great new space!
: )
Thank you for the tour & tea, your new home looks lovely. A wonderful sunny space.
Sigh… how lovely it is. The warm colors with the complimentary whites. Ahhh. I think you’re going to find that your writing just takes off in this new environment. Enjoy!!
Lovely!! The colors are perfect. So is the yarn area! I can only dream of having bookshelves just for yarn (right now, I buy them when the piles of books on the floor get too much for me).
And so organized! I moved two months ago and still have a whole room of boxes that need unpacking….
I LOVE IT! So warm, cozy, inviting, homey, comfortable, and all the other words that make you think of a place you come home to and sigh with contentment. Absolutely awesome! :o) Make me want to redecorate our house!
Thank you for the tour! You home looks great. I love the colors on the wall. I like how you have your yarn displayed.
But the really important question is….do the kitties like it??
I am in love with the red walls.
Hi Rachael! Your new place looks great! Your red and yellow walls made me smile and think of your blog!
I looks like you’ve lived there forever. I love the color combo you chose. And George is huge. It looks like a giant aloe.
When someone already has 30 comments it’s really a problem to think of something else to say so I’m just going to say “all of the above”. I’m so very pleased for you.
I can hardly wait to come over and see the new digs in person. Wish I was coming in the daytime though; the sunlight seems to flood your spacious new abode. I’m sooo happy for you (and a bit jealous).
a great site for orchid care:
Oh, sweetie, I love the new place. Glad you’re home, glad you’re moved in, glad all is well.
much love!
WOW! Is that how moving is supposed to go? It looks like home already! The colors are so rich and inviting. I love it! Congratulations. Aren’t you glad you took a chance?
It’s gorgeous! I’m so glad you’re in and sorted!
Oh yay, orchids…something I know about!
Phalenopsis love a lot of light and some humidity, but don’t like to be overwatered.
Mine thrive on neglect in a South facing window above my kitchen sink where they get some humidity and a splash of water now and then. Water once a week, fertilize with an orchid fertilizer once a month. Mine rebloom in the late winter and early spring like clockwork every year. Orchid plants are as addicting as yarn, no one should have just one!
Your new place looks simply fabulous!
I have the “yarn in a bookcase” look going on too, I love being able to see all the colors and textures!
Thanks for the tour, Rach! And congratulations! It looks very comfortable and cozy. I love how central the yarn stash is. ๐ And I love that red wall!
You say you just moved in????!!!??? Looks like you have lived there for a year. I am still unpacking. Looks great and cozy. Love the walls! A hint about those kinds of orchids. leave the stem on after the flowers are done. little baby orchid plants will sprout from where the flower was.
You say you just moved in????!!!??? Looks like you have lived there for a year. I am still unpacking. Looks great and cozy. Love the walls! A hint about those kinds of orchids. leave the stem on after the flowers are done. little baby orchid plants will sprout from where the flower was.
Perfect. It’s totally you. I love it!! By the way, the girls know all about orchids, they have a dozen, and none of them have bloomed more than once. But they are still alive. They soak them in the tub once a week. And I remember something about an east facing window, or some nonsense like that. Can’t wait to come home and see everything, and you have a weather pixie! Very jealous. Okay, long enough now. Love you.
I love this virtual tour. WHAT A FAB HOME! I am dying of envy here. Enjoy it all!
It’s looks great! So airy and comfortable, I can see you kicking back and knitting with the kitties.
Beautiful new digs! I am so envious of your your yarn storage and the coziness of your place. Get the kitties and enjoy yourself.
Holy (interrupting) cow! I could live in my apartment for *years* and it won’t look as organized, stylish, and ‘done’ as yours does in a weekend. You have actually managed to hang things on the walls. I’ll probably never get around to that. I hope you are very happy in your beautiful new apartment.
Well, everyone’s already said it, but I had to add my 2 cents, Rachel, you are AMAZING! What a wonderful home you’ve created…I am so impressed! All I could think was, I wanna live there!!! Good job. ๐
Aaahhh… how lovely and cozy and colorful and bright… I can’t wait to visit in person. Not only am I impressed with your organizing and unpacking and painting, you’ve inspired me to redo some things too. I wish you all sorts of wonderful and happy times in your new place (that looks like it’s been yours for years)!
I adore your yellow walls.
It’s gorgeous, the colors, the space, all of it! It looks like something from a magazine.