I haven’t been writing because I haven’t been well. But I’m better now although still sniffly and tender-headed, so I’ll say a quick hello. Couldn’t sleep late this morning (a good sign, I think), and I was up before the sun was. I made coffee and did my writing (hello little Nano! You’re going to grow up to be a finished book soon!) and now I’m futzing around with computer things while I squish Harriet on my writing chair. Neither of us will give an inch. But at least one side of me is very warm.
I went to Ikea and bought pretty boxes yesterday, and as soon as I can pry myself off the computer, I’m going to Organize things. Yawn. That sounded so great yesterday. Today I want to make a quilt out of old shirts. You canNOT let me get sick and bored. Terrible crafty things happen as soon as I’m well.
And while I’m thinking about it — what’s your favorite home organization blog? Do enough exist for you to have a favorite? The only one I’m aware of is Apartment Therapy, and that’s pretty cool. Tell me more?
And look! That sitemeter on the right now shows cities. Can you see your city on there? Hello, Bainbridge Island! I think you’re pretty and you have such a nice yarn shop…. (Ack! I kept wondering who in Union City was online every time I looked at the site and then I realized this — it thinks I’m in Union City. I’m not! I’m in Oakland! SUCH a difference. I don’t want to be in Union City. Really, thanks.)
The Whoreshoes tear up the Bottom of the Hill tonight (as seen in, yes, SPIN magazine!). Get your sass-grass on — I’ll be there, babysitting my godson…. you should come.
Can’t wait to see the quilt made out of old shirts, what a great idea!
That cities online thingy got me totally right. Wow.
Eugene Oregon Represent!
Hahaha good way to pull me out of lurkdom, and fun for you too I bet. Wish I could bring my babes to BOTH tonight and babysit with you, the nwhoreshoes would be good role models for my girls!
Hello from North Vancouver! Oh, that’s way cool. And now I want to drive all over the city logging on and seeing if it changes and I really need a hobby. I’ve heard knitting’s fun.
Long Beach is in the house!
That is totally cool. And you are the first one to have it. (At least the first one I have noticed.)
Woot, Sitemeter! Fort Wayne, IN, represent! It feels all Big Brother-y and such. I hope you get that book finished! When you were writing like a manic, did you feel like your days were really full and interesting? Whenever I’m doing something really challenging I look back with misty eyes and think, “Wow it sucked at the time, but it sure was great.”
I also get dangerously crafty when sick and bored. Just promise yourself you’ll organize one box then you can start your quilt!
hi! i’m boston!
i’ll have to check and see what city comes up when i read you from home.
yes i’m at work.
i’m sorry that you come up as union city.
Ug. It says I am in Phoenix. It is bad enough that I have to live in Tucson, do they have to make it worse?! ๐
Apparently it thinks I’m in Rushville, Ohio… wtf? Never even heard of it.
Hey, hello Kuwait! That sitemeter is cool. Though mine wouldn’t be nearly as awesome as yours… it would probably be like 1, Mountain View, 1, Madison (my mom).
I’ll be at the show tonight. Its not going to sell out is it?? It was in a major publicaiton after all. I’l try to get there at doors, which would be unusual for me but I’ll give it a try. see you there.
I’m making a quilt out of old shirts tooooo! Old concert tee shirts and team shirts and band camp (*ahem*) shirts…all that commemerative stuff that I just can’t bear to part with but is completely unwearable. So far, I have Organized it by putting all of the shirts in a big starbucks bag. Maybe you could do a two-fer and Organize the quilting stuff!
I’m in Sydney (Australia) – although it’s showing Ryde (AU) which is a suburb in Sydney approx 30mins from here! Do you think that’s me?
coming out from lurkdom to say hi from Passaic, NJ. Love your blog =)!
It thinks I’m in Pleasanton! Ha.
I’m sorry you are feeling well. Get better soon!
Yay Ottawa. Quelled so much existential angst. I am REALLY here . . .
london here, not maidenhead – but there’s a maidenhead fern on my desk…?
Reno shows up on your meter. A good organizational site is http://www.flylady.net/. I’ll try yours if you try mine! Glad you’re feeling better, please continue to do so.
Jonesboro, AR instead of State University but that is SO cool!
Granted, I am at work, but still? Where am I? Maybe it’s East Oakland – doesn’t exist in cyberspace – you’re in Union City (sorry) and maybe I’m Moraga today? What a cool procrastination thing! I’ll have to check from home later…
Scary what brings me out of the woodwork. It says I’m in San Francisco, but I’m in Albany. Close, but not the same.
It got Brooklyn right!
It got San Antonio right! Hope you’re feeling better tonight…
cleveland here – woot!
glad ur feeling better, crafty one!
Okay… I’m not from Mars, PA. I live out in the country in Ohio… but Mars, PA?????
I’m in Navarre, FL(near Pensacola) but it’s got me just listed in the US. Good luck finishing up the novel. When I’m sick all I do is lay around and dream about projects I could be making instead of feeling so bad. That spurt of creative energy when you’re feeling better is a good thing. Seriously.
Alright, St. Louis! That definitely made me stop lurking. Enjoy your organizing and quilting!
East Grinstead?!! Oh no! Granted where I am is no more glamorous… Close enough I guess!
The counter by city is totally awesome! It got me right, currently in Kamuela, HI. Woot. I’ll look again when I get home to Berkeley.
Maybe Lifehacker for an organizational blog?
Hello from beautiful West Michigan! I love watching This Small Space and My First Place on HGTV because they usually have good ideas for organization and movable storage.
Yup it’s wrong for me too. It show Richland WA, I am in West Richland WA on the other side of the river.
ohh… i selfishly want you to make the quilt just so i can see it ๐ hope you feel better… and have a great time at the show!
Awww… the site counter is “seeing” me as MN, thanks to my surfing at work (the MotherShip is in Rochester).
Greetings from Florida-pretending-to-be-Minnesota!
Says Placerville for me. Close enough, I’m about 15 miles up from it.
Not sure if it will help in your quest for organization, but it sure is a fun site: http://www.digsmagazine.com
I looked it up when I wanted to make pillow shams. It’s got some fun stuff out there. Have fun!
I wanna make the quilt outta old shirts, too! and I been sick and bored recently, too. The most funnest thing I thought of to make when I was sick and bored were Rufus Balls, which are Xmas balls (you know, like the gold ones for the tree) that are covered in fur and Rufus’s old toenails (which he leaves around the house and I collect them). Yay, Rufus Balls!