I can say unequivocally that today I’m feeling a little better. Yesterday I felt so badly that I just couldn’t tell if I was getting any better. Today I am. I still feel green and weak and jelly-limbed, but I’m coughing SO much less this morning, and the fever has finally broken, I think. I’ve spent the last three days constantly bathed in sweat and freezing at the same time. I have mountains of laundry to do, mostly sweated-through tee-shirts. Ew. But today I’ve got the same tee on that I slept in, and my Must-Have over it, worn with my favorite sweatpants. I swore, when I wasn’t happy with the miniscule size of my Must-Have, that I would wear it as comfort clothing, knockin’ around the house being a slob clothing. That’s today, for sure.
And god help me, I keep looking into the garden, making plans. I really want to get out there into the dirt. I won’t, I SWEAR I won’t. I’m not strong enough, and I know the danger of a relapse. But I’m getting mightily bored of reading and watching TV. Haven’t knit a stitch. Maybe today, although my arms feel too heavy to hold anything. Oh! I did buy some flash yarn when dear Greta was here, some Crystal Palace Splash in orange, meaning to make a scarf. I never buy novelty yarns, but this stuff is too much fun to resist. I may make that scarf now. Never been a better time to do row after row of garter stitch, right?
I swear I WON’T run right out and get the new Vogue Knitting, even though I believe I’m quoted in it. Hee. Giggle. Too exciting, non? Go, Leslie! But I believe it’s a true illustration of how tired I am that I know I won’t go buy it. Damn it.
And Lisa in Oregon is right, again. Y’all make me feel loved and so blessed and thought of and watched over. (Hum it with me, There’s a somebody I’m longing to see…..) I won’t work in the garden anytime soon, because I know you would be almost as mad as my little mama would be at me. Here’s to another coupla days, at least, of lying around being pale and uninteresting. Lotsa juice and tea, I promise. Yup.
Because you deserve it, here’s a snap from last year. I’m sitting on the Grand Canal with my glass of prosecco, watching the traffic. But look at the Madonna who came to visit me in my glass! I love this one.
madder than your little mama for sure, dearest…we want you to Be. All.Better.
That NewMoanYa is a mean one, Mister Grinch pales in comparison. I do have to say though that my first impulse is to hop on something faster than a speeding train and bring you the new VK and hold the Splash while you knit, ANYTHING to be sure you REST.
I went into daughter’s room last night after hearing a sob.sniffle.sob and found her praying Dear GOD, please help rachey Breathe…she’s SO much FUN!
AMEN. to that.
and oh….IG track 03….”Love is just like breathing when it’s TRUE”…dang. I’m gonna wear this disc out in record time *hee*.
Oh you poor monkey! How does one get pneumonia? Others, toilet seats, cops? I’m glad you’re feeling better, I mean you must be feeling better when you can look at your yarn and want to knit…
You are indeed quoted.
Feel better!
If the Madonna-In-A-Glass With Canal View doesn’t make you feel better I don’t know what could. It’s a good thing you have reader-guilt in addition to mom-guilt to make you stay inside and rest. When my own mom had pneumonia a couple of years ago and didn’t feel well enough to read or knit, she said the Patternworks and King Arthur Flour catalogs kept her sane, if that helps. Hmm, maybe you do need VK…
I’m thinking an LYS with local home delivery would be just the ticket… 🙂 Thank you for being GOOD; we want you WELL.
YOU are in the latest Vogue Knitting? I always knew you were famous, but I had no idea! So glad you are feeling better. The sweaty clothing. Ew. But I can relate!!! May you feel fully recovered very soon!
Now’s the time to really hit the TLC cos though your head will pick up the smallest sign of improvement that body of yours has been well and truly steamrollered by the mohniah and though all things green have recently been celebrated your garden will know its way into Spring and will be glad for a moment to Be too :0)
Boring boring I know but rest rest and rest please. Scar-face might have been sexy played by a certain holywood actor but scar-lung played by you will do nothing for the sofa dates of the future:0) Be gentle on you so we can all smile when the pictures of you with straw bonnet and straw in mouth appear this Summer in YOUR garden.
Love the Madonna in the glass. I hope you are feeling better. Please stay on the couch and relax! If you don’t you will feel worse! Hang in there. And for goodness sake, you have pneumonia–can’t you guilt someone into picking up VK for you?
Just lie there. You don’t really have a choice. We’ll wait. Love ya.
I love you, you know that, right? I am focusing on sending all my feel better vibes westward. Orange would be a good color to knit with today…vitamin C…all that jazz. But that’s it. You better be in those duckie pjs of yours with the TV tuned to some ridiculously stoopid cheesefest. And the cats. Where are the cats? Digit? Adah? Take care of your mama, ok?
i think i had dinner at this very restaurant last september.
was this taken at a pizza joint right at the base of a bridge?
She’s Alive! Now, just lay there.
Yay for feeling a little better! But continued relaxation and sleep is definitely the ticket at this point…Take care of yourself and don’t push it! The garden will wait for you…I’m still sending positive and healthy thoughts your direction!
Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Please stay down a bit more, though, ‘kay? We want you back knitting up a storm very soon!!
Geesh Rachael,
I relax my blog reading for a weekend and come back to find you half dead?! What is this world coming to?
Get well soon!
GLAD to hear you are feeling better – keep dreaming of getting your hands dirty – it will help you heal FASTER…
I’ll dream with you – it is still snowing in Chicago but I’m starting to look longingly at the containers out on the deck.
If I were closer, I’d be coming over to bring you some Matzo Ball Soup (it’s my people’s version of penicillin). And, of course, that new copy of VK.
Glad you’re on the mend!
See all those comments up there? See how they all make sense about resting and not exerting yourself? See how I’m not repeating what they’re saying?
Hi Rachael, I’ve been one of those silent lurkers on your site. I am now breaking the silence to join the chorus of people who wish you better. Resist the urge to do and just be. I really liked the Madonna in your glass…how did that happen?
Hey, I’m in the new Vogue Knitting too (and I don’t have it yet, but that’s due to laziness not illness) — I betcha you and I are on the same page in Vogue. I bet I bet!!!!!!
Take it real easy, snookums!
Girl you need to indulge that gardening urge with some gardening magazines! GEt some kind soul to hit the local magzine brothel…and have them pick you up a potted plant to baby until you can get out in your garden.
When the TV gets borring or your lap view of your knitting in front of you starts to swim, a nice warm bubble bath with lavender scented bubbles will make you feel better…well it made me feel batter when I had pneumonia last year.
Snuggle in and feel better soon…
Debbie in much warmer, sunny southern Ontario, Canada
Nothing worse than being really sick without your mama nearby. Do you need any help? Groceries? Laundry? I’m in North Berkeley -let me know. PJ