I did it.
Today, I hit the 50,000 mark with the word stabbed. Actually, the hero and heroine are making out in a pantry, and he gets stabbed with a knitting needle. Thought that was a good 50,000 word . Two days early, yo!
I’m about 2/3 done with the novel itself, and NaNoWriMo was such a wild ride that I think I’m going to continue using its momentum. I’ve written 50,000 words before. Four or five times before. Maybe six. But never all at once, never in four weeks. It feels like an astonishing victory and I can’t wait to get home (I’m at the little mama’s house) so I can upload the work and see my progress bar turn to the winner’s purple bar. Isn’t that silly? I can’t WAIT to see it go purple.
Crazy plan, man. Crazy plan for these Oakland people to think up (you know it’s based here, right?) 70,000 people worldwide signed up, and I know as of this writing, 4883 have finished.
Make that 4884. Oh, yeah. Little victory dance in my chair. Uh-huh. DaWEET, daWEET, woopwoopWOOP! That’s the way, uh-huh uh-huh, we LIKE IT. Uh-huh uh-huh.
That was the dance. The finishing party is on Friday, and I get to go, having conned someone into working for me. I can’t wait. CAN’T WAIT. That was so fun. You have to do it next year. Seriously. SO FUN. Plus, then you don’t have that excuse that you have no time to write. You do, too. I actually got more running time in this month than I have in the longest time — I was better at time management somehow.
I’m so happy.
*Edited to add – HEY! They’re calling me a 2006 Winner already, even though I haven’t officially sent in my words! See, the box at the top on the right? YIPPEE!
*Edited a second time to add: Further proof that I can’t talk anymore, not while writing this much. While I was reading the recipe card, I told Lala I wanted to make oatmeal kittens. WHILE I WAS READING THE CARD which clearly said oatmeal cookies. Well, come on. Wouldn’t everyone like an oatmeal kitten? How cute would that be?
YAY for you!
Just about an hour ago I was actually wondering how you were doing, as I realized how close it is to the end of the month. (I don’t usually sit on the couch and think about random bloggers who I’ve never met, but I’ve been doing some writing myself lately, and your quest has certainly provided some inspiration.)
Yay, you made it! And I’d love an oatmeal kitten if you’re offering ๐
The winner’s certificate is pretty nifty too. Want to trade stories sometime?
Hooray! Congratulations! I might sign up again next year. I love that your hero gets stabbed with a knitting needle!
Yay you!! Congrats, girlie!!!
…and it couldn’t have been more fitting that a knitting needle was instrumental.
I signed up and then balked at the last moment. My penance has been NaBloPoMo, posting every single day for the month of November. I’ll bet I’ve written almost 50,000 words, but you sure couldn’t make a coherent tale from them.
Congratulations! We’ll be looking to pre-order from Amazon, right…?
woooooooooooo-hoo!!! congratulations!! you’re a rockstar.
You’re making oatmeal kittens? I SOOO want one!
And congrats on being a NaNoWriMoSoFoWoHoHoHo winner . . . I’m incredibly impressed!
Hell, I couldn’t even get a crappy swatch done for Norovember.
Congratulations, Rachael! I am definitely up for trying it one of these years. Thanks for the inspirado!
Congratulations! That’s just so impressive!
Congratulations, Rach! Now, go make me an oatmeal kitten!
Yay you!
And kittens with or without raisins? ’cause, like I have bridgework and the raisins get stuck in my teeth …
Oh, and WOOHOO for 50k!!!!!
YAY you made it!! Isn’t it weird how you manage your time BETTER when you have 30,000 things to do AND you are crazy enough to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? Isn’t it weird how that works? I was finding extra time to get shit done up to my eyeballs! I got more stuff done in that first NaNo month than I did in an entire year of unemployment. It is weird. Does getting someone to work for you mean we get to stay later at the party or what? Bouncy!
PS don’t tell anybody but in 2003, I wrote over 75,000 words in less than 30 days. I might be insane.
You go, girl (as outdated as that phrase is, it’s all I can think of!)!
dude. That’s a lot of freakin novels. I better get reading.
Congrats! Sounds like it’s time to crack open a box of Cadbury eggs to celebrate.
And, oatmeal kittens could be done. All you’d have to do is find a cookie cutter in the shape of a kitten. It’d be a little messy since the dough is so sticky, but the potential for cuteness is there.
YEE, congrats. I’m a writer, too (mostly short fiction with a few longer pieces thrown in there, and one novel-length work), and NaNo is a HUGE accomplishment. Definitely ride that momentum if it’ll hold.
So happy for you … and pass the oatmeal kittens!
Congratulations, lady!
Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!
I have to really admire that much creativity and sheer hard work. I signed up for the much tamer NaBloPoMo, and that’s challenging enough for me.
Yay, you!
WOO HOO!!! And will you save a few of those oatmeal kittens for me?
Yeah congrats Rach……
I knew you could do it! Welcome to the club ๐
Congratulations. And please don’t make any oatmeal kittens ๐
And tasty, too!
I’m so proud of you. You won!
And yes, I’ll be joining you next year. Woot!
congratulations! i don’t think i’ve writen 50,000 words in my life.
WOOOO! Congratulations!
YAHOOOO!!! you gone and done it!! wahooo!!!!
Congratulations! I’m definitely not going to make it this year…I got really, *really* sick a few days ago, and I was already behind. There’s no way I can crank out 17K+ words before tomorrow night. Oh, well, I’ve won before….
You are my official inspiration. Congratulations on your goal achieved!!
Is it wrong to be so incredibly proud of someone you’ve never met? Who cares! I’m so proud of you! Overall, looks like this has been your year! The wife, the house, and now this! Throw in a great new dog and your gorgeous new hair, you are my “it” girl for 2006!
Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yippeeeeeee, hoooooorayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Woohoooooooo! I’m so happy for you; ain’t it a GREAT feeling? It’s so super duper great, great, great! I’m about 3/4 of the way thru my book, myself, and I’m just so danged grateful U told me about NaNoWriMo, man, cuz it’s been so wonderful! Whoo-hoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! (That purple bar is so satisfying, man, so satisfying, so so so so very satisfying!)
look at you your winner you with 5 words to spare ๐ Congratulations!!!!
Congrats to you! That must feel great!
I bet oatmeal kittens like milk.
Congratulations! And put me down for a dozen oatmeal kittens, please.
Rock ON! Well done. You really are a writer, aren’t you- that many words strikes fear in my heart, and I talk A LOT.
Woot woot! Congrats!!!!
Stabbed, indeed. Congratulations! Oatmeal kittens for everyone!
Congrats!! Looking forward to seeing that read in print.
CONGRATS! I am so impressed!
I want an oatmeal kitten.
Congratulations!!! ๐
Woohoo! Congratulations. Gives me a new way to use the word Stabbed.
“Dude, you totally stabbed that sweater!”