Ahh, in the second picture, the little oval on the back of the collar (behind his left ear) looks like a little halo! I’m so glad he’s doing well, I think about his amazing story every time I pet my own kitties.
Well.. no wonder he looks so cranky in the first pic.. is he in his litter box? I would be cranky too, if someone was snapping pictures of me in MY litter box..:-D
oh my god.. Bourdain = LOVE. The fact that you made a Bourdain reference is 1000 kinds of awesome.
New season of No Reservations starts this week, doesn’t it? ;D
Clara, honey. NO ONE bothers a cat when he’s in his Scratch Lounge. It is NOT DONE.
Apart from the fact that Anthony Bourdain can’t pronounce his own last name, I really like him. ;-)))
So glad all is going well! Poor Clara, I don’t think those doggies ever learn. My Penny, after 7 years, still thinks the cat wants to play chase. Doesn’t matter how many claws I dig out of her nose….. Hmm, perhaps one should not name their dog Penny?????
Catching up again… Loved the pix of you and Digit recuperating together! And the tail bit. Clara had better watch it, that collar could be a sekrit catseye laser amplifier, y’know, and she might get quite a zap one of these days. But Digit’s looking much better – hope you’re feeling better too!
Oh, Digit, you handsome, wonderful boy! I’m so happy for your Mommy that you came home and are getting better. Tell your Person that I find the archway and scroll detail in your home to be very lovely!
I hate the fact that it took lots of pain and getting your tonsils out again to get you time off work to post all the wonderful pics the past few days, but DAYUM I’m loving the pics. Especially the one with you in the cherry jammies and Digit snuggled under the blanket with you. Dude looks like that’s just EXACTLY where he needs to be to get better himself.
Oh, Digit, looking sooo cranky! Clara better remember that along with the extra dingers he has extra claws…
Ahh, in the second picture, the little oval on the back of the collar (behind his left ear) looks like a little halo! I’m so glad he’s doing well, I think about his amazing story every time I pet my own kitties.
Well.. no wonder he looks so cranky in the first pic.. is he in his litter box? I would be cranky too, if someone was snapping pictures of me in MY litter box..:-D
ah, anthony bourdain. *swoon.
oh my god.. Bourdain = LOVE. The fact that you made a Bourdain reference is 1000 kinds of awesome.
New season of No Reservations starts this week, doesn’t it? ;D
Clara, honey. NO ONE bothers a cat when he’s in his Scratch Lounge. It is NOT DONE.
Apart from the fact that Anthony Bourdain can’t pronounce his own last name, I really like him. ;-)))
So glad all is going well! Poor Clara, I don’t think those doggies ever learn. My Penny, after 7 years, still thinks the cat wants to play chase. Doesn’t matter how many claws I dig out of her nose….. Hmm, perhaps one should not name their dog Penny?????
Catching up again… Loved the pix of you and Digit recuperating together! And the tail bit.
Clara had better watch it, that collar could be a sekrit catseye laser amplifier, y’know, and she might get quite a zap one of these days. But Digit’s looking much better – hope you’re feeling better too!
Oh, Digit, you handsome, wonderful boy! I’m so happy for your Mommy that you came home and are getting better. Tell your Person that I find the archway and scroll detail in your home to be very lovely!
He looks very ominous and regal…
I would never think to compare a cat to Tony B. Digit’s actually handsomer.
I hate the fact that it took lots of pain and getting your tonsils out again to get you time off work to post all the wonderful pics the past few days, but DAYUM I’m loving the pics. Especially the one with you in the cherry jammies and Digit snuggled under the blanket with you. Dude looks like that’s just EXACTLY where he needs to be to get better himself.
Oooo. I LOVE your house! At least what I can see of it in the second picture. My kind of place.
Digit looks downright debonair, even with the collar.
I love the painting job!! Gorgeous walls with great colors.