For your daily WonderCat update: Digit’s surgery went great. He woke up very quickly after it, and ate all his dinner last night! They removed several very large bladder stones, and did a quick exploratory look around inside, and didn’t find anything else to worry about! Dude. I am SO relieved.
He ate half his breakfast this morning, and the tech says he’s resting comfortably. I get to take him home tomorrow (well, Lala will, since I’ll be at work, very sad).
I can’t wait to have that man HOME for GOOD. He hasn’t actually met the kittens yet, and I’m looking forward to him being strong enough to do so. Waylon did race into the recovery room once and came face to face with a grumpy looking being with a huge collar around his neck, and the wee cat didn’t know what to do. That was on one of Digit’s really bad days, so Digit did nothing, didn’t react at ALL. The kitten, however, backed up, his body language clearly saying, what the F*CK is THAT?
It will be amusing, to say the least.
Me, I’m okay. Haven’t kicked the throat thing yet, but I will, yo. I’m tough, like my cat-man.
See? Didn’t I tell you? Ole Digit. He’s one tough you-know-what.
Sorry to hear about your throat thingy. Hope it gets better. It sucks being sick.
So grateful for the update (and the excellent news). Thanks…
Yay Digit! ๐ Now all he has to do is rest and heal. And now you can rest and heal too.
What excellent news!! Digit has no idea what a huge cheering section he has in his corner.
Thanks for the update and congrats!
Great news! I’m glad he got through the surgery so well. Go Digit!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Three cheers for Digit! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooraaaaayyyy!!!
Yay! I’m so happy to hear Digit is doing well. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Go Digit Go!!!!
Way to go Digit! He is one tough little man!
The Waylon-Digit meeting sounds like an early scene in a romance novel, in the dark, scary, Bronte style. I’m glad to hear that Digit is doing well!
Wonderful news! Surgery is always scary, but we knew your man could take it.
YAY! That is great news! When you get home tomorrow and he’s there, give him a snorgle for me, ok?
I’m doing the “ass swinging Happy Dance” while sitting in my cubicle hard at work.
Oh that is SUCH great news!!!
Home tomorrow?! That’s the best news I’ve heard all week.
Throat things suck, especially when they linger like that. Feel better soon!
Oh, I’m so glad the surgery went well. He sounds like a fighter, like my Sylvester, who shuffled off this mortal coil at nearly 19.
Best of luck on the throat thing. I hope it yields soon.
Oh, Rachael, I’m so glad. I woke up last night worrying about the Mancat. Go, Digit?
Keep us posted on The Great Meeting.
The description of Waylon was too funny.
So much for bad luck – Take THAT, Friday the 13th! You are puny and powerless!
Go, Digit!
So glad the DigiCat is doing better! Hooray for you all! And great lil pics of the “W” boyz. Wow you SING too…holy shmokes! You write,you sing, you knit…you’re awesome! Happy belated Birthday and hope your poor lil tonsils get better soon. Sounds like you’re pretty well colonized with some badass bacteria so the sooner those useless lumps of glandular tissue come out the better…honest…you will feel amazingly better within two weeks after surgery. really. honest. you will. i promise…ok.
YEAH i was holding my breath…i am very happy for your family ๐
Woohoooooo! Excellent! ๐
That is wonderful news.
Oh, that must have been very funny to see the kitten back pedaling away from him, with the huge collar on. I would guess the kitten was wondering exactly what species was in the recovery room. ๐
A million hallelujah’s for Digit’s successful surgery, diagnosis, and imminent homecoming! YAY!!!
Hey, about the throat thing? If you were singing with a band a few nights ago, it could be vocal exhaustion if you’re not used to singing like that. I’m a semi-retired rock singer and until I’d built myself up (like training for a marathon, it is), I used to have all kinds of weird sore throats and hoarseness.
The best remedy I found is to gargle with Agrimony tea. Get some loose Agrimony herb from a health food store, dump a tablespoon or so into a pot of boiling water, turn off the burner, let it steep, strain, then gargle. It’s a miracle drug. It tastes a little like new-mown hay, not unpleasant at all. I used to down that stuff like water when I was gigging.
/breathes deep sigh of relief/
C’mon Digit, heal up quick!
I think you’ll be getting a rather stern talking to when he’s strong enough to meet the kittens. And I, for one, can’t wait to hear all about it.
Yay for Digit’s innards looking fab-u-lous! Sounds like he’s living up to his scrappy reputation. Good kitty!
And if he could get through his yucky surgery, you can get through yours. It’s true.
Hang in, babe. We’re all cheering for you both.
I’m so glad he’s better! yay Digit!
Wait until Digit feels 100%. Those kittens will not have a clue as to what hit them. Although maybe h e has mellowed some. But yeah for making through surgery okay!!!!
Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!!! Hooray for little Digit!!!!!!!! Yay! Cain’t wait to see him again and pet his little head!
(Which I look really, really ridiculous doing, so there’s more humor for ya. As if you needed more with such good news! [g])
Hugs to Digit and you and Lala! Whew, I’m so relieved…
Go Digit, you’re the cat-man! (Stinky and Rocky say “yo”)
Yesssss! I am so relieved! I had my eyes closed as a brought up your blog, afraid that I might read that the worst had happened. Good luck with introducing Digit to the kittens; I hope that goes well. Stay well, both of you!
I’ve been without internet for a little while, so just now catching up with your miracle. The kiddo & I are both so happy for all of you that things have worked out!! Digit is one special kitty, and we are so glad he is home safe and (mostly) sound.
Now you just need to get better so you can keep up with him!
Great news , glad your boy will be home soon.
The kittens will be a great therapy for Digit.
I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for this news…yay, Digit!!!!
Give him extra pets for all of us when he gets home!
His insides are good! Yippe. You must be so relieved. I know I am and I’ve never met Digit.