hooooray for HAPPY, happy girls in LOVE!
AND…I just saw pictures of Paris in the SNOW!
yet another Melissasays
Michelle? Michelle! I’ve been reading her for months thinking she was Bethany! Who’s Bethany then? You’re Rachael, right? Michelle…. I’m feeling very dazed and confused in the blogosphere at the moment. But I’m happy she’s happy. And that you’re happy. And Lala’s happy. And Digit’s happy. (Okay, at least I’m clear on who the SOs and the pets are…)
–a once and future lurker–
tee hee hee! Michael loves Mi-chelllllle! Michael loves Mi-chellllllle!
OK, now should we have a pillow fight, or do each other’s hair?
Ooh, hair!
(Imagine my surprise coming here and seeing this post. You so silly. I love ya, I tells ya.)
You are being silly! But that’s okay cause we love you!
hooooray for HAPPY, happy girls in LOVE!
AND…I just saw pictures of Paris in the SNOW!
Michelle? Michelle! I’ve been reading her for months thinking she was Bethany! Who’s Bethany then? You’re Rachael, right? Michelle…. I’m feeling very dazed and confused in the blogosphere at the moment. But I’m happy she’s happy. And that you’re happy. And Lala’s happy. And Digit’s happy. (Okay, at least I’m clear on who the SOs and the pets are…)
–a once and future lurker–
it must be contagious…
[some months ago he asked me to marry him. on tuesday i said yes.]
i can think of no better bug to catch. yay michelle!