Hey, Bay Area Knitters:
I need a flavor, as Lala would say. I need help with a project that must remain Unnamed on the blog. It might or might not involve yarn (okay, you got me, it does) and it might or might not be something that we can get done together in an afternoon (I think we can, with your help).
I can say this much: What we'll be doing will make someone else feel better when we're done. It's important and lovely, and I'd be so grateful if you were part of it.
So wanna come over to my house and have a knitting party? Bring your knitting for when we're done with the Super Secret Project, but bring a crochet hook — don't be scared! Just a simple chain stitch is all that's required. We'll teach you.
Sunday, August 9th, Chez Hehu (email or drop a comment for the address and relevant details).
Please come? xox
wish I could Rachel; best of luck. Me? I’ll be acting as road crew for hubbs on the first day of his John O’Groats to Lands End cycling trip…
Aghhh….I so want to come over and play but I am down in the LA area. I can’t wait to see what you are up to.
I would love to not only join you in this highly secretive project, but I would be honored to meet the yarn-toting, writing goddess that lives just a few minutes from me. I’d be happy to bring crochet hooks galore plus one of the many, many projects OTN right now. A big hello from Gina in the Glenview (right off Park Blvd.)
And afterwards, will you tell the rest of us what it is. Because as much as I would love to come, it is too long a drive from Seattle.
Sigh, wish I could my dear. You are just a tad too far and once country away. Look forward to reading of your adventure though
Crap. I am out of town August 1-12. Any way I can help remotely? or the next weekend?
Shoot! I would totally come, but will be in Michigan that week
Good luck!
Yup! I’ll be there. I might even own a crochet hook!
I would so be there but unfortunately I’m way up in Vancouver…drat! I’m sure you’re going to have a great time especially because whatever it is you’re doing, you’re doing it to make someone feel better
You can count me in. I’ll be coming up from south San Jose if anyone needs/wants a ride. Truck holds me plus four, plus a whole lotta knitting paraphernalia and a boatload of crochet hooks.
I’ll be up Portland-way with your biggest fan Cockeyed of BMFA! Let me know if there’s anything we can do for you while at Sock Summit.