Rachael’s new book, Fast-Draft Your Memoir: Write Your Life Story in 45 Hours is about writing quickly while still creating a compelling narrative arc out of the story only YOU can tell. Enjoy two free chapters of the audiobook in this episode!
How Do You Write Podcast: Explore the processes of working writers with bestselling author Rachael Herron. Want tips on how to write the book you long to finish? Here you’ll gain insight from other writers on how to get in the chair, tricks to stay in it, and inspiration to get your own words flowing.
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I hope everything gets worked out with ACX soon because I loved the excerpt in the show. As with J, you’ve made me want to see about writing a memoir despite the fact that simply doesn’t fit into the 2018 writing schedule in any way. I’m also fascinated now with the idea of a knitted wedding dress so I may have to pick up “Life in Stitches.” Thanks for providing some unexpected inspiration to maybe try a different path.
Aw, YAY! Love to hear this!