Rachael Johns is an English teacher by trade, a mum 24/7, a chronic arachnophobic, and a writer the rest of the time. She rarely sleeps and never irons. A lover of romance and women’s fiction, Rachael loves nothing more than sitting in bed with her laptop and electric blanket and imagining her own stories. Rachael has finaled in a number of competitions, including the Australian Romance Readers Awards. Jilted (her first rural romance) won Favorite Australian Contemporary Romance in 2012 and The Patterson Girls won the 2016 Romance Writers of Australia RUBY Award and also the 2015 Australian Book Industry Award for General Fiction. Rachael lives in the Perth Hills with her hyperactive husband, three mostly-gorgeous heroes-in-training, a fat cat, a cantankerous bird and a very badly behaved dog.
Craft Tip: Don’t believe the people who tell you that you MUST do anything, writing-wise.
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I discovered Georgette Heyer about a year ago and I love her! So much fun.
Literary chick-lit…Pride and Prejudice? 😀