Only a few minutes here at the folks’ computer, so I’ll be brief. Actually, I’m lying. We ain’t going out to dinner for another hour, but this computer is UNBEARABLE, so I can only manage to use it for a few minutes at a time. It has a tiny screen and a loud whine, and the chair makes my back ache. And I grew two wrinkles while I waited for it to dial-up connect. Actually, I cast off the hoodie part of LoTech, which I’m going to go sew up as soon as I finish up here.
AND – I felted two bags! Suki (finally! Yay!) and ole #88 Noro Booga J. They’re looking good…. But I’m surrounded by finishing, aren’t I? Bleah. Oh, and thanks to all who helped with my I-cord distress. They were all great suggestions, but it was Loose Ends Melissa who gave me the trick that worked for my style – tug the cord each time. Miracle of miracles, I had attractive I-cord! Not that it mattered, once it was all felty, but it felt good. (get it?)
Oooh – saw Dirty Pretty Things this afternoon – great movie. Unexpectedly, harshly beautiful. And I caved and bought those Gap cords. And I had my clam chowder in Pismo. A good day, I think.
ps – can’t italicize on this computer, or add html – so movie is here:
SukiSukiSuki! We want to see your Suki!!!
Oooh…that movie was fabulous! But staying in hotel was a little creepy afterward…
we miss you…hurry back!
can’t wait to see the felted
bags…you’ll get to wear
the FO tiara ๐