(Oh, damn it! I wrote a post yesterday but it never posted, apparently. I didn’t win NaNo. I revised a book instead. I’m happy with that. There, now you’re caught up.)
I’m in bed. It’s gray outside, and I’m fighting a cold. Wait, why do I say that? The cold has me—I’m not fighting it. I’m reminded that I haven’t gotten my flu shot yet and won’t be able to until I’m well. Damn it.
Dozy is under the covers resting against my calf, lazily licking one paw. None of our dogs are people-lickers, which I appreciate, but I like the feeling of her whiskers brushing against the top of my foot every few seconds.
I’ve gone back to bed for the morning, and gratefulness fills me that I’m able to do this.
Those are proof pages for STOLEN THINGS.
And check out my amazing cover!
Oh! I have a new website! Go look at my scary thriller face with lots of eye makeup. And check out my new GORGEOUS cover for the new book (out in August, which is a long time away, but you can preorder it now so that you don’t forget to!). And follow me (RH Herron) on Facebook and Twitter and signup for that mailing list so you get all the notifications and so that I don’t feel so alone in the world over there as a newly-named writer!
Anyway, back to proof pages. This is the very last time I’ll touch this book. The edits are done, big and small. The copyedits are done. This is the book laid out as it will appear to you, and I need to go through it and make sure each word is as good as I can make it (while keeping changes minimal, as changes are expensive for my publisher to make at this point).
Have I mentioned how lucky I am to be with Dutton (Penguin)? My editor Stephanie Kelly is a dream. I love working with her, and she also works with Kitten Lady, so she has amazing taste. The head of the art department reads each book before working on the cover, and it shows. Dutton is a small imprint within a mighty publishing house, so I get the boutique attention with power behind it. (I am so very, very lucky.)
And it’s going to be in HARDCOVER. My first! I gotta tell you that when I learned this, I was gobsmacked. My book. A hardcover. I guess it feels like it’s taken seriously enough to be hardcover, which isn’t what it means—it’s a financial decision by the publisher, nothing more. But for my writer’s ego? Ah, the ego likes this stroke.
I love this book. I love the fact that I have a cold and that I get to work on it for the last time while in bed. Clementine is now also on the bed, looking regal. I’m warm. And I’m grateful.
WOW. Just read the book blurb on the new website. Will I be able to sleep after this? The subject itself is unsettling but knowing you, you’re going to crawl right into everybody’s head and it’s going to be more than real and tragic and suspenseful and I won’t have any nails left and I won’t sleep for days and ….omg-you’ve got a bestseller in hardcover coming out!!!
So proud of you Rachael!!
everything crossed! Thanks, S! xo
I hope you are starting to feel a bit better!
Stolen things is preordered for my Kindle, but now that I know it is going to be in HARDBACK (!!!) I’m going to have to preorder that, as well! So excited for you!