Know what I did last night? Before going out? I went over MY CONTRACT.
I was stupidly thrilled that it had come FedEx overnight delivery. That just smacks of Important, right?
I read every sentence, and flagged every question I had to go over with my agent Susanna, which I did this morning. Have I mentioned recently she's the best agent ever? No? She is.
It. Is. So Exciting.
Also, you have to buy it, okay? I'm freaked out that it won't earn out (earn the advance) and then they'll never want another book from me, and then I'll have to, oh, I don't know, get a job at the fire department or something. Ack!
You know what's soooo cool, though? Next year? When the book is out? I will "have" to go to all the knit-events to promote it. Oh, no! I have to go to Maryland! Oh, no! Rhinebeck! All the Stitches events! (And they're tax write-offs, too. Pinch me.)
Also in big news:
Lala knows how to hold Digit like a baby.
Do you have any idea how INSANE that is? I rarely pick him up, and when I do, he squirms out of my arms. He always has. He'll get on me, and lie on me, and cuddle with me, but it has to be on his terms. He's never enjoyed being held.
But Lala believes in holding cats like babies WHICH IS WRONG. She maintains, however, that this is the correct method, so both the kittens like to be held on their backs, since it's been happening to them since they were young.
Last night, a few beers in, Lala tried it with Digit. I got out my cell phone so I could call the paramedics.
And he loved it. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. He started purring instantly. HE DOES NOT PURR WHEN HELD. He tends to bite or scratch. No, he purred. He batted my hands playfully with the claws retracted, and then rubbed his head against me while she held him. Finally, after maybe five minutes, Lala put him down. I tried it, and he turned into a spitting, fighting machine, which is his normal M.O.
She is the cat whisperer.
Oh, that face! I love that furry face!
I suspect Digit won’t let you hold him because he knows you want to. You just have to act like you don’t care (cat psychology!).
And of course we’ll buy your book!!!
The cat that I had when I was young was orphaned at a few days old and therefore never really learned to be a cat. He was very ornery, didn’t like to be held, would sit on your lap for a few minutes and then bite you before climbing down. He didn’t like anybody.
Except my crazy high school boyfriend. He would curl up in Kevin’s lap and purr and let Kevin pet him. The two of them would take naps together. It was the strangest (and sweetest) thing.
The Cat Whisperer in a really, really pretty sweater.
R u kidding me? I can’t wait to buy it! How long must I wait??
Congratulations Sweetie, u SO deserve this!!
You know we will buy it! We will be at your book signings getting autographs and our pictures taken with you like you are a star. Oh wait, you ARE a star!
Oh, how cool would it be if you came to Stitches Midwest? There’s a wonderful Indian restaurant right near the convention center. Wanna go?
There’s really no point in worrying about your earn-out. Why borrow trouble? Let the accountants fuss over that. You do what you do best. Write. ๐
Congratulations on the contract signing. As long as your book becomes available in the UK then I’ll buy it, I promise!
I’ve never heard of holding a cat like a baby either. I might try it on our two kittens who aren’t quite up to being held yet.
I am constantly turning my cats upside down. Some love it, some are indifferent. With Digit, maybe it was the sweater. It looks yummy soft and warm. (And how cool is it that you have the CONTRACT!)
is the book going to be available on kindle — i love my kindle and more so since the broken arm makes holding a reg book hard
Oh, Digit is looking so well and happy-shiny and healthy. So good to see that.
Oh, what a cute little baby Digit is! Wow, I’d never have expected that!
I’ll definitely buy your novel; congratulations, man! You rock!!!!
I’m thinking Digit likes the nice warm sweater Lala is wearing… nice sweater!!
Your excitement over the contract reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite movies (I Remember Mama with Irene Dunne – if you haven’t seen it, see it) where Katrine, the daughter sells a story and the post man comes in the evening with a special delivery.
Do you need any “assistants” with you at Maryland or Rhinebeck, or both? If so, I’d like to apply.
Would your yarn purchases at the sheep and wool festivals also be tax deductible – as in research and development costs?
Just a minute, I’m distracted by the lovely green sweater…
Digit! Purring in arms!
Yes, she is the Cat Whisperer with a gorgeous boy and a sensational sweater.
it’s great to see Digit looking so contented.
wishing you all a wonderful christmas,
thank-you for an entertaining blog throughout the year.
a big hug for the sadness that will be with you as you remember all of your previous family christmas times with love and some tears.
and I love lala’s sweater. you made it, right? I will feel so betrayed if it’s store bought.
Uh. This was the link, Imeantosay.
Lehnen (my cat) only lets me hold her like a baby. I’ve always held all my cats like that. She WILL NOT let Sue hold her that way. Sue has to hold her upright with her paws over her shoulder. She will not let me hold her like that ever.
Cats are silly.
Congrats on the contract! Gotta love Digit- he is extraordinary!
you know what’s even cooler?
that be you! (ya, and no, i don’t know how to actually make that be an actual link – me not so savvy).
Digit looks so cute like that! I’m glad Lala still has her eyes!
Yay! Book signings at wool festivals!
and look at that sweater she’s wearing! It’s gorgeous!
I am so buying your book, I swear. Everyone lives happily ever after, with yarn. It’s awesome.
You betcha I’ll be buying it, lady. Can I audition for the audiobook version?
That is the cutest picture of Digit ever! He looks so snuggly and cute. I read your “Really?” post and I just want you to know that I love you and your blog and I think you and Lala are lovely people and someday I would love to meet you and knit with you. I live in the East Bay, so not far from you. Keep blogging and writing!
Of course we will buy it! I have been waiting since you teased us with those chapters last year. What a thrill for you and I wouldn’t worry about earning out.
Maybe Digit really likes that sweater (I know I do). Some my cats also like to be held that way and some really do not! Please come to the Taos Wool Festival next year to promote your book.
Congratulations on the contract! One would think the constant congratulatory comments would wear thin for congratulator and congratulatee… but it doesn’t!
Lala’s cat whispering prowess is no doubt aided by the super snuggly powers of that lovely cabled sweater she’s sporting.
Super exciting stuff! I’m totally pre-ordering your book so tell us when it is ready…
Lala knows how cats need to be held. That’s how I hold them too. Well not my 21 pound cat, but the other one is held like a baby. Cat whisperer indeed. ๐
We will totally buy your book, but how are you going to cope with the wrist strain from all the signings you’ll have to do? Oh! the pain! oh! the trauma of being a literary star!
Also, what are you going to do for your overseas fans? I suggest one of two things. Apparently you can get cool bookplates things that you can sign and then post to distant fans. Which is nice and all but, whatever. Way, way better would be to come over to London for iKnit Day 2009 and do a proper signing. Dontcha think?
(This was last year’s iKnit Day. It’s a good thing. You’d like it, a lot. Also, by then you’ll be able to meet a certain baby. The one I emailed you about in some panic. You remember.)
Love that blissed out Digit. And Lala’s sweater. Both yummy.
Congrats on the contract! And your Digit is a very cute kitty. In fact, my kitties are jealous that I am looking at him instead of petting them.
Yay contract – and definitely buying “the book” and hopefully getting a personal autograph in it some day ๐
As for “baby” kitties, my biting Boo Kitty also doesn’t put up a fuss (on his terms) when we hold him like a big fat baby boy.
Then he bites you eventually anyway.
I think this means you have to go to SOAR with me….
I will be one of your readers if I can find your book in Montreal. Your published fiction will have a life of its own so just concentrate on your part, the creative one. Perhaps you have already started writing something new. Digit looks very comfy in Lala’s arms! I wish you a lovely Christmas with love and vibrant memories – health, love and inspiration for many years to come. You are a wonderful lady. ;)xx xx
That is, in fact, the correct way to carry a cat. I’ve done it with all of mine.
Also too of course I will buy your book. (Exciting!!)
Aw, he’s a big ol’ soppy really.
(heheh, if you’re a Discworld fan, you know what I mean. ๐ Greebo is teh awsum.)
Hell yes, I’ll buy your book! I’m buying multiple copies to send to my mom, aunts, and everyone else I know who even remotely likes romantic books.
Awwwww, Digit. Gotta love it. And, of course we’ll buy your book. (Love the green sweater.) My opinionated cat like Digit only likes to be petted in certain ways when she is in certain places. She likes her back petted when she in standing on the toilet and I’m trying to get ready, and her cheeks and ears rubbed when she’s lying on the book I’m trying to read on the table. She’ll sit on my lap as long as I don’t touch her. Weird!
It’s so lovely to see that other side of Digit. I think you do have to be half in the bag to hold a fiercely independent cat like Digit like a baby, because you have to go into it with total confidence. You can’t feel any fear or hesitation – he’ll know.
And he’s not just letting her do it, he’s loving her doing it.
I’m looking forward to reading your book.
of course I’ll buy the book!
Have you seen Bowfinger? one of my fave silly comedies….but the fedex guy has a small, but important, role!
La is so right! Cats do like to be held like babies. I used to do that all the time to my Destiny but with Kato, he’s a bit on the pudgy side and tends to have troubles breathing on his back so we don’t do it too often.
and Madrona, you’ll have to come to Madrona!
What about a book tour of Germany and Austria?
Is Lala tiny or is Digit gigantic?
So exciting!!!
I would never have believed it if you didn’t have photographic proof. Of course, I need to check to see if it’s one of the other cats and Digit’s face photoshopped on. ๐
Um, I’m SO going to buy your book! And I’ll have to save up to make SURE I can afford to go to Rhinebeck next year. Can’t wait to see you there!
I am totally getting a copy of your book when it is out to help you earn that advance. I would even if you were writing Hard Core Sci-Fi About Gerbil People (which isn’t really my thing). Luckily I like Romance and plan on turning all my knitter/romance peeps onto your book too…
Joon likes being held like a baby so much that when you reach down to pick her up, she starts to flip over on her back even before you touch her!