- Come to The Whoreshoes CD release party this Saturday night in San Francisco! All the cool kids will be there. Which is why I’ll be at work. But you should go, anyway. Seriously, it’s a great album, and it’ll be a great party.
- I signed up for NaNoWriMo. Woot! You should, too.
- I finished that Debbie Bliss Lara made from pink and purple Italian yarn, bought in Venice. It is too SMALL. O, it is to weep. I’ve added a bottom ribbing, which makes it long enough, and I’ve ordered a zipper, because then maybe it’ll be okay, stretched over a simple tee-shirt. I am NOT ripping, and I am NOT giving it away, because it is, as I’ve said, Venetian. And I have a little problem worshiping the Venice, you know. I’ll show you when the zipper’s in.
- I am now working a simple cardie and got out a stitch counter that I’ve never used before, just bought it the other day because I was running low on them. You know the kind, hangs from your needle. But get this: It turns the wrong way — the single digit counter is on the inside wheel. It makes my brain hurt.
Oh sweety don’t make your brain hurt.
get ye a new counter.
You NEED good tools.
If you need something that hangs and that just sounds wrong — get a regular old fashioned stitch counter that you used with sraight needles and slip it onto a very large safety pin and pin it to your knitting. Voila! No more brain pain.
Man, tomorrow in the Bay Area sounds awesome: Whoreshoes release party AND Nathania’s grand opening. Wish I could be there.
How do I get a copy of the cd?
My Lara wound up being too small, too. I thought it was me. I can wear it open but I don’t like the way it looks that way.
Yowzers. Lara’s on my list next (must… finish… husband’s… endless… aran… cardi…).
I’d hate for it to be too small after all that work. Hmph. Any warnings (aside from, “make the next size up, Dummy”)?
May I order from afar?
Can you block the bejeesus out of it?
Hmm, I have a stitch counter like that too. Its green, and I can’t remember who makes it, but I know its not Clover. I’ve had to use it a couple of times which makes things interesting. Now it sits at the bottom of the knitting bag and I don’t know why I just don’t get rid of it!
Hey, congratulations to the Whoreshoes on the CD release! I will not be nearish San Francisco until Sunday though, bleh.
I figured out long ago not to question the brain if it does not need to be re-educated. If I always looked for dish X in cabinet A and I always stored it in cabinet B, it was time to really move dish X to B. I think you ought to get rid of the wonky stitch counter, life is too short.
If you rip Lara it’ll still be Venetian. Just transformed Venetian, right? Like a stained-glass window re-used in a newer building. Repurposing it does not remove its central Venetian-ness.
Oh! the Whoreshoes AND Kemo Sabe. Miss Hannah will be beside herself with preteen angst at not getting to go. She LOVES that franken-bass that the Kemo Sabe boys have.
I also, sadly, had to tell her that putting her Whoreshoes sticker on her school backpack was slightly inappropriate. It would have been fine by me, but some of the other parents have NO sense of humor!
And wow, the novel writing in a month concept is amazing. I’ll just be overjoyed if I can finish knitting a pair of socks before the end of November at this rate!
You are too fast! If you write the way you knit, you’ll probably be the first one done! Good luck!
I bought a book on Venice yesterday. Clearly, you are influencing me.
(afetr that I went buckwild in the warehouse at Webs, too!)
wish I could do San Fran tomorrow and see the Whoreshoes. A bit far for a concert, however. Give Lala my best wishes!
Re: Lara. Try a severe blocking and see if it gets bigger.
I’m registered for NaNoWriMo (look for Lenore), but there is no way I am doing it this year. Maybe next year (which is why I kept the login active).