I called Bethany yesterday and she was in Super Stealth Mode, so she spoke in almost a whisper. She was parked in a nice little suburb of Georgetown and didn’t want residents to know she was getting ready to sleep in her truck. I told her where our hotel in Georgetown was located, and she realized she was just across the street from it. Heh. I told her to thumb her nose. Sleepin’ for free, baybee. After two weeks of travelling with me, I think she might have a hard time going back to the camper shell…..
I leave tonight!
I’m not packed!
I don’t know why I’m enjoying this so much, this non-organization. So unlike me. It’s the Rachaelized version of bungee-jumping. Wheeeeeee! I’ve made lists of the necessary phone numbers and addresses. That’s about it. I think I’ll go buy some moleskin (it’s going to be a long day of marchin’ I think) and then I’ll finally start pulling things out to pack. I travel light – one suitcase and a backpack, both carry-on.
People who are going to see me on this trip: Be advised, I bring three outfits when I travel. One to wear, one to dry after hand-washing, and one for emergencies. I always have laundry hanging around, and Bethany’s truck will see my damp socks everyday, I imagine. So if in person or in pictures you think, hey, isn’t Rachael wearing that again? And again? The answer is yes. That leaves more room for yarn, don’tcha know? (I remember having to buy a second pair of shoes in Italy because my only pair got soaked. Hard times. Don’t you just HATE buying shoes in Italy?)
Vaguely thinking about taking my laptop. I could write everything up when I get home, or steal time on other computers, but I’d like the ability to get in bed at night and write a little bit, before the memory goes stale. Hopefully I’ll get to download it to blog-able form, but if not, you’ll get the Great Travelogue when I get home in two weeks. I think I’ll just wait until I’m packed to see if I have a safe travel space for it.
The Frantic Bella progresses. Two sleeves down. I love making sleeves first, especially in a lace or cabled pattern. You learn how the pattern works in a smaller space. Less to rip if ripping’s needed.
She’s Calmer and she’s soft. Yup.
So, hey. I’ll catch more than a few of you in Maryland (spot/hug the blogger), but for those I don’t, there’s always next trip, right?
I’m so flipping excited! Ciao!
Your Bella looks great! That was one of the fastest sweaters I knit, I’m sure you’ll be done in no time. Have a wonderful time. I hope you get to post during your trip.
Gonna miss ya like crazy, chica. Have fun!!!!!
I hope you have a safe, good trip. But woe is we, we will miss you sooo!
Remember there should be times to just be on this all singing all dancing trip eh. You know those moments when you are not going anywhere, doing anything or even talking…too much I know. Have a grand time my dear, say a big YES for me in DC – read some of the comments left by women who will be marching with you you’ll be in some fine fine company Bethany goes without saying of course :0) Damp socks on a dry driving day seem to do rather well pegged to the arial of my car.
Enjoy the meeting and hugging and generally absolutely fabulous time of greeting your blog buddies.
And as you say here’s to the next trip!
I envy every single person who gets to meet you, whether you’re wearing the same outfit or not. Have a blast! Tell us all about it when you get back. I expect lots of stash enriching on your part, by the way. Don’t let me down! 😉
how was the march?