Erg. Sniffle. Whine.
I feel like crap, so will keep this short. Called in sick tonight, so feel even worse. But I couldn’t sleep all day – have been mostly awake since I got off work this morning – fever and bad tummy. That’s on top of the nose that doesn’t stop and the scratchy throat that feels like it’s heading to a cough. And I HATED calling in sick, especially since it was to have been my last midnight shift (new day shift starts Sunday morning), but I’m pretty positive I wouldn’t have made it to Sunday morning if I don’t rest tonight.
Which is worse? The crud or the guilt?
Need to get over myself. I don’t like me sick. Glad I live alone. I can throw my kleenex all over the floor until I get so disgusted I can’t see straight.
My friend Brandy cracked me up last night when she said, apologetically, “You know, I still like your blog, but I think I like your sister’s better!” And when I told Beth that this morning, she hollered with laughter, she was so happy. And so cute. Go see her.
:^( So sorry you are feeling all cruddy. That sucks. I do think you should stay home to get better. Maybe you can get the knot problem solved before you have to go back to work!
Poor Rachael! Poor widdle you! Are you okay? Do you need anything? You poor, poor thing.
(That’s what I like when I’m sick, anyway.) Feel better soon! Don’t worry about calling in sick, you knob. You’re SICK!
Sorry you are feeling so crappy. Hope you feel better soon! Try to get some rest while you can and don’t think about the “missing work guilt” and the rotating shift that is hard to adjust to when one is NOT sick.
Feel better soon, dearest.
Calling in SICK when you are SICK…
and still feeling guilty?
You’re Catholic, all right.
Stock up on Cadbury…
read, WRITE, and knit.
Now, what was I saying?
I forget 😉