You guys.
I have big news. BIG.
From yesterday's Publisher's Marketplace:
Rachael Herron's KNITTING IN THE ROUND, a memoir in essays about the ways in which knitting defines the milestones of her life — from surviving a typhoon, to marrying the love of her life, to grieving for her mother's death, to Jodi Warshaw at Chronicle, for publication in Fall 2011, by Susanna Einstein at LJK Literary Management (World excl. UK/AUS).
Um. Yes. I am SO excited.
Okay, pretending like that huge news up there doesn't exist, let me go on and say that I had a marvelous weekend, and you all should get up right now and plan on making a trip to San Luis Obispo, on the Central Coast of California, because it just become a Yarn Mecca.
First, there was Yarns at the Adobe. Owned by the lovely Anne, they hosted me on Friday for a reading, and it was so much fun. Lots of knitters, as well as my favorite high school English teacher (and I had lunch with my favorite college professor, so it felt very circular and awesome). And this gorgeous yarn store is located in the second oldest building in SLO-town, the adobe across the street from the Mission, and on the huge back patio is a real adobe stove…
…in which they cooked many pizzas, which cooked in UNDER A MINUTE in there. And then Anne fed them to the many awesome knitters. WIN.
Also: Are you ready for this? You know Garnstudio? Yes, that one, that makes the wonderful free DROPS patterns? They now have a real brick and mortar store: Nordicmart. In San Luis Obispo. Their yarns really are the most GORGEOUS colors, and should I really even start with how affordable they are? It is truly worth the trip — to be able to feel and touch yarn that you won't see anywhere else. Beautiful, lovely yarn.
(Photo lifted from their FB page with thanks.)
Seriously. My sister and I hit it just hours after it opened on its first day (Saturday), right before we got on the road home. I believe I rhapsodized about the store for the next 75 miles, and I've done the same periodically since. I have more to say about it here than I did for my new book deal.
Yarn is good.
Fabulous, fabulous news.
To show I’m a complete dork, I’ve only heard of San Luis Obispo on the show Medium, and I thought they’d made it up for the show.
Great, now I need to plan a trip to California for yarn…
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it!!
Congratulations, Rachael! That’s wonderful news!!
Yay Rachael! SO happy for you – congratulations!
…and now I think I need to head to San Luis Obispo….
Congratulations, Rachel!! So exciting!
Congrats on the new book deal, li’l missy! I’m so happy for you. And completely jealous of everyone who got to hang out with you way out there on the left coast for your readings, etc. If you come to Florida, let me know, ‘kay?
Congrats girlie!! What fabulous news!!! Time for a cocktail! Oh wait, it’s 5:56am!!! Next time I see you, I’m buying you a drink!
Holy Moley! So awesome! Book news, pizza, and yarn! Your blog never fails to disappoint.
I’m so, so, so happy about the book! YAY! And it was absolutely amazing to have you here – we all had a fantastic time hanging out with you. Y’all come back now, y’hear?
You are amazing, my dear. Congratulations!
holy crap, Rach! That is so so so awesome! I’m so happy for you! congrats, girlie. yayayayayay new book!
That is fabulous! And if you need any memoir tips, holler. I’m sure you have it well in hand, tho.
OMG Rachael!! How exciting…..I have heard many tales from your Dad about those times but I cannot wait to read it from your eyes!!! You make your Father so very proud sweetie and I’m so honored to be able to share this journey with him. I am so so happy for you!!! Please say hi to LaLa for me k?
Hooray! I can’t wait to read this book. Congrats!
you are so darn fantastic.
Congratulations! Yarn is pretty darn fantastic. You can make things like sweaters and stories and friendships and coozies with it.
Congratulations Rachael! Wonderful news and totally deserved.
I have been to Yarns at the Adobe, and they are SO friendly! Next time I head down south to visit my folks (they live in Los Osos), I’m gonna have to check out Nordicmart — thanks for the heads up! WOW, it looks amazing!
Oh, I can’t wait! I LOVE essays! Congrats, you totally deserve it.
Congratulations! Can’t wait for the new book to come out.
And (Formerly) No-blog Rachel — Road Trip!
Much, many and mostest Congratulations!
Congratulations on the book!
I am more of a non-fiction reader and I am really looking forward to it.
The photos and words about central California gave me waves of nostalgia. I hope to get back there soon.
Wow, that is SO AWESOME!
Dude! You’re a double-threat; memoir *and* romance – nice! I was very excited for Love Song, and now I’m very, very excited for this one. Congratulations! Also, I’m on page 126 of Love Song – it’s going to be over too soon!
Fan-Freaking-Tastic, My Dear!!! Onwards and upwards as they say. Congratulations!!!
Awesome! Sounds like a great book. SLO for yarn you say, they also have lots of triathlon down there….
Fantastic news! Can’t wait to hear all the news about the process!
HUGE congratulations! I LOVE books of essays — I can’t WAIT!!
OMG. Congrats sweetie! I’m putting that Garnstudio store on the map as well. DAMN! =)
Oh! Wonderful news!!! Mwah!
Congratulations! Wow, you’ve been busy — working on two books at once?! I loaned “How to Knit a Love Song” to a knitterly friend and she LOVED it!
Hurray for the book deal! I’m looking forward to reading it.
And also great news about the SLO yarn stores; now I know a side trip I’ll be badgering my husband to make on our next vacation down to Cambria (our favorite getaway spot).
HUGE news! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness! Congratulations!!!
And darn you for telling me about yarny goodness near my hometown (Santa Barbara) where I shall be in a few short weeks.
Hopefully I’ll have time to drop by SLO…
Congratulations, that is great news. Also the SLO update on LYS is good to know. A great reason to visit.
Congratulations! So excited for you! Can’t wait ’til it comes out…. =) I bet you can’t wait, either!
WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You give hope and provide inspiration for those of us that are aspiring writers. Thank you for sharing it with us!!
That is *awesome*. I don’t know if I can wait until Fall 2011, though! Hmm, time to start finding good contacts for an ARC….
Congratulations on the new book!! And Nordic Mart in SLO? Wow. I know where I’m going the next time I visit the folks.
I’m on page 205 of How to Knit a Love Song and want to tell you I’m enjoying it very much…so now I’m looking forward to book 2.
Totally. Freakin. Awesome!!! Woohooo!
Holiest of craps! you are the awesomest!
Oh that is so very exciting! I can’t wait! Can I preorder it yet? (guess you’ll tell us when we can but I can check anyway, right?)
What wonderful news!! I can’t wait to read your memoir, and recommend it to all my friends!
And, I’m moving to Santa Cruz, so I’ll be sure to take a little day trip down to SLO and check out the yarn stores. Thanks for the heads up!
Wow! Congrats! The books, they just keep coming! I had a schedule conflict and was very sorry to miss your reading — sounds like it was so much fun. And I agree about all the yarny goodness here in SLO!
good for you, Rachael. You are working hard.
Congratulations on the new book! I can’t wait to read it – I love the idea of (some elements of) your blog distilled into book form, since it will make it accessible to more people. (And so I can enjoy it at home where there’s no internet.)
Wow what terrific news!
That’s hard work. Congratulations on the new book.
Too bad Toronto is so far from San Luis Obispo.
(In my mind the town is always linked to its college radio station. I used to be a very dedicated college radio person, and I would meet staff from KCPR at conferences in New York. They were hip!)
It was such a wonderful experience to have you visit our shop during our grand opening! I can’t wait to see what you make with the Silke Tweed!
I’m late – but CONGRATULATIONS on the new book contract! Yay, you!!
I’m so pleased to see all your successes – and I so wish I was going to Orlando to celebrate with you… but we’ll just have to do it next year, in NY! (And we can yarn-crawl in NY, can’t we?)
Not sure if you’ll see this comment, but do you also know about Morro Bay Fleece Works?