Can you believe it? It’s terrible. Awful. Seventeen days of vacay over, just like that. Bam. It’s a tragedy, surely. Why Lala hasn’t won the lottery yet is beyond me. It’s like she doesn’t even try. Y’all need to tell her to do better at picking those numbers, okay? A woman has needs, that’s all I’m saying. And those needs do NOT correspond to working midnight shift. They correspond to long lazy days with nothing to do but spin yarn and knit sweaters and eat chocolate and drink beer and go to movies and travel to exotic locations. And other things we won’t mention. Working all night, surely not.
So, yeah. She needs to get on it (winning the lottery, I mean! Quit it). But I will have you know that when I was sick last week, she brought me sushi and beer. That counts for a lot, people. Also, women give her their phone numbers on BART. And that’s hot. I’ve received unsolicited phone numbers before, but they were from men, and I’m sure none of them were from men I really ended up liking or I would remember that. Or maybe I wouldn’t, given my atrocious memory. So those last two sentences were a waste of your time. Sorry about that.
Also you should know that I’ve finally found a combination of things that my iron stomach does not like. Usually I have no trouble, none at all. But Taco Bell followed by three Cadbury Creme Eggs followed by an Indian dinner of sag paneer and bhindi masala and garlic naan — this makes for a very sorry Rachael. All better now, but I do not like tummy woes. I remember that. Next time I’ll only eat two Cadbury Creme Eggs.
You crack me up. Only two next time, ok?
Over already? How can that be? But it was enjoyable, and you weren’t sick the entire time and…anyway, sorry you have to go back to work.
oh my god, Taco Bell and Cadbury Creme Eggs – my stomach hurts just thinking about it.
I’m glad you had a good vacation — going back to work does kinda suck. But when you need smiles, you can go look at freakin’ ADORABLE Miss Idaho. And adorable Lala, too.
Alrighty then, I’ll make note of the danger of mixing international flavours with the Cadbury Creme Eggs in my Easter Creme Egg Eater’s Bill of Rights and Freedoms. I think it’ll fit nicely into the “Dos and Don’ts section”.
Hm, can’t say sushi and beer while sick would make me happy, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. Sorry the vacation’s over, but you did have much of that time off while we had glorious spring weather!
Who among us can resist the Call of the Cadbury? Publicly pronouncing a limit of two is a bold move,I wish you the best of luck. Have you tried putting them in the freezer? Good, good stuff.
The only reason that I am resisting the call of the Cadbury is that New York City appears to have run out. ๐
Surely it wasn’t the Cadbury eggs that did you in. No harm can *ever* come from those babies. My guess? The Taco Bell and Indian food were duking it out.
Whew! It’s been a bit since I’ve read your blog…just catching up.
Sorry you had to go back to work.
Working for a living sucks.
Glad you are feeling better. Taco Bell all by itself does it to me everytime. Ew.
Cool that you are spinning. Loved seeing the beginning of the scarf knit from the yarn that’s spun by yer own hands. I took a couple lessons a few years ago. I really enjoyed it but life was too hectic and I didn’t stay with it. Now life is hectic in other ways – seems like I’m always having to choose between ___________ fill in the blank and knitting. There’s never enough knitting time. Sometime in the future I’ll try again. ’til then I’ll just get joy from watching you and others.
Big Hug!
Only 2 Cadbury Eggs? I think it was Taco Bell and the Indian food battling for dominance that cuased the stomach problems.
And now, dancing Cadbury Eggs!
mmm…taco bell. Not sure about the eggs though. I went to get some for the kids for Easter–was gonna say Christmas–but they were sold out. Sigh. Sounds like a fun food day to me. But I am glad you are feeling better. And I hope you enjoyed your vacation.
Thanks Rachel, that didn’t gross me out, instead I’m really hankerin’ for some Indian food, especially garlic naan. Your time off sounds lovely….I got me some of that leisure time when I was unemployed. Unemployment does have its benefits!