The little mama is already on her way home today. She just came up for one night, bless her heart, just to see my new place and the three lil kittens that Christy is fostering. I got some time in the car with her, but then I had to work. I got off a 5am, and I didn’t want her to get up, but she woke when I got home, and we rotated the bed like Bethany and I used to do. Where were those railroad hotels? Where the beds were always warm, with the engineers sleeping days and nights, just swapping off? It’s not a bad method. Especially when your sister Christy gives you high thread count sheets that you forget about until you move and can flip them on the bed because you haven’t actually washed your reg’lar sheets in two weeks. Not that I would neglect laundry that long. No. Of course not. Not me.
Mom came in to work last night for a moment because I wanted her to meet Marama, and I had this really weird moment where I said, "This is Jan, my mother." After she left, Marama said, slowly, "Her name is Jan?" She had never really thought of my mother having any name but Little Mama.
Today’s sleep: Not bad. Not long enough, but when is it? I’m up and I’ve got Things To Do. A ton of things to do. And know what? I’m having a hard time thinking about unpacking crap because I’m thinking about knitting. This is the first time in a LONG time that I don’t have a large project on the needles. I’ve finished two little sweaters recently, the one for ArtFibers, and the Rowan Denim People one (that still needs a zipper), pictures to follow of both when I get around to it. Cromarty is done, and I have NO idea what I’m going to make next. That’s a weird, good feeling. I’m making some fingerless mitts for a friend that I’d like to get off the needles before I start the next thing, but it’s fun to imagine what I’ll take off the shelves. The reclaimed cashmere perhaps? I’m thinkin’…. Colorwork, however, seems to be calling me, having had none lately, all cables, all the time. Colorwork, however, might require a purchase, and god knows I don’t need to buy yarn right now. Nope. I don’t.
I don’t! Stop that.
Do I?