So let me get this the hell straight (so to speak). The United Church of Christ has this ad. It shows two bouncers standing at the door of a church, letting some people in, keeping others (a gay couple, a black boy and girl) out. Then it says, "Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we." It’s an open invitation to worship with them. It’s a lovely ad. See it HERE.
ABC, CBS, and NBC won’t air it, stating it’s too controversial with today’s heightened focus on "moral values."
Here’s what kills me. CBS actually announced this: "Because the commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and
other minority groups by other individuals and organizations, and the
fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a constitutional
amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this
spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the (CBS and UPN) networks."
So because the Bush administration wants marriage to be only a union between a man and woman, because they’re trying to write hate into the Constitution (for the first time ever making the Constitution exclusionary), the media outlets can now officially discriminate against people of color and people like me. Wouldn’t want to offend the moral majority, now. Soon, I’m sure, NBC won’t show "Will and Grace," because there might be gay people on it. No, that MAKES money for the network, doesn’t it? So that’s all right.
Fabulous. My stomach hurts.
Write them. Do it. I hate writing letters like this; it never seems to feel like we’re making a difference. But maybe we will.
Here you go: (click on feedback on the bottom and the e-mail form will pop up)
Enjoy your weekend, all.