I wrote last night at work, yes. But you know when I said I was going to write yesterday afternoon? I didn’t. Know why? Because I had another cup of coffee, and leaned over, and fell asleep on the couch. Only woke two hours later when the phone rang. I didn’t make it to the phone on time, but I made it to the bed, which is near the phone, so I fell asleep again. I slept for three and a half hours yesterday afternoon.
Then today, after working last night, I slept nine hours. I only woke up because I was dreaming of Maggi’s cats, and one was climbing the balcony, and I woke myself by laughing too hard.
This is unlike me. I keep checking my forehead. Am I running a fever? Nope. Do I feel fine? Yep, feel great.
I do not nap. I’m horrible at it. I’m also pretty durn bad at sleeping, period. So this is odd. Lala thinks that her mind-control is starting to work, which might be true, since the girl’s the biggest sleeper I’ve ever known. You could pretty much set up a ten-piece band in her room and she’d sleep through the music. Unless there was a saxophone. That might piss her off enough to wake up.
It’s sunny! The first real sun in a week. I’m going running, and then I’m going to write to make up for yesterday’s lost words. Unless I conk out again. (I do sometimes write in my dreams, and I write incredible words, sentences that sing with beauty and intelligence and compassion. Then I do the Is-This-A-Dream test by re-reading what I wrote, and it’s NEVER the same, and I think, crap. Another writing dream. They beat waitressing dreams, though, hands down. I HATE waitressing dreams. Never enough milk, and you haven’t even greeted six tables of expectant faces….. See why I have problems sleeping?)
You deserve a coupla photos, don’tcha? I have no new ones, so here’re two from Hawaii.
A sunset (that thing floating out in the water is a surfer):
And these people, who were watching the same sunset:
I love that.