Ain’t nothing like complaining about the diamonds on the soles of your shoes, but it’s hot. Really. Hot. Okay, it’s only 78 degrees, but it’s almost 6pm. This is not why I live in Oakland. I like Oakland to be foggy and cool.
I’m also fighting HARD against a particularly nasty strain of flu that had sister Bethany down for two weeks, and sister Christy’s nurse told her it was a good three-weeker. I’m going to win, by the way. I will NOT be sick during my vacation. But I feel crappy and sweaty and gross and feverish and uncomfortable. I’m actually drinking iced water and wearing a wet tee-shirt AND lying under my fan to try to cool off.
Cry me a river. I know y’all are getting snow’n’stuff. Would you consider a house-swap, perhaps? Please don’t mind the germs.
Stay warm (and cool) and knit (or don’t), but love someone up on the weekend, okay?