Okay, but now it’s two days later, and I’m exHOSSted from being at work my whole life, minus the seven minutes I wasted in sleep at home, and I can’t be expected to recap thoroughly. But I’ll try.
Met Janine at her house in Berkeley. There are not enough superlatives to describe Janine. She’s just one of those people that you love immediately, upon the first meeting, and you want to grab her and hold onto her and make her teach you how to spin. Or that might be just me with that last part. But she’s awesome, truly. Ryan and I are tugging war with her. (Happy birthday, TMK!)
Then we picked up fancy la-di-dah lunch fixings (I had to make it up to them for doing the big bail last week on them) at Andronico’s, and crossed the Richmond Bridge over to Marin.
Sylvia lives in the most amazing spot in Marin, people, and this is her view.
Oh, and this:
Isn’t that amazing? It reminds me at once of the Wellington Bay in New Zealand, and the hills of the Cinque Terre. Lucky lady.
Sylvia IS a spin-goddess. She’s also known as Beadlizard, for her insane beading abilities (those little animals could almost talk, I swear), but we went to see her spin. Nowadays she uses an electric spinning wheel that her ole-buddy-ole-pal Alden Amos made her, and you’ve never seen anything like it. I was using some good old green merino, and getting a nice semi-slubby DK-weight single. She got something that looked like a green hair, using the same stuff. I could hardly spin — I was just staring at her.
Oh! Here’s a shot of Sylvia and Janine in action.
Isn’t Sylvia’s spinning gorgeous? Oh, what? You can’t see it? Hmmmm. Perhaps the emperor had no clothes, you wonder?
No, here’s proof. This is my three-ply next to her three-ply. Keep in mind this is from the same wool. The same dang wool:
That fine thread? Is THREE-PLY! We bow, don’t we?
And she taught me how to Navajo ply! I kinda suck at it, but I’ll practice.
Woot! Spinning! And I did figger out my problem with the Vogue pattern (#9 in new one); I just had to use my brain instead of following the pattern word-for-word. Go figure.
All right. Brain-fried. No more for now….
(spinning) mwah!