I am knitting. Did you know that? You probably didn’t. It sometimes strikes me that I’m not a knitblogger, but a blogger who knits. I just don’t very much like blogging the little knitted pieces.
Right now I’m making socks (new Knit Picks superwash merino in Hydrangea, SO soft) for a friend’s birthday, a homespun hat for Ryan’s Scam, and I just finished last night a wee little baby sweater for a preggers friend at work. I did that five-hour sweater, and while I found its instructions a little odd, I ignored the funny bits and it turned out so ooey-gooey sweet. Of course, I didn’t take a picture of it. But I did make it out of this lovely angora pink stuff, I think it was old Classic Elite Lush from the stash pile, and I also just finished the new Vogue flame cardie in the same yarn, so at least you’ll see the color. Yeah. Soon. When I get around to attaching a zipper (no buttons for me, thanks). Whenever that is. I have a brand new TV and I haven’t watched a single program yet. This weekend also promises to be busy as heck, but that’s fun stuff.
Hey! The Whoreshoes are playing Smiley’s Saloon in Bolinas on Saturday night. If you’ve ever been to Bolinas, you know this is the perfect venue for ’em. It’s a run-down honkey-tonk where the bar stools grab your ass and the pianer leans a little more at closing time. You should go. I’ll be the groupie with the lighter.