And for being so patient in waiting for the Flame pics, more photos for you, these from the Bolinas Whoreshoes show.
Silvia is rad:
And her date (bless me if I can remember his name – Pete?) was cool, too, although this shot doesn’t show his best face. I love this shot, though. I hope he doesn’t mind. (Silvia, tell me if he does.)
And then there’s me with my girl:
And have I mentioned that my girlfriend is a Total Fucking Rock Star?
And here:
See, the one who is picked to take the photos, takes the photos of things she likes. Just sayin’.
Might I proudly add that while she got that fab suit off eBay, I found her the boots in a window in Berkeley. Oh, yeah.
And the sisters were there! In order, Bethany, Christy, and me.
I hate that picture of me (hellllooo, treble chin) but are they not the cutest?